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Zag zig

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Posts posted by Zag zig

  1. 2 hours ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Lol. Any word on where Marriott is?

    Can tell you he was stood a few feet away from me on Pride Park, in his trackies and complete with energy drink, Wednesday afternoon; looked every inch an athlete, so he’d probably been doing fitness work.

  2. 1 minute ago, Philmycock said:

    Sorry, we he that bad?

    I’ve only a vague recollection, but you have to understand I practically missed the glory years, my first real season going he was our Keegan (Dads tell white lies don’t they) I tend to forget the misses due to my innocence and age but the picture on the wall still haunts me, I have issues with it ok ?

  3. 1 minute ago, Philmycock said:

    I feel a Derek Hales moment coming on (even though I'm too young to know how bad he was!)

    Arghhh the man that ruined my childhood. ? One of my first Shoot posters, turned darts target. My Dad promised me we’d win the league again, my hopes were pinned high on the bearded goal machine, how life can torment you when you’re young.

    You have just forced me to go looking for alcoholic comfort to blur the memory again. 

  4. 20 hours ago, MuespachRam said:

    We won’t go down....but honestly I hope we do, anything for a change of scenery. It would be a right laugh in Division 3. 

    I half think that was a bit of WUM bait, but you’ve been around long enough to know the last time we did were actually quite fun times, in amongst a few cow sheds we visited; doubt we’d bounce back like we did last time but they were some of my happiest years as a Rams fan; it was a laugh but I don’t think it would be as easy this time as Sunderland and Ipswich have found.

  5. 6 hours ago, Allovertheplace said:

    5 goals in 12 games as an out and out striker for us, not a bad return. He seems to be getting in the right places at the right time, also has a good leap on him for a smaller striker. Would be happy to see Bennett and Wallace up front for us going into next season. If Bennett can stay fit, then reckon that would be a partnership to knock on the play-offs. 

    Still not completed a full match though, although he was taken off on the 92nd minute in one match so we could time waste, so you could give him that one. 

    Do you have any more players you want to offload to us on the cheap? 

    If you were to cast back to when he made his debut for us as David points out under Clough, at that time he was termed a striker. Only ever saw him play one game in junior ranks, what stood out was his physique.

    The reason he played down the middle as a striker, he was physically stronger, bulkier and faster than kids around his age. Around the same time he debuted, you’ll find reports of scoring 2 goals for England juniors and that he was being watched by a host of premiership teams. Such was the reputation he was fermenting. What I believe led to him going out wide, was he had pace but seasoned pro’s learned his trademark was a kick and rush or shoulder barge. So they adapted their starting position to counter Masons main asset; plus he couldn’t just bulldozer grown men, championship centre half’s like he could in the junior ranks.

    My belief is that he’s been struggling to adapt ever since, not helped by lack of games or injuries whenever he did get a run in the team. Really think you’re probably getting the best out of him in the system you describe and he’s always had a fair leap because of his athleticism. He needed a change but most of all he needs to stay injury free.

    Genuinely think he’ll score goals playing down the middle as Rowett understands him and he belatedly comes of age; I just doubt he’ll last long any season though, so don’t pin your hopes on double figures too often.

  6. 23 minutes ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

    Glad Joz hasn't started. Poland have looked flat and he'd just end up running around getting nothing done. 

    We need him fresh for Friday so he can run around and get nothing done for us. 

    Do believe just caught a glimpse of him doing that up and down the touchline. He’ll be on soon.

  7. On 29/03/2021 at 10:43, ImARam2 said:

    Let's see how well Jozwiak does, if chosen, against England, on Wednesday evening. If he gives assists or scores against the England defence, who are all Premier league players, then we should be able to judge him better.

    Really looking forward to seeing him come up against England 

    Hopefully not only plays an absolute blinder but in doing so shows our coaches how to get the best out of him; not sure Poland are up to the task though.

  8. 22 hours ago, Duracell said:

    Russell is fantastic - but to do anything with Merc, he needs to hope that Bottas leaves and that Toto believes he can have two drivers so close in talent in the same team. That can be a recipe for disaster - why rock the boat when they have such harmony? His next bet is to get out of his Mercedes contract and hope there's a space at another team which is more competitive with the new rules in '22. 

    I'd be really disappointed to not see Russell fighting for championships but the quality of the field is absolutely stupid. 10-20 years ago, Russell would already be in a car with winning potential, but these days, who makes way for him?

    Maybe then again Toto is no fool either, it took Hamilton some time to sign that extension that everyone wanted, knew was going to happen.

    Hamilton won’t be around forever, in 2 years Russell could be Toto’s ideal replacement. Next year he challenges, the year after top seat, that’s how F1 has always worked, you only have to look to the past. Ferrari struggling car or not, perfect example of old and new kid on the block.

  9. 14 hours ago, Gaspode said:

    think you're being a bit unfair on Hamilton - there was also a pretty large amount of skill involved in holding Max off for the last few laps. If it had been Bottas in the same situation, I'm pretty sure Max would have taken the victory....

    Don’t get me wrong I rate Hamilton, think Max should just have been more patient.

    My main point was about Russell. Hamilton will still win this year for me, he still has the edge in car, possibly the edge in race nous too but it’s great it looks a closer championship. I reserve the right to be talking total ass come the end of the season ?

  10. 4 hours ago, Gaspode said:

    Wow - what a great race!!!!

    Won on strategy and a bit of luck.

    Forgetting Brit bias, just wish Russell was in a decent car, his fastest lap shows what he can do against probably superior middle order teams. His tussles in F2 against Norris show how combative he is, well before his jaunt in the Merc last year. Really hope he can pick up a few points this year, Lady Luck owes him some.

  11. On 01/03/2021 at 13:01, angieram said:


    Finally found something on here to cheer me tonight ?

    Glad to see he’s doing ok, far better than Chelski rated him. Don’t know about England but he’s at least worthy of starting in the Premier League and proving it in Serie A

  12. 12 hours ago, Angry Ram said:

    Hotel at Heathrow Friday. £150 a session. No cheques.

    We will tell you how to become a rich sparky.


    Aha, already been done by Robbie Burns aka the Naked Trader except he charges about 3 times more last time I saw his blurb.

    He does plenty of humour and you can get a family heavy session at night as part of the package mind ?

  13. On 26/02/2021 at 20:50, cstand said:

    Hard work, research, foresight, intelligence, contrarian, drive, ambition, when I said nobody like me it’s because I came from poor background broken home if you listen to any SJW I should never be a success without government help but I have proved them all wrong. 

    Good man. Just don’t get too over confident, it can also be your undoing; I learnt most since the mid noughties in my losses, most of the wealthiest speculators will tell you it’s their losses that provided their best lessons. Good for the soul and stock market education.

  14. On 24/01/2021 at 16:24, Rev said:

    Good advice @cstand.

    Don't ignore established companies, the share price may not go anywhere exciting, but regular dividends can yield around 5% with little risk. 


    Which brings about the power of compounding. Some sage advice in many financial books on this subject. 

    Suppose it begs the question, is buy and hold still relevant? 

  15. What was predictable?  

    Well playing a kid that I believe in the junior ranks, largely played up front, down the middle, should struggle largely coming on playing down the wing for ourselves because many thought he hadn’t the physique to play the same role against championship defenders.

    Yet Swansea play him in that same role he’d seen him play in junior ranks, he gets a decent turn, shot (scuffed or not) and scores! Odd that eh.

    F.w.i.w I think the fee we got was right for what he had shown in our first team, but I do believe others will see better of him, played in a role he’s more suited to thriving on through balls and the type of manner Swansea try to play; time will tell though.

  16. Thought it might have benefitted us for him to come on sooner, as his aggressive nature might have helped.

    Probably his dip in form earlier in the season, has almost made him a bit of a fall guy for what was going wrong. He’s still young, learning and I’m fairly hopeful Wayne knows that young players form comes and goes. So I think we’ll see plenty more of him.

    Does make me wonder if he’s a bit of a confidence player because at times last season he was magical, odd games this he’s been quiet in games. Got to be patient with him though, remember his age. 

  17. 8 minutes ago, ram59 said:

    A bit of poetic justice all round, between him and Chelsea, they royally screwed us over with the protracted move 18 months ago. No respect was paid to Derby whatsoever, we didn't even receive any help in the loan department afterwards.

    He needed to serve a decent apprenticeship before taking on a job like that, not one lucky season with Derby made to look better because of a large number of worldy goals from Wilson.

    He should have built something at Derby and given himself a better shot at Chelsea a couple of years down the line. Lets face it, chelsea never hang on to a manager for very long. Now, his reputation is tarnished and he will find it difficult to get another club.

    Chelsea, in the meantime have wasted a couple of hundred million quid in the transfer market and ruined the reputation of  one of their 'greats'.

    Totally agree with you, he should have waited, he was close with us and with his contacts he’d have had another decent year is suspect had he stayed, probably Fik would have done too, who knows who else we would have got, all speculative now. He just couldn’t resist though could he, it was his “dream” job.

     Agree too that they screwed us, with little respect, we did milk them for money, just got hung out to dry on our next season planning; so I find it hard to have much sympathy.

    He’ll be back in the media, if nothing else and whilst he may lose some shine, I still think most Chelsea fans will remember him for the player he was. You have to think of Roy Mac and Toddy, neither were a huge managerial success for us but they were still playing greats and it’s pretty enshrined in our history they were.

    One thing nobody mentions is Jody, I hope he has a role somewhere because he’s a decent coach and he still followed us on social media after they had gone.

  18. 51 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:



    Shows how clueless fans can be of other teams players, they don’t always know a lot about.

    He would be more than a good addition to them or Coventry, even allowing for an odd ricket.

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