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Posts posted by Parsnip

  1. 1 hour ago, Andicis said:

    This is a bit of a reach, but I've posted on every other social media platform that I have and my mum is pretty upset about it. 

    Tonight at roughly 5.27pm my dog managed to escape our gate and we've been unable to find her since. She escaped on to our driveway next to the B6179 just outside of Little Eaton. 

    Posting on the off chance that somebody may have been driving past at that point in time and seen something, cheers. 







    You've probably tried these have you? If she's got herself into survival mode then you'll need to get these buggers on the case.

  2. 16 minutes ago, cstand said:

    Absolutely no idea what point you are trying prove can you please elaborate in a coherent manner

    Dunno. Can't remember putting that. Don't even know what I was referring to. I'd had a fair few that night. I've had a few now as well. It was probably something right wingy that got me back up. For coherence try and catch me on a midweek lunchtime.


  3. On 03/05/2021 at 18:25, angieram said:

    But doesn't everybody think they are cleverer than the government? Some of those people are now dead.

    What makes you confident it is okay for you to put your own interpretation on the rules but not the next guy? 

    It's a genuine question, I know people who have been putting their own interpretation on the rules right through the pandemic. Most have been okay.  Is that down to judgement, or luck? 

    For me, I have followed the rules because I just don’t know whether I could be putting someone at risk. I suppose I don't feel that I am cleverer than the government.

    As soon as I saw you had a clap reaction to that i thought 'that's gotta be either Boris himself or @cstand???

  4. 1 minute ago, Rev said:

    Ninja Foodi, with the probe?

    We've got one too, great for grilling, air frying and even a one pot Sunday dinner.

    We have a big red cylinder shaped one which apparently does everything from air frying to yoghurt making to dehydrating - (I dont care about that one) - we have a soup maker (I don't care about that one either) and we have the steak grill, yeah with a probe. That's the one I want to be buried with.

  5. Bird/Knight/Sibley could have 30+ games under their belts this season as a midfield 3, well on their way to becoming the most exciting partnership in the league. Watson coming through.

    In that parallel universe would we have done any worse than we've done this season?

    Instead we've got Knight being played all over the pitch and out of form, Bird and Sibley rotting on the bench.

    We should do the decent thing and sell all three of them cheap to a club that knows how to use them.

  6. If we were any other team, off the back of that Millwall hat-trick I'd have said put him in as #10 and build the team around him. 

    But this is Derby. So like we did with Will Hughes he needs converting to a defensive midfielder. In fact I'd put him in at DM alongside Louie Watson - tell them both to sit and hold and try and get some clean sheets. I reckon that should give them both the right message and @RamNut can stop putting his childish "forward" arrows in front of players on his team sheets. 

    These lads can save their "creativity" for when they get a move. Just like Will did.

  7. 8 hours ago, Sith Happens said:

    That's it though, you go out for a few beers then go to the restaurant,  last thing you want is carrying a cool bag with you all night.

    Just don't get it.  Don't know if it is a gimmick to attract people who want to save money or it's the restaurant not able or wanting to get a license. 

    There was one in Belper when I lived there - the owner said it was because making a profit on alcohol was against their Muslim beliefs but they would take our wine and beers, put them in the fridge and even serve them. Lovely place that was - on the steep hill opposite the market place - and ideally situated next to an off license. 

  8. 10 minutes ago, Jourdan said:

    What an entirely foreseeable situation. It seems the only person who couldn’t see it was Frank himself.

    He was so naive in taking the Chelsea job. He should have stayed here and grown with the club. Getting us promoted and re-established in the PL would have reflected far better on him as a manager.

    For such a seemingly intelligent bloke, the lack of common sense and long-term thinking was astounding.

    He knows exactly how both Chelsea as a club and Roman as an owner operate so he should have recognised that the moment he stopped hitting club targets, he would be at risk.

    If no protection, time or patience was afforded to managers like Mourinho, Ancelotti and Conte, why would Roman treat him any differently?

    We'd have sacked him sooner than Chelsea did.

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