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Mick Brolly

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Posts posted by Mick Brolly

  1. On 26/10/2022 at 20:46, duncanjwitham said:

    I think his time should be up. I was never a fan of the appointment, I think it was and remains a massive mistake, and the sooner that mistake is rectified, the sooner we can start recovering from it.  He very clearly has no intention of changing anything about his approach, and if this kind of form continues, I don’t see how we will be in any kind of touch with the playoffs to mount a challenge post-January.  If it’s clear we’re not going up this season, I suspect we lose all the good youngsters - why on earth are Knight, Cashin, Bird etc going to stay here when they will get plenty of offers at Championship level or higher.  And you can count on attendances declining if we’re still playing dreadful football in League 1, which is whittling away the big advantage we have over most other clubs in this league.

    There are other factors too. If we persist in this style of play, we’re rendering the academy pointless. What’s the point of developing players like Darren Robinson, if they’re never going to fit into the managers style? There’s years of effort gone into developing technical ball-playing footballers that’s entirely wasted. And if you break that path into the first team, you’re damaging the academy in years to come, because having that in place is a key selling point when recruiting youngsters. Again, that’s just trashing another of the big advantages we should have at this level.

    It’s not being a whiney baby, the club does not have an unconditional right to my support, it’s a 2-way transaction. If the club is telling me they are actively choosing to play dreadful football, that the club is going to be in a mess for years entirely because of decisions that they have made, then I don’t see why I should bother turning up. If the club is trying to play decent entertaining football, trying to do things right, then I will give them all the time in the world. But under Warne, I just don’t believe that.  I do not believe there is any justification to allowing a man with a track record of getting relegated from the Championship, to trash every facet of the club, in the hope that we might win some games in a couple of years time.

    What did you reckon today then?

  2. 16 minutes ago, duncanjwitham said:

    We’ve had a decade or so of near-catastrophic mis-management. The new owner has come in talking a good game, and then immediately set off making exactly the same mistakes as the last one. Frankly, I’m way past the point of giving anyone time to keep on making stupid mistakes. I just want someone at the club making decisions with just a tiny bit of common-sense and long-term planning.  I categorically do not want us to be the kind of club that Warne turned Rotherham into, so I have no interest in allowing him to go any further in changing us.

    So you've decided the new owner and new manger are going to be useless, on behalf of the club I would like to thank you for your patience and support during this new era. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Duracell said:

    This is the place where we discuss our opinions.

    Unless Paul Warne is wasting his time trawling through the forum, what we say here has absolutely nothing to do with his job whatsoever.

    We can basically say what we like about him, in fact. He'll never find out.

    Paul Warne's breath smells like monster munch. Pass it on.

    Pickled onion or roast beef?

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