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  1. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to Tamworthram in Current points total compared to previous Div 3 seasons   
    What nonsense.
    Beating another team that happens to be the better team for 20 minutes and has the better chances in the second half isn’t the definition of fortune. They were better but not good enough to score more than one before we netted four times. They had the better chances but not good enough to convert more than one chance into a goal.
    The definition of fortune is when something happens beyond the control of either team. For example, a heavily deflected goal or an unjustified sending off both of which happened to us at Bolton. Peterborough’s failure to score more than two goals in response to our four wasn’t down to luck (from my recollection) is was down to either their poor finishing or our defending being good enough to avoid conceding. 
  2. Like
    GB SPORTS reacted to archram in Josh Vickers   
    I had an aggressive breast cancer with 7% chance of survival. Surgery, chemo, Radio were pretty horrendous and there were nights I hoped I didn’t wake up in the morning. My partner was wonderful throughout supported by my kids and wider family. I always felt it was much harder for them than for me emotionally. I didn’t have a choice but to get on with it while they had to deal with me and contemplate a future without me.
    So, Josh, you have already fought a tremendous battle just being at your wife’s side through this but the aftermath will take even greater strength and fortitude. You will need support for a long time to come - I hope it’s there from family, colleagues and us who love the club, and by extension, you.
  3. COYR
    GB SPORTS reacted to SamUltraRam in Current points total compared to previous Div 3 seasons   
    13 points from 8 games is more than any of our last 3 third division seasons
    2022/23 - 11 points
    1985/86 - 10 points
    1984/85 - 11 points
    Just imagine what is possible when we start playing well 
  4. Like
    GB SPORTS reacted to SamUltraRam in Current points total compared to previous Div 3 seasons   
    We've also scored more goals than the last 3 third division seasons
    2023/24 - 14 goals ( despite us appearing to be 'shot shy' )
    We've actually scored in every game this season
    2022/23 - 7 goals
    1985/86 - 11 goals
    1984/85 - 10 goals
  5. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to Comrade 86 in Warne: what would it take?   
    It's not binary though, is it? The entire premise overlooks a bracket into which I'd wager the largest sector of fans fall. The pro and out camps on here just seem the most prevalent because they make the most noise.
    My hunch is that a largest number of fans are simply undecided and want to see how Warne progresses with this set of players; others may be concerned that if we are not successful this season, compensation for the remainder of Warne's 4 year contract may not even be viable; doubtless others just think that sacking managers without affording them the chance to build their own team is braindead and what got us here in this mess in the first place; there's probably even some who wonder how we'd look with a squad less injury stricken. Let's be clear about this; none of those views necessarily constitute them being pro-Warne, nor do any render them happy clappers.
    Bit of a tangent maybe, but let's be honest here; it's dead easy to say drop the gaffer, pay the compo and find us someone better when it's not you that's footing the bill. It's not nearly so easy when you've already spaffed £52 million saving the club in the first place. 
  6. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to Marriot Ram99 in Russell Brand   
    Brand is not right wing he isn't a Conservative guy, I would say I'm alot further to the right myself without being far right or anything.  He's anti establishment and progressive I think mainly so like a slightly left of centre anti establishment guy who aligns with some Conservative narratives as well. He's the type of guy who would be happy to have more migrants coming in as long they are in poorer areas not near him.
    As far as the case goes it sounds bad in a way but I'm not exactly thinking innocent until proven guilty when it comes to him,was a very dodgy character and with no self control during the period so nothing would surprise me and some of the allegations make me think he should be locked up for a while if true as someone who liked to listen to some of his Youtube talk shows in the past and thought he was alright. 
  7. Haha
    GB SPORTS reacted to Abu Derby in So who would we have then?   
    That Colin bloke is actually Neil according to the Beeb.
  8. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to Marriot Ram99 in So who would we have then?   
    I wouldn't want Warnock not exactly going to be a good option to build us long term is he?  Also can't believe people would want him and complain but Warnes football,  he's not exactly Guardiola or De Zerbi. Plays direct and old school. 
  9. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to KBB in 11 Points   
    The 11 point record doesn't bother me. Any football fan you chat to will want to talk about it and listen to stories about it.
    One fan I met couldn't believe that I had a season ticket and went to every game. He said after about 10 games he would have stopped going and probably never gone back the next season either.
    Its a badge of honour for me among friends who support massive clubs and have seen them play maybe once or twice in the flesh that I kept going and still do.
    Worst team in history? Yeah we were. The fans showed they were anything but and we should be eternally proud of that and own it as a club and a fan base.
  10. Haha
    GB SPORTS reacted to Stive Pesley in New joke thread (trigger alert, may offend if you want it to)   
    We've all been there Keir...don't worry

  11. Clap
    GB SPORTS got a reaction from admira in A new daily game. Name the year & opponents of a famous Rams match   
    V Newcastle in the league (1977?) a game only memorable by the fact Hales scored 2. (In Ossie End that day.)
  12. Like
    GB SPORTS reacted to therealhantsram in Electric Vehicles   
    There is no doubt this is a challenge. If the government was genuinely serious they should have forced house builders to come up with a solution for this 5 years ago.  Still new houses being built in the same way. It's bonkers.
    For all the existing properties, if there is demand there will be a solution. In the same way they managed to run cable TV across all the cities in the 90s and 2000s there will surely be an equivalent focus on pavement digging in the coming years.  Like this option maybe: https://www.urbanelectric.london/
  13. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to Archied in Russell Brand   
    Got 5 mins in and honestly the bloke is in my view one of those that you get on both extremes of a view / narrative , pretty early he talks about how brand is making millions from what he says are far right views but doesn’t seem to register he was also making millions when he chose him as was it man of the year ? And he was spewing his filth then too but it was ok cause he was on the right side of the fence for him , he’s everything that those who defend brand now because he apparently pushes alternative views are 🤷🏻‍♂️
  14. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to admira in A new daily game. Name the year & opponents of a famous Rams match   
    and what a line up that was. 
  15. Clap
    GB SPORTS got a reaction from admira in A new daily game. Name the year & opponents of a famous Rams match   
    V Telford Fa Cup Round 2 1985 Second time we had beaten them inside two seasons.
    Rare trip into Normanton Lower for this one, can't remember why. Note full strength side.
  16. Haha
    GB SPORTS reacted to FindernRam in Hi tech toys you had as a kid   
    Not a true user! Where's the rubber bands to hold the 16K rampack on? 😄
  17. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to Ram-Alf in Russell Brand   
    I think lots do Archie, This thread confirms this, If James Corden was charged for impersonating a comedian and I was on the Jury, He's guilty as soon as I'm sworn in 😁, A heard of wild horses wouldn't move me 👍 
  18. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in Russell Brand   
    My opinion on Brand for what it's worth is that he took his content in a very specific direction, which was seemingly at odds with his character at any time prior, in an effort to craft a very convenient narrative that he's on the receiving and of an establishment/media stitch up.
    He has been using legal threats to stop these allegations from coming out, but he isn't an idiot and knew that would only work for so long. With that in mind, he created a persona and a body of content that very conveniently gives him not only a story to counter the allegations with, but with a means of income once his mainstream career is impacted by said allegations.
    Any notion that Brand and his clickbait YouTube ramblings are a threat to the established order and that being the reason for these allegations coming out now is so laughable as to not even be entertained in my mind.
  19. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to Brammie Steve in Derby v Lincoln Match Thread   
    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again!
    Set him free to play to his strengths!
  20. Like
    GB SPORTS reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Our best eleven - when all fit   
    I’m no Mel Morris apologist, the bloke is a very unpleasant 4 letter word as far as I’m concerned. 
    And I’m not happy clapping Roy, I admit and have done consistently that there are concerns with Warne’s tactical approach, I look to be objective where I can and consider other people’s opinions, I haven’t nailed my colours to one mast and will insist on dying on that hill unlike some. 
    If Warne doesn’t improve things, he goes, we get another manager and I back them, same as I have done since I started supporting the club as a child. I’m not as experienced as some of our fans as I have no control over when I was born and that my first games were in the early 90s where some peoples were in the 60s or 70s. Credit to those of you who’ve stuck at this longer than the rest of us.
    I’ve lived through my own issues and as a result I don’t see the need personally to get wound up by things out of my control and I choose to look for positives because it’s a better way for me to be. Sometimes it’s enjoyable to just discuss things objectively about the squad we have or the way we’re playing without it turning into a more spiteful exchange, that’s all I’m ever trying to do on here and as I’ve said before it’s increasingly hard to do so as so many are keen to dig into all the negatives. 
  21. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to angieram in Our best eleven - when all fit   
    You keep going, Caerphilly Ram. Your posts often lift my spirits when I am feeling down after a bad afternoon. 
    But I do try to look at each game/performance objectively, as it comes, rather than with a preconceived agenda.
    Not everyone is capable of doing that! 
  22. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to RamsFan10 in Derby v Carlisle (A) Match Thread   
     Wilson Nelson Cashin Forsyth 
                 Smith Fornah
            NML Sibley  Barkhuizen 
    It just has to be. Please Paul. 
  23. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to sage in One of our Aircraft is Missing (Hollywood remake)   
    A good film too. Got some football in it.
  24. Like
    GB SPORTS reacted to 8Leeds in Derby v Lincoln Match Thread   
    Never mind Reading, after that performance my wife’s going to be getting 8 as well
    two separate portions of 4

  25. Haha
    GB SPORTS reacted to littleover ram in Ryan Nyambe - Signed Until Jan 2024, Extended to 2027   
    A league one level player. Nice to see the squad slowly degrading - if we ever do go back up it’ll be a struggle to stay in the championship 
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