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Posts posted by Gaspode

  1. 8 hours ago, Carl Sagan said:

    The Creator written and directed by Gareth Edwards (who rose rapidly to fame from Monsters to Godzilla to Rogue One). As you might expect from those movies, this is visually sumptuous, probably the best-looking film released this year. 

    The more I think about the story, the worse it becomes. I've not read any reviews, but if I were pitching this to a studio it would be Blade Runner 2049 meets The Golden Child, with a bit of District 9 sprinkled over it. The basic story is humans vs AI. David Washington kind of reprises his role in TENET while Gemma Chan, once of Humans, gets to co-star.

    Tom Ince/10 More style over substance.


    Hmmmm, Gemma Chan

    ding dong.jpeg

  2. 8 hours ago, Yoxoram said:

    I remember a hundred years ago and was absolutely starving and invested in a meat pie, was it at Ipswich or Norwich, not sure but it was at one of those grounds. It was the most disgusting thing I've ever eaten. However, the pictures on this thread have gone to a new level. I'm so grateful that I never eat inside a ground anymore. I am sure that whatever side of any arguments we are on, we all agree! That food inside a football ground is disgusting. Sleep well everyone.

    Doubt it was Norwich - unless things have changed dramatically, Deliah used to oversee the pie offerings - last time I went I had a beef in red wine pie - absolutely lovely.....

  3. 48 minutes ago, Archied said:

    Not sure about that , when I was a kid Halloween was massive with Scottish families , we did the visit houses for sweets thing but it wasn’t called trick or treating, we were having this debate with a few friends and the English mates seemed to think it was a recent American import but an Irish friend said it was massive with the Irish too when he was a kid , we are in our sixties so we are talking 50 odd years ago

    Heard someone on the radio saying that the origins actually date back to medieval times - apparently the 'trick' part was originally to 'do' a trick rather than 'play' one (i.e. sing a song or suchlike...)

  4. 8 hours ago, TigerTedd said:

    When I was younger I used to think that religion was the root cause of war. Now I’ve grown up, I’ve realised that’s not the case at all. The war mongers don’t give a s*** about religion either. 

    Religion isn't necessarily the root cause, but it's a hugely convenient thing to use to justify wars - most religions are all or nothing and demand that anyone who doesn't worship the same sky pixie should be treated with utter contempt - it's then a small step for those craving power to persuade simple minds that they should to want to destroy the non-believers at any cost.....

  5. 9 hours ago, TuffLuff said:


    ....Soon to be followed by a secondary protest group because some fans don’t agree with the aims of the first protest group. Then the first group vote out the spokesperson for their group because they disagree with something they’ve said, which then sparks a third group to appear who are once again unclear in their aims.

    They sound a bit like the People's Front of Judea - or is that the Judean People's Front?......


  6. 2 hours ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    NO spoilers please 🙂

    To whet your appetite for tonights Mexican Grand Prix, we have the EnduroKa live from Brands Hatch, the economy hatch is endurance racing, with over 6 hours of pulsating excitment remaining!



    No intention of posting any spoilers - other than to tell you that you’ll enjoy it immensely!

  7. 1 hour ago, Topram said:

    Still can’t believe that Washington didn’t shoot straight after half time, could of changed the game, then ward later on, why are they scared to shoot?

    Look at the way Collins has been crucified on here for daring to shoot when he could have played Barks in on goal....

    Players are clearly not immune to social media and this forum (look at NMLs response after his goal the other night) - the toxicity in our 'fanbase' would make the best players think twice (and we don't have the best players by a long shot.....)

  8. 16 minutes ago, TigerTedd said:

    Grown up with friends. And my wife always has it on the background still. Such a shame. Seemed a genuinely nice and funny guy.

    He did - but unfortunately he was the one that couldn't hack the fame that came with such a big show - it's well documented that he'd had serious issues with drink & drugs for many years (to the point that there were periods during filming when he couldn't remember his lines).

    This seems to have been a tragic accident, but whether his addictions played a part will probably become clear at a later date....utterly shocked me this morning to hear of his passing at such a relatively young age, but the more I think about it, the less shocked I really am....

  9. 6 hours ago, Will the Ram said:

    That worked out well.

    Weird timing though after their least winnable fixture - they lost to Leicester (everyone has) and had a player sent off - I’d guess the owners had already made the decision but wanted another loss to confirm they were justified in getting shot…

  10. 1 minute ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

    Warne also said that he wanted to create a team the fans find exciting, that go out to try and win every match. I'm starting to think that what he says and reality are two very different things.

    I don’t doubt that he wants to create that sort of team - unfortunately it seems he’s completely incapable of doing it….

  11. 24 minutes ago, Archied said:

    It’s also worth noting that dredging river s is a thing of the past 

    Almost 30 years ago we were house hunting and went to Willington to look at some new builds off Hall Lane - as we stood outside one of the houses looking down towards the river we were approached by the sales woman and got chatting to her. Being relatively local we were well aware of the issues with flooding in the area so weren't at all serious about buying but I thought I'd ask her about the possibility of floods - "oh, lots of people ask" she said, "in fact people who'd already moved in stand at the end of the road whenever there was heavy rain and watch the river expand" - I suggested that it was quite worrying but she told me not to worry as they would be dredging the river to make sure the houses were safe - it was only when I asked her how often they'd dredge it that she had to urgently rush off back to the show home.....

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