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Posts posted by DarkFruitsRam7

  1. 11 hours ago, sage said:

    People who on long flights put there seat into full recline straight away.

    It's common decency and an unwritten rule that you wait till after the meal.

    Made the k***head in front of me put it straight again. I used to let things go but I blame Warne for my irritability 

    I think it's wrong to recline any more than a tiny bit at any point during the flight tbh. Does my head in, especially when you're trying to watch a film.

  2. 1 hour ago, GboroRam said:

    I will balance that - twitter spent an unsustainable amount of money to do that. Twitter was losing money. 

    As long as they have stopped losing money then it's an understandable commercial decision. 

    Fair, but I think that argument loses its credibility when you consider how much he's done to drive advertisers away.

  3. 1 hour ago, cstand said:

    Musk has not ruined it for everyone just people that don’t want to hear other people’s opinions. 


    Read @David's posts about why Twitter has gone to the dogs. None of his points are political and are all based on the actual experience of using the app.

    The free speech thing is subjective, but the day-to-day experience of the average Twitter is objectively far worse than it was pre-Musk. The ludicrous amount of sex bots, the paid blue ticks always being at the top of the replies, the way that people are now financially incentivized to piss people off, etc. That's nothing to do with the free speech issue. Twitter is now a crap experience.

  4. 34 minutes ago, Henrycav81 said:

    Don’t particularly rate either of them could go either way but can’t see either getting much above fighting for a British title, European title at a push 

    I'm finding the build-up quite funny. I feel like they'll be good mates after it's done. There's no hate or disrespect there at all.

  5. 50 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

    Don’t worry darling. 

    The fabulous Florence Pugh is the wife of a man (Harry Styles) who works at the mysterious Victory project in an idyllic oasis town in the middle of a desert. On the surface, all of the families are living the perfect life in an American 1950s utopia but of course all is not what it seems. 

    Not entirely original but sumptuous design and of course Ms Pugh. Enjoyed it. 


    I enjoyed it too when it first came out. Think it got a bit of an unfair rap from the critics.

  6. 26 minutes ago, ketteringram said:

    What is your set up? Couple of years ago, I was in a hi-fi shop in Stratford-upon-Avon, and they were playing Rumours on vinyl. It sounded amazing. I did a quick tot up of the turntable, amp and speakers they were using. Just under £13,000. 😞

    Orbit Basic Turntable with built-in pre-amp: https://uturnaudio.com/products/orbit-basic-turntable

    Edifier S1000MKII active bookshelf speakers: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B07ZVPMR58?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details

    With shipping, it worked out at the equivalent of around 550 GBP. From what I've read, it's reasonable as a first setup. Can't quite afford 13 grand just yet!

  7. 3 hours ago, Rampant said:

    She is, or was, a British citizen so she's our problem. She should be brought back here and tried accordingly. If that means she spends years, decades or even life in jail here then so be it. What constitutes an appropriate sentence is for another debate.

    Could you imagine the outrage from the Daily Mail readers if foreign countries refused to accept responsibility for their citizens who commit crimes in Britain when we go to deport them after their jail sentence? 'Sorry guv, we've revoked Pablo's Italian citizenship, you deal with it.' 

    She was, and may well still be, a moron with a reprehensible moral compass, but given that she was born in England and lived here for the first 15 years of her life, the bottom line is she is a British moron. A homegrown moron if you prefer. A problem which we should deal with according to our laws.

    This, a million times over. It doesn't matter how big or small the offence - she's our responsibility and shouldn't be passed off to other countries to deal with.

  8. On 13/02/2024 at 06:01, nottingram said:

    Think I’ve said it before but if it was called something like “chance quality” instead of expected goals then you’d have a lot less people poo-pooing it for whatever reason they do.

    It’s not the be all and end all but can add context if you want it to. Does make me laugh when people will say it’s meaningless and then happily sit there quoting shots or shots on target.

    This 1000 times over

  9. 1 hour ago, David said:

    You think it’s ok that kids are setting other gullible kids challenges to eat wash tablets, or how to self harm videos?

    It’s a platform that has caused to many deaths already and needs to be wiped off the internet for good 

    You sound like those old farts who hears one bad thing about the internet on the news and then tells everyone it should be shut down for good.

    There's so much more to it than that.

  10. 3 hours ago, David said:

    Twitter, probably the best of the bad bunch still for the latest news and football.

    Facebook, the family zone where you get nothing but memories being shared or competitions entered.

    Snapchat, for single teenagers and a place for OnlyFans content creators to avoid the tax man.

    Instagram, images and videos, been ruined by turning it into a shopping site where you follow content creators, not just seeing what your mates are up to.

    TikTok, attention seekers and gullible kids taking on life endangering challengers. The worst of the lot.

    Threads, had promise to be the new Twitter, launched with missing key features and limited countries, subsequent releases over what the site is for shows it’s just another follow these content creators.

    Nobody insults TikTok on my watch

  11. 6 hours ago, David said:

    We’re over here deducting penalties from goal tally’s, whilst over in Leeds they are rocking up at players houses giving them abuse when they miss a penalty. 

    In all seriousness, his behaviour on the pitch makes him a dislike-able character, however rocking up to his house is as you say disgraceful, even more so when it’s your own player!

    Nothing Leeds fans do overly surprises me. You can screenshot this and share it with your Leeds mates on X @DarkFruitsRam7, I’m sure they will defend the behaviour as perfectly reasonable for anyone that misses a penalty.

    Imagine the pressure that puts on the player taking them. Idiots.

    Thank you for reminding me of that hilarious pile on. Still brings a smile to my face to this day.

  12. 1 hour ago, Carl Sagan said:

    You post a link to internet censorship and then advocate adding to it? Do you really not think all governments engage in propaganda, and it's useful to listen to a diversity of voices to better understand what is going on in the world? I've had fascinating conversations with academics who travel the globe for conferences etc, discussing how very differently the Ukraine war is reported in different countries. And how badly it's reported in the US and UK.

    People should be able to listen and make up their own minds, rather than being told what to believe. As @maxjamposted, there was 60 Minutes doing an interview with Putin a few years ago, but the world is now too polarized and the legacy media is on one side of that divide, and wouldn't dream of doing the same thing nowadays. But it is what a good journalist should do. Fine you might not think Tucker is a good journalist, but maybe he'll lead the way for a restoration of journalistic standards when someone else also goes out and does an interview?

    Again, this isn't journalism. It will be a puff piece.

    I learned years ago not to spend time arguing on the internet though, so I'll leave it there.

  13. 1 hour ago, Alph said:

    I'm not having a dig or anything so I hope this comes across in the right way. 

    But is it not important to hear from both sides or all possible angles rather than to allow one country or perspective to filter the news? 

    Don't get me wrong, there's nothing Putin could say that would, for example, justify in my mind the war on Ukraine. Everything he says should be challenged and examined. But I also think by hearing him it encourages us to challenge and examine opposing views.

    I would say the same about Hamas or Netenyahu too. Whether you approve of their behaviour or agree with their views won't change the fact that they are what they are. The problem isn't just going to vanish if you ignore them. The justice is kind of half way between the two kind of scenario. 

    The point of my original post, which I kind of got lost on, isn't that the big problem is Putin being interviewed. It's the fact that I fear this is the beginning (or midpoint) of Musk becoming a shill for anyone who opposes what he deems "the deep state", who are apparently turning people gay to get more people to vote for Biden.

    Hypothetical question: would you have advocated interviewing Hitler during the Second World War and broadcasting it on the radio?

  14. 6 minutes ago, Carl Sagan said:

    I'm curious what you think is wrong with Tucker interviewing Putin. And it being broadcast live and unedited on Twitter. What brilliant transparency. Carlson has been by far the most watched political commentator in America, yet lost his voice when dumped by the legacy media.

    In this age of new media, he can broadcast via his own channel, but the question is also one of discoverability. Hence those broadcasts also going out on Twitter (hence the watermark to distinguish you're viewing there rather than on his personal channel). The ratings for these pieces are much higher than the political commentary across all legacy news channels in America combined.

    If it weren't for Musk, no one would be able to hear Tucker. Are you deciding on behalf of the very many tens of millions who tune in, that they shouldn't be able to? Surely he has a right to be heard?

    Yes, because an interview with Vladimir’s Putin, that famous advocate of free speech, is likely to be a serious piece of journalism. You think Putin would allow this if it wasn’t going to be a puff piece? An American journalist is currently being detained in Russia for “espionage”. 

    There’s literally a whole Wikipedia page dedicated to internet censorship in Russia https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_censorship_in_Russia

  15. 22 minutes ago, David said:

    Is he that powerful? I mean he has money, a large social media platform and his own cult following yet the only real power he has is controlling what people see. Even then it's limited to the algorithm feed and search pages. 

    I'm sure the US government is watching closely and can rein him in at any point. Can see Europe blocking X soon as well if things continue.

    Controls what people see, as you say. Also in charge of getting us to Mars, and he’s behind Neuralink, which is putting chips in people’s brains. He also owns Starlink, which has already become relevant in the Russia-Ukraine war: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starlink_in_the_Russo-Ukrainian_War#:~:text=SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has,school instead of drone strikes.

    You only have to watch Sunak’s fawning interview with him last year to see where the balance of power lies between Musk and the British Prime Minister, for example.

  16. 10 hours ago, Wolfie said:

    A guilty pleasure of mine. To be honest, I often skip through a lot of the task stuff.

    Highlight of the first epiosde was the lad that made an arse of himself by not understanding what refunds were, in the boardroom, and started clapping like they'd won.


    7 hours ago, Tamworthram said:

    Agreed. Easily the best episode is when the Claud etc. are ripping them apart over their business plans.

    One of the things that irritates me (apart from Lord Sugar, his lame jokes and the contestants themselves of course) is some of the things they are judged on just to make it "good" entertainment. Is Lord Sugar really going to assess (and potentially eliminate) a candidate just because they're not very good at selling products on a market stall or don't know how to follow a cooking recipe? I try to convince myself that that's all just for the TV programme and the real assessments is done off camera. 🤷‍♀️

    I read a tweet the other day suggesting that it's basically Love Island now.

    People have seen that it can launch an influencer career (see Tom Skinner and Ryan-Mark Parsons, as well as the likes of Katie Hopkins if you go back further) and apply to the show for a shot at fame. The tweet also suggested that this is obvious from the quality (or lack thereof) of the contestants' business plans.

    I've not watched it in years so would be curious to know if this is the case.

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