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Posts posted by uttoxram75

  1. 11 hours ago, Alpha said:

    Netenyahu says revenge starts tonight. 

    Terrorist scum. War criminal and zionist invader. 

    With support from Genocide Joe and of course Britain like a good little doggy follow obediently with whatever America orders. 

    The "Hamas Israel War" where thousands of innocent Palestinians are killed by association for not leaving a prison. 

    Revenge for 40 beheaded babies (no proof), mass rape (no proof), burning people alive (no proof). The 5,000 dead was not enough for Israel. That was just warming up. 

    "But the Holocaust!!" is the defence as they carry Apartheid. 

    "But anti-Semitism" is the cry when they go on a genocidal rampage. 

    From Atomic bombs to Gulf Of Tonkin incident to Agent Green and Napalm strikes to false WMD claims to proxy wars supporting terrorists to providing arms to IS to funding a $3.8b war via a colony on the Middle East. 

    Next time you hear some war monger stood Infront of stars and Stripes in a country with such inequality, such high murder rates, where you can't be sure your children won't be gunned down by an assault rifle.... next time you do hear "democracy and freedom. God Bless America" try to hold in the vomit.

    Manifest Destiny isn't over. Empire building isn't dead

    Oil and gas Alpha, you forgot oil and gas. That's the only thing driving this slaughter now. That's what the Empire was all about, natural resources, robbing and pillaging other countries, we're still doing it but try and pretend its for other reasons.

  2. 3 hours ago, Tyler Durden said:

    I pulled the comments from an Insta footy account showing the clip of Hourihane being abused by our fans, in no particular order:-

    Embarrassing from the fans

    Why do Derby demand so highly of their players when they've clearly found their level in League 1

    Too many fans think you win football matches because of the size of your club and fanbase. Shrewsbury are a good league 1 side expecting to just turn up and roll them over is disrespectful to the Shrews players 

    Having a go at the wrong person to be honest he didn't play amazingly well but neither did anyone else. If anyone should reassure the fans it should be Warne.

    I suppose they've never had a bad day at the office either disgusting behaviour!

    Feel sorry for Hourihane he shouldn't be answering for this should be Warne answering why we can't break down average teams. 

    Most self entitled fans on the face of the earth. 

    Derby fans so embarrassing 

    These fans live on past glories and think they have a god given right to success

    I'm sure that an Insta footy account is full of level headed sensible fans who would never dream of criticising 30,000 Derby fans because two of them shouted at a player.

    Then again, maybe i'm wrong and some of them are really stupid 15 year olds.

  3. 28 minutes ago, uttoxram75 said:

    Mbappe copying Washington......


    oops, i thought i'd embedded a clip of the goal there but must have broken some law or summatt.

    I'm sure Boycie will bail me out.......

    Anyroad, watch Mbappe's goal and tell me it wasn't a carbon copy of Connor Washington's against Exeter!

  4. Kudos to @ossieram and his D block crew in the South Stand, when it could have got a bit tetchy for the first half hour or so they kept a positive drumbeat (literally) of songs going to get behind  the players. It worked, enough joined in to keep any moans and groans down.


    Fair play to Exeter as well for a decent turnout and support for a bloody long journey on a Tuesday night.

  5. 4 minutes ago, angieram said:

    He also put in a shift covering across to allow Bird the freedom he had tonight. It's not just about what he does on the ball, it's out of possession too. And he's doing this off the back off no pre-season at all. 

    Agree Angie, I thought Sibley did ok tonight. Nothing flashy but he worked hard and made it possible for Bird to push on. He was solid and did a shift for the team.


  6. 12 hours ago, I DONT MIND said:

    Arsenal 1972 when we gave Bob Wilson a bad back!!

    The memorable goal is Hinton's into the Normanton End where he rifled a right foot thunderbolt past hapless Bob.

    This spell is the best i have seen Derby ever play from whacking Benfica at Home to drawing with Newcastle, amazingly it came to an end when we got beat at the Victoria Ground stoke. 4-0 !!!

    Stoke had the indian sign on us that season as they also thrashed us at the BBG.


    The Stoke team of 1972 was the best in their history tbf. They were FA Cup Semi-Finalists in 1971 and 1972, won the League Cup in 72 and finished 4th that year. 

    I was at school surrounded by Stokies back then and remember it well, They won the League Cup in March, the first trophy they'd ever won and were full of it. By May Derby had won the League and that shut the chipeaters up!!!!

    50 odd years later i still take the pish out of a few clayheads of my age about it. I am that sad.

  7. 9 hours ago, Mucker1884 said:

    My thoughts exactly!

    I guess if and when this kicks in, the relevant authorities will list "recommended/acceptable apps/formats" to give them what they want.

    I'm very tempted to forget all about this until such time as we get pulled up for not complying... Hopefully I'll be retired by then anyways!  🤣

    Boycie will be on soon to tell you to switch it off and on again.

    Hope this helps.

  8. 6 hours ago, David said:

    Telling me you've never done it on the way home from the pub at night, caught short, behind number 70s rose bush?

    How tf could you possibly know that?



    oops, you were talking to Boycie, as you were.....

  9. 59 minutes ago, Bris Vegas said:

    England have a brilliant squad. We aren’t blessed with the best central defenders in Europe, or left-back or GK, but every other spot we have a player who is arguably top 5-10 in Europe in that position.

    We can win Euro 2024.

    But to do so, we are going to have to do something Southgate (or any other England manager in my lifetime) has never done before - beat a top team on foreign soil in knockout football.

    I started watching football in the 90s so I’ve seen us lose to Brazil, Portugal, France, Italy, Belgium, Croatia and Germany. 

    The best teams we have beaten in knockout football is Denmark in 02, Ukraine in 2020 and Colombia in 2018. 

    I agree we have a squad capable of winning. What we don't have is a manager with the cojones of Alf Ramsay who would drop a favourite player for the benefit of the team.

    In 1966, Jimmy Greaves was the nation's hero, A superb goalscorer with pace and skill who could win you a game with a flash of brilliance. 

    He was dropped for Geoff Hurst who was a decent player, but not explosive or capable of going past a defender, but who could hold the ball up and bring other players into the game. He could stop the other team attacking by keeping the ball, sticking his big arse into the defender and winning fouls, Chris Martin if you will........

    The point is, Ramsay wasn't bothered about the press, the fans or the pundits, he picked a team to win a competition knowing the other teams will cheat, dive and foul to win a game so he picked players who were hard enough to cope with that. 

    Imagine Kane for instance being dropped for a lesser player but who would give the team more chance of winning. Not that we've got a play like that, but if we had, Southgate would not pick him.

  10. 2 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

    To defend the much hated MSM, most of the "news" here is just coming from tweets from either side. I'm not sure the media can really do anything to verify these claims. I'm sure they are trying to though.

    The despised BBC is still one of the most trusted news sources in the world, although it's been carefully hollowed out by populist pressure.

    The BBC overall is brilliant imo. The depth and breadth of programming and information is generally first class. 

    However, there is no doubt that in times of war or major political upheaval, it's news output is state controlled, as every country's main news outlet is.

    Can you imagine any modern state not having some control over their main news?

    You can find a lot of info about mi5/6 being involved in the BBC over the years if you wish to look for it.

    As i've got older, i now take all main headlines with a pinch of salt and look around for alternative views before taking it all in.

    The BBC are compelled to lie by omission rather than outright falsehoods. Stuff that would compromise the government or royal family or even nations that we back for political or trade reasons get a watered down version of events or even a news blackout.


    One example i will use is Lord Mountbatten. Member of the Royal family, a war hero, uncle to King Charles 111.

    When i was a kid, an old Uncle would always refer to him as Lord Mountbottom. My uncle had served in the Navy in WW2 and was a bit of a pisshead tbf. One day, in a sober moment, i asked him why he called him Mountbottom. He told me that was his nickname amongst the ratings for his penchant for young boys, apparently it was well known from the 1940's onwards.


    Many years later, i read how Mountbatten was linked to the infamous Kincora Boys home in Belfast and the papers connected to the inquiries into the murders and sexual abuse there have been refused publication until 2064 and one particular report 2080!

    Thats not just to protect the members of the Orange Order who ran the home, that's got to be a major member of the establishment or royalty.

    People who control our media, BBC or otherwise, know about all this stuff, they knew about Saville.

    They are not allowed to publish it.



  11. 3 hours ago, Magicman said:

    Fake I saw TV report all people walking about a few actors laying about but the hospital was in tact. 

    People said the same about last weeks attack didnt they. 

    I think all sides can agree that the media cannot be trusted to report impartially and truthfully. And thats the problem, we can only make up our minds on what seems plausible or most likely, not what we are told.

  12. 42 minutes ago, Highgate said:

    Thinking about this from a purely Israeli point of view for a moment. The hamas attack was a shocking and horrible crime against their nation. There are very few people that don't think those members of Hamas who carried out the brutal attacks aren't legitimate targets for the IDF. That much seems to make perfect sense. 

    There are others who also believe that any measures employed to destroy Hamas itself is now justified. Given that Hamas are attacking from and are dispersed within Gaza, they view a heavy Palestinian civilian death toll as an unfortunate but necessary side effect of Israel defending itself from an enemy of this nature. That's not my view but that's beside the point, many people support this position including, crucially, the US government. 

    But just looking at this strategically, and leaving aside the dreadful human and moral implications for now, isn't this another lamentable strategic mistake in the long term? Won't this mass bombing of Gaza, create future generations of Hamas fighters determined to get their revenge when their time comes.  You could of course say it's been the decades of Israeli policy against the Palestinian people that have allowed Hamas to usurp Fatah in the first place.  Surely the bombing of Gaza in the last few days is just going to serve to prolong this war even further, deepen hatreds and actually strengthen Hamas, by guaranteeing them a whole new generation of eager recruits.  Wouldn't Israel have been better off, purely from it's own perspective,  just trying to tighten border security to make sure gangs of Hamas terrorists couldn't ever do something similar again. 

    There's a debate out there that Israel do not want any chance of a two state solution, in any shape or form. Therefore an escalation of this magnitude plays into their hands and "justifies" a complete dispersion of the Palestinians. Indeed, it would explain their constant policy of settlers taking palestinian land and property by force.

    I certainly don't know enough about it but the more you read, the more you fear the worst. If Hamas stopped any attacks or provocation then the international community would start to put pressure on Israel for a two state negotiation.

    That seems to be why people are suspicious of the IDF's apparently slow response to the Hamas attack and origin of some of their (Hamas) funding and supplies.


    As always, more questions than answers and it will come down to what you believe from what you see, hear and read.

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