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  1. Haha
    europia reacted to ariotofmyown in Craig Forsyth Stag do   
    What about Chris Martin's contract situation?
  2. Clap
    europia reacted to bucktwo in Craig Forsyth Stag do   
    Fortunately Keogh has signed for Blackpool for another year   
  3. Haha
    europia reacted to ThePrisoner in Craig Forsyth Stag do   
    You thought that from the very poor photoshop above?!
  4. Haha
    europia reacted to Rev in Craig Forsyth Stag do   
    Why not? 
    He's made them all millionaires!
  5. Clap
    europia reacted to Tombo in Who is in the running to buy Pride Park?   
    I mean there's absolutely zero credibility to the slop served up by The Athletic since Ryan Conway left.
    To those saying its David Clowes personally, read the article again, it explicitly says Clowes Development.
    Allegedly they refused to comment, but one phone call from a trainee reporter at a local newspaper was all it took for it to be thoroughly debunked.
    Well done to the Derby Telegraph.
    The Athletic, you don't half talk some rubbish. 100% cancelling my subscription. Never read so much dross
  6. Clap
    europia reacted to Mostyn6 in The Administration Thread   
    B4, please read this carefully as it’s been said a few times and you look very silly ignoring it! 
    it does not matter how much money we want to spend or how rich the owners might be, as part of the deal we will be limited by rules on how much we can spend on players and wages! 
    There are businesses only being paid 35p (over 3 years) for every £1 Derby owe them.
    To put this into context, pretend I owe you £1000. Now imagine I’m only going to pay you £120 this year, £120 next year and £110 in two years, you won’t be getting the remaining £650 I owe you because I say that I can’t afford it. Now imagine that at the same time as paying you only £120, you find out I’ve spent £2000 on buying the same thing you sold me but from someone else. You’d be upset right??
    well, to prevent this happening, EFL force clubs coming out of administration to sign up to a business plan limiting spending and budgets. If the club doesn’t stick to it, point deductions and embargos happen. 
    So please please stop saying Derby will spend decent money. We wont. It’s not allowed. 
  7. Haha
    europia reacted to Van der MoodHoover in The Administration Thread   
    Squire Patton Boggs sounds like a character from a Jane austen novel.... ?
  8. Clap
    europia reacted to hintonsboots in The Administration Thread   
    Heard today it is a joint venture between French connection (FC UK) and the actor Mel Gibson. Will renamed the FC UK Gibson stadium.?
  9. Like
    europia reacted to angieram in Get the .... in! What's first priority!!   
    Surely the club can multi-task?
  10. Like
    europia reacted to Tyler Durden in The Administration Thread   
    This period of exclusivity is just a white elephant load of nonsense - there's no one else interested in buying the club offering to pay as much as Kirchner so it may as well last indefinitely until if he decides to pull out.
  11. Clap
    europia reacted to Carl Sagan in The Administration Thread   
    Another possible way of thinking about Ashley is, the less he spends to buy the club, the more he can spend on it. If it had been possible to buy us before the January window it would have been a different story, but the EFL and Gibson ensured that was impossible. So now the actual value of the club is very little, so how much is it worth not to have a 15 point deduction next season? Probably not worth £20 million. Maybe it's better to try to survive and then use that £20 million on the club later? I'm just thinking aloud, trying to be generous.
  12. Haha
    europia reacted to strawhillram in The Administration Thread   
    What’s he doing at Abbey Road !
     Should be slugging it out with Mel
  13. Haha
    europia reacted to Eddie in The Administration Thread   
    Mel will sell the stadium to Mel then.
    Oh, wait - he already did that.
  14. Haha
    europia reacted to B4ev6is in The Administration Thread   
    Bloody mel
    Stop being a banker and just sell to kircher.
  15. Like
    europia reacted to RoyMac5 in The Administration Thread   
    He got them promoted twice, spent money and sold them not put them in admin. I imagine that's Red Nev's comment?!
  16. Like
    europia reacted to Tyler Durden in Kircher dont listen those idouts   
    It's one person with the moniker of Dominic Brown that's he's called out rightly...don't even know if it's a fake account set up by a Forest fan.
    Kirchner does choose to make his announcements over Twitter however which I'll leave right there. 
  17. Clap
    europia reacted to CornwallRam in The Administration Thread   
    I've regularly asked this question over the years; why would anyone other than a billionaire playboy or a super-wealthy fan buy a Championship club?
    The question remains valid, although we're now a League 1 club at best. Why would you pour millions down the drain trying to build a team who might just get promotion to the Premier, but most likely will just hoover up your fortune?
    I think the answer probably is that the only other realistic owner is a chancer taking a gamble. I suspect that's what Kirchner is. That's not to be too harsh on him - he's the best we can hope for and he's far better than oblivion. 
    With stakes this high however, chancers won't be gambling with their own money. This will be a leveraged buy out. Kirchner will need the stadium as security. That's why he needs to buy it at a discount. Imo, he simply will not buy the club (including the stadium) for more than he can eventually borrow against it. He'll be aware that he'll need to stabilise things and make DCFC look like a big club again to fully leverage his asset. But as soon as he can, he'll look to recover all of his 'investment' and fund a promotion push by borrowing more. 
    If it succeeds, he'll make a good profit. If it fails, we'll be back in administration in a couple of years. Hopefully though, the next time it won't have Mel's 'clever' structure acting as a lead weight. And the next chancer will be easier to attract. 
    That's not to be too disparaging; in our current situation, we're not going to attract anyone better than Kirchner and sometimes gambles pay off. Better to be a chancer's roulette bet than to be the big club who died.
  18. Like
    europia reacted to PistoldPete in The Administration Thread   
    Can you imagine Mel morris doing that? It would be asking for it I think. Not that Kirchner deserves abuse but it is twitter after all, it's an absolute cess pit.  
  19. Clap
    europia reacted to plymouthram in The Administration Thread   
    Quantuma are going to be the only winners of this balls up, which they have been masters at. It's a bit like the Wagatha libel case, the winners will be the lawyers. And who picked the Administrators, yes it was Mel. I just hope tomorrow somebody states some facts on where we are and whats happening. Time for this nightmare to finish, sort it everyone.
    Who's to blame for the last 8 months, Mel Morris, EFL, Steve Gibson, Quantuma, Rick Parry, Tyre kickers (Fake Sheikh & Alonso), bad refs and that gobby yank at Wycombe. Please feel free to inform me of any other parties that I have missed off the list. The ones that come out with credit in this, is Wayne and his coaching staff, the players and the FANS.
  20. Clap
    europia reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in Steve Nicholson leaving the Derby Telegraph   
    A good man working for what has become a useless rag.
    The DET's drive to chase digital revenue stripped it bare of any journalistic integrity in favour of retweets, clickbait and a frankly unreadable website format.
    All the best to Steve. He deserves a break.
  21. Clap
    europia reacted to Comrade 86 in Wayne Rooney   
    Seems Vardy's lawyer is posturing for his client. No legal beagle but I'm under the impression that 'balance of probability' applies in libel cases which is rather different to the 'beyond all reasonable doubt benchmark' used in criminal law. Suspect his bating of Colleen was simply to ingratiate himself with his odious client before slapping a million quid invoice on her desk when he's finished bungling her case. He's probably surmised that Vardy is so thick that all he need do is tell her he doesn't think she got a fair hearing and she'll believe it, thereby neatly dodging any responsibility or awkward post mortems in the process. 
  22. Like
    europia reacted to 61GT in The Administration Thread   
    A vintage Alfa and a Bugatti, clearly great (and expensive!) tastes ?
  23. Haha
    europia reacted to Grumpy Git in The Administration Thread   
    He'll mean Epsom.
  24. Like
    europia got a reaction from HeyHudson in Chris Coles leaving Radio Derby in July   
    Gibson? Hmmm, alright for reminiscing about 'the good old days' but I think RD need someone a bit more dynamic if they want folks to listen to the programme. Chris Coles is an excellent presenter and it's no surprise he is moving onwards and upwards. Best of luck to him!
  25. Haha
    europia reacted to Tyler Durden in Who is looking forward to league one   
    I'm looking forward to visiting the stadium we will be ground sharing 
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