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Mick Brolly

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Posts posted by Mick Brolly

  1. 2 minutes ago, David said:

    Vegetarian as well, but let’s ignore that for a minute @Boycie, Gluten free won a pie award!!!

    The Gluten Free Mooless Pie by Bristol-based Pieminister was crowned Supreme Champion at the event in St Mary's Church, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire.


    Seems a bit far fetched are you sure it's pukka 

  2. 2 hours ago, Highgate said:

    One anecdotal story a friend of mine picked up on Telegram (the app of choice for most Russians) was that a family fled in the first few days of the invasion. They were told by Russian soldiers "don't worry, you will be back home in three months

    Back home to no water no electric and a big pile of rubble that's something to look forward to for them.

  3. 7 hours ago, BaaLocks said:

    Blimey, that'll be it then. Thx - the whole thing laid out for us all to see by some minor journalist. A guy who, as late as just eight hours ago said "U.S. has NOT seen indications of Belarus preparing to deploy troops to Ukraine". Well f*&K me, there's a guy we need to listen to.

    Doesn't fit your narrative mock it

  4. 6 hours ago, BaaLocks said:

    Ah, you're a spokesman for the whole planet now are you? Well, congratulations on the appointment.

    All facts I'm no spokesperson it's what is happening tell me 1 thing I put that isn't the truth 

  5. News from the rest of the world as I'm hearing it.

    More innocent men women and children are being killed by the Russian army

    Putin is a evil dictator who doesn’t care about anyone else 

    Almost 1.5 million people have been forced to leave behind everything they ever had

    Russia controls and censors its media to stop the truth being told to its own people 

    Putin says his neighbours need not worry despite invading one

      Not for discussion it is what it is. 


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