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  1. Cheers
    Andrew3000 reacted to DCFC1388 in What time is Rooneys press conference   
    James Garner, was on loan at Watford then Forest last year. Was the lad who scored for Forest against us in the draw at Pride Park
  2. Sad
    Andrew3000 reacted to vonwright in What time is Rooneys press conference   
    So basically we get all the cheap ones we don't really want and none of the slightly more expensive ones that we do. Ugh, this season is going to be horrible
  3. Clap
    Andrew3000 reacted to cheron85 in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    I'd refer you back to page 1 (I know it's been a long time since then)
    Coles suggested that we've pre-submitted the accounts to the EFL for them to check them over before the 'officially' submit them - Top ensure that when they are submitted there's no chance of the EFL rejecting them for any reason
    It's a sensible approach (I think) after the previous troubles - But leaves us at the mercy of the EFL taking their sweet time to approve them
    Just a thought - Anyone think the EFL are manufacturing a points deduction here? If they wait until we've lost our first 2/3 games before allowing us to sign players it's almost as effective as a points deduction...
  4. Cheers
    Andrew3000 reacted to Boycie in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    I’ve spoken to David, he’s done his report, sent it to the club to check it’s ok with them.
    The clubs not managed to get it signed off yet. One can only assume that they have other pressing matters, players contracts etc if you read what Mr Nixon has said.
    I’m assured that there is some further detail to what’s already been released by the Punjabi Rams and Jim Wheeler on Radio Derby.
    I was worried that everyone was waiting with baited breath only for the exact info to be in David’s report that was already out there anyway.
    Please try and see it from his side, he’s piggy in the middle, and wants to make sure everything is ok with what’s in his report.
    As far as I’m aware, due to David having to leave just before the end to catch the last train he missed an agreement to let Jim Wheeler do a piece to RD this morning.
    But, that’s not what we go to the charter meetings for. We go to ask questions and to report to our members, not be a face to a joint statement. 

    David never put our name to a recent open letter to the club, and will never do so.
    So please be patient, the timescale is out his hands, and he’s getting grief left right and centre on Social Media. In my opinion non of the other groups who were there are.  But that comes with us being the biggest group of Derby County supporters on the internet.
    He’s losing his hair, what he has got doesn’t want turning grey.
  5. Sad
    Andrew3000 reacted to Carl Sagan in Kaide Gordon   
    I saw Kaide was trending on Twitter tonight. Turns out he replaced Shaqiri in Liverpool's pre-season friendly against Bologna and acquitted himself well. What might have been.
  6. Haha
    Andrew3000 reacted to duncanjwitham in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    You ever seen the photos that North Korea release from time to time? Everyone's smiling in those too. Just saying... ?
  7. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to MACKWORTHRAM in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    I agree here. I don't think Bird is there yet..
    I'm not sure what he is. I don't think he's a holding mid, he's not strong enough.
    Not an attacking mid either.
    I also don't like 2 left footers playing together. The balances isn't right 
  8. COYR
    Andrew3000 reacted to Ellafella in Your Football Club Needs You...   
    This weekend the eyes of the football world will be on the Rams. Absolutely no point in turning up to protest - that would just be a huge shot in the foot. The situation is what it is. Let's turn up, cheer and support WR and the players. 3 points from a win will give the players a huge boost; siege mentality, fans behind them, nothing to lose. We're in this together. If you can keep your head when all about are losing theirs and blaming it on you...

  9. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in Teden Mengi 21/22 season   
    Teams challenging for promotion will want a better defender than Teden Mengi to help them do it.
  10. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to Sidd10 in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    I don't really get MM stance on the academy players - if they were good enough players they would play. Yes we have great facilities but that doesn't mean the young players are ready for or even good enough for Championship footballers. The ones that are good enough have played (Bogle before being sold etc). 
    Even players we have now, Knight, Sibley, Bird etc are just pretty average Championship level. Which is probably about where we should be at if we had a full squad available. We've not produced a Hughes level player (who by the way was in the Championship last year) since he left. Bogle is back in the Championship and he's probably been the biggest success since.
  11. Clap
    Andrew3000 reacted to Sheff Ram in What’s the vibe   
    Possibly the most unreal feeling to the start of a new season ever. Usually, for me, it's blind (and unrealistic) optimism.  This year I don't know what to think. We've been written off by the bookies, been the subject of a feeding frenzy in the press, most of which contain no new news or anything we didn't already know.
    For me it's the start of possibly one of the most critical and interesting seasons I've faced as a supporter of out beloved club. I go into this season thinking if we manage to stay up that will be a colossal achievement.
    I'm trying to be positive. We have some good players. If we can make a decent-ish start, do add to the squad and get the best out of it, I'm optimistic we can survive. 
    What is for certain, this will only be helped if we support the club we love and stick together as a fan base and don't descend into infighting amongst ourselves.
    And tap into the bunker mentality and prove all the naysayers wrong.
  12. Clap
    Andrew3000 reacted to RadioactiveWaste in What’s the vibe   
    My hope is something like a spirit of definance takes route and against all odds we start making a real fist of it. I think that'd help a lot, especially after the end of last season where everything was pulling us down like quicksand.
    Still, it's played on grass not internet forums, and, I'm quite often wrong about football.
  13. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to Srg in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    It's not even half 8... give the guys chance to actually write it all out. They're not professional journalists, some of whom will have had kids to get back to, jobs to wake up to or long journeys to make. Not that easy to whack out a full account of a 4 hour meeting.
    I suspect when you read what Daveo will say, and whatever the rest of them say, it will be a lot less inflammatory than what the Punjabi Rams tweeted - which with the lack of detail provided has done nothing but fan flames quite frankly.
    Just hold your horses and get angry when we've seen properly what was said.
  14. Cheers
    Andrew3000 reacted to Day in Supporters Charter Meeting Questions   
    Quick update: I have just left the meeting which is still ongoing otherwise I would miss the last train.
    A decision was made not to release minutes for this meeting in the end, but I am free to get a write up out to you all as soon as I can. 
    I do not have a laptop with me and would prefer to wait until tomorrow once I’m home and can go through all the notes.
    I will aim to have it ready to post on the forum tomorrow.
    Please do not bombard me with questions across the forum by mentioning me, PM, DM or text if you have my number.
    I don’t want to be putting bits and pieces out there all over the place.
  15. Haha
    Andrew3000 reacted to TuffLuff in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    I keep coming in here to see any update from the main man and all I see is all you lot flapping about, shush the lot of you!
    and you @TuffLuff
  16. Haha
    Andrew3000 got a reaction from derbyfan55 in Rams Review Podcast   
    Great stuff, cheers. Ryan, a vision of the future sir...
  17. Haha
    Andrew3000 got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in Rams Review Podcast   
    Great stuff, cheers. Ryan, a vision of the future sir...
  18. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to angieram in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    Too right! ?
    I am with @Gaspode on this one. I think it's much more important to have an open and frank meeting where the club representatives can speak freely, than to have a bland public exercise that acheives nothing. If the NDA allows this to happen then I see this as no different to what many private and public  businesses have in place already. You have to respect commercial confidentiality and this is a critical time for our club in that respect.
    As for representation,  I feel reassured that the club has chosen to work with established groupings, not just now but over the several years since these supporter charter meetings have been established.
    I have seen many engagement initiatives set up in my line of work,  where new systems have been established whilst alienating all the people who have been doing the work before. Starting from scratch inevitably means that the "wrong" type of people get themselves at the table, rather than those who are happy to work with and engage with their constituency all the time - whether formally or informally, like this Forum. They put in the hard yards for little or no reward, so I am more than comfortable that they will try their best to represent the range of views in a constructive manner.
    Let wait and see what comes out of the meeting before we start beating up our club yet again.
  19. Clap
    Andrew3000 reacted to Day in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    Ha maybe!
    In fairness though, I do understand where those that are angry are coming from.
    When I received the email, I questioned it immediately, looked for assurances, took me by surprise.
    I asked was it not possible for the meeting to take place without the NDA, and only share information that could be shared.
    I was given assurances that this would be like any other meeting. It’s just the paperwork side which as I say, protects us and themselves and might not even be called into use.
    So I signed it and returned. Not entirely comfortably as I knew if this got out we would see the reaction we are seeing now. 
    Shortly after it did, leaked on to Twitter which I am hugely disappointed by as it didn’t give us as a group the opportunity to question it further prior to the meeting tonight.
    It’s been difficult the past 24hrs as I have been contacted several times, I’ve been careful not to confirm or deny until a conversation had taken place with the club tonight.
    Feels like I may have lied, however everything I have said is true in that I have been given assurances this will be like another meeting we have been part of several times before now.
    I do get it though, every Derby fan would love to be in that room tonight, I am very fortunate to be invited due to this forum. 
    It’s good to see calm and understanding heads, I just want us all to be given a chance as scrapping the meeting over this which could potentially happen if all fan groups put pressure on their reps, helps nobody.
  20. Clap
    Andrew3000 reacted to Ambitious in Tom Lawrence   
    I’m no huge fan of Lawrence, although seemingly I rate him a lot higher than some on here, but as with Buchanan and Byrne. How can anyone expect to do business with us when we can’t spend any incoming transfer money on replacements? 
    Any outgoing would have to be able to cover the significant cost of relegation. Lawrence is one of about 5 players in our team that you could expect 5 or so goals out of over the season. He typically scores goals off his own back too. Not a great amount but when there is literally no alternative then I’d rather him stick around than sold for no replacement. 
  21. Clap
    Andrew3000 got a reaction from europia in David Squires on...   
    Rooney's tenure is finally successful! Well done Mel x
  22. Clap
    Andrew3000 reacted to Day in Supporters Charter Meeting Questions   
    Ok, submissions and voting is over, below is the order of questions to try and put forward to the club.
    I say try, as I must stress again, there is no guarantees over how many I will personally be able to ask.
    That’s not because we’re yes men, brown nosers who will be sat around laughing and joking which I’ve seen accusations of on other social media platforms.
    I always knew the supporters charter meetings would draw criticism, but we have just a couple of hours with the club with several fan groups, all with a list of their own questions which they are looking to raise.
    Some of which will quite possibly turn into lengthy discussions/answers given the current situation. 
    I know we have a lot of fans that appreciate what we do, and I thank you. Tomorrow I will leave my house around 1pm and not be home until gone midnight, trains, taxis, £50 odd at my own cost, more than the price of a Huddersfield match ticket some of you are moaning about, to take questions that you all were given an opportunity to submit and vote on.
    These are not questions I have come up with by myself, but that we have all contributed to.
    I will do my best to represent you, and if my best isn’t good enough then I can only apologise. All I ask is be respectful.
    Finally please be aware that there is an agreement in place that the meeting will not be discussed until the minutes have been released to us all to share within our groups and on the club website.
    This is in my view the most important meeting since the formation of the Supporters Charter, with widespread frustration and anger at the lack of communication, it’s imperative we get the information out there to you all asap 
    David: Mel, how are you and how is your health? (81 votes)
    Rev: Can you give a cast iron guarantee you'll continue to fund the club with the minimum amount needed to ensure survival as a club, until any takeover how ever long that will be? (38 votes)
    G Star: It would appear that insufficient due diligence was carried out on the prospective sales to BZI and Erik Alonso.
    Who carried out due diligence and what measures have been put in place to ensure that we are not sold to such an unprofessional outfit? (38 votes)
    Tombo: Supporters are aware that the club is very much up for sale, but what is the plan for the next few years should a takeover not come to fruition? (37 votes)
    I-Ram: Upon completing the sale of the club, will it once again have a stadium that it owns? (28 votes)
    Ambitious: I think we need to get answers to every point on this, including the details behind each one. Why are we the only club in the entire football league default in payments to the HMRC. Do regulation 16.2, 16.3 and P&S non-submission of audited accounts really relate to purely amortisation or is there more to it? (27 votes)

    Ellafella: The name of Derby County has been radically sullied in the press of late, some of it very unfair. Does the Club have a communications strategy to set the record straight over some of the issues eg how we cheated relegation? How we fixed our accounts? How we sold the ground to ourselves? What we value as a Club eg fairness, community spirited, ambitious. (27 votes)
    Anag Ram: What can we, the fans, do to help at this difficult time? (27 votes)
    Carl Sagan: Derby County Football Club belongs to you, but also to the people of the city and the community of fans around the world. And many are very worried for the club's future. What are your plans for the club if the worst happens and you cannot find someone to buy it off you? (22 votes)
    California Ram: Have you considered selling a small shareholding of the club to fans to bring in immediate capital while continuing to make the club attractive to majority ownership buyers. (19 votes)
  23. Clap
    Andrew3000 reacted to swanny in Derby County Vs Notts County pre season friendly Meadow Lane 1st August 1 pm k.o.   
    dont forget that since the late sixties, the average male height has gone up by 2.5/3 inches. so relatively speaking those former greats would have been the equivalent of 6ft/6ft plus
  24. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to Ellafella in David Squires on...   
    There’s a lot of “average football fans” who read it judging by the comments on the Guardian site and your view as “unfunny” is not a fact but an opinion.
  25. Clap
    Andrew3000 reacted to BriggRam in Who will be our first signing?   
    Just got up after a night shift, the excitement of clicking onto the forums transfer thread quickly turns to disappointment when the headliners are
    Bobby Duncan
    Liam Delap
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