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Posts posted by DarkFruitsRam7

  1. 1 hour ago, maxjam said:

    Similar... I've never read the books so went into Dune 1 'blind' and was pleasantly surprise - good story, great cinematics, soundtrack and cast. 

    As you say, Dune 2 does feel drawn out and quite tedious at times.  Whilst I still found the cinematics (inc CGI) and soundtrack to be excellent, the first part of the film felt dragged out and the last part of the film rushed.  It would have been better split into 2 films but I guess the middle film would have been really boring - too much religious fervor for my liking and the Dave Bautista char just spent his time stomping around incompetently shouting at people.

    Having said all that...

    I'll find out next week whether I change my mind as well, taking my lad when he gets back from Uni 😛 

    I definitely found more enjoyment on the second watch because I knew what was going to happen, and so was better able to observe the changes to the characters and their motivations throughout the film. I just think it's a really layered, complex story that rewards repeat viewing. This obviously owes a lot to the source material.

  2. On 03/03/2024 at 09:01, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

    I really enjoyed it but don’t think it quite deserves the hype it’s getting. The director clearly values how it looks over the smaller details of a scene. It does look and sound amazing, but some of the key scenes just miss the mark for me. 

    Still very fun though. Ebiowei / 10.

    Changed my mind on second watch. Brilliant film and story.

    Craig Bryson / 10.

  3. 2 hours ago, Comrade 86 said:

    Most liked both, didn't they? Not @TragicFlan or whatever he calls himself, obviously, as he hated the pair of them, but most others.

    Yes, but I think Ebiowei is generally more highly regarded by Derby fans.

  4. 20 minutes ago, Comrade 86 said:

    And I don't think Iron Mike is going to let Paul live with him on a simple point of pride, irrespective of what he's instructed to do. You really believe he'll allow that to the final chapter of his fight career? No chance.

    Anyway, only one way to find out. 

    I would happily make a friendly bet of a fiver, loser donates to charity. You back Tyson, I back Paul, draw no bet.

    You down?

  5. Just now, Comrade 86 said:

    Wouldn't worry too much. Paul punches like a fanny and has so little ringcraft that he made Tommy Fury look good. Check out Tyson's training vids. He's off the chop and looking healthier than in years. Paul won't be able to cope with his movement and he sure as hell won't enjoy Tyson's power. I'm hoping Mike goes 'off script' and decks the f***** with his first right, left, uppercut combo.

    Fight duration, 15 seconds.

    No chance I'm afraid mate!

    I do think the most likely outcome is a glorified spar, however. I don't think Paul is thick enough to think he'll come out the hero for sparking out a 58 year old with health problems.

  6. 4 hours ago, Alph said:

    Mike Tyson still intimidating as ever. 

    I wonder how many opponents had lost before the first bell. He's an animal. I hope he lets loose on Paul and doesn't play his part in the show. Probably got about 5 good minutes in him but 5 mins with THAT?!


    3 hours ago, Comrade 86 said:

    Seems the most likely outcome. Can't shake this nagging doubt though. Honestly, I think Ngannou will go at him straight from the off. If that the case, it's anyone's fight as both have the power to put anyone's lights out, Ngannou even more so than Anthony. I suppose it could equally be argued that Ngannou will be also be hit harder than ever before, though I'm less confident about that with a man who walks through knees, kicks and elbows for a living and Ngannou turned down $8 million to fight John Jones in the octagon to fight AJ instead which kinda worries me too.

    Anyway, nuff said now. May the best man win, both fighters avoid injury and the judges be honest and fair. In the final analysis, that's really all that really matters.

    Enjoy the fight mate.

    Wouldn't be so confident gents. This is an old man who shouldn't be in the ring with someone of prime age, regardless of their backgrounds.


  7. 6 hours ago, Comrade 86 said:

    Ok, sod Joshua vs Ngannou. Old hat. This is the fight you never knew you wanted to see.

    I am almost moist with excitement 😜

    One question though... Anyone know why Jake Paul has a tattoo of a c*** on his shoulder



    5 hours ago, Alph said:

    Is Mike Tyson going to parade around touching Paul up or his he going to edge in level the t*****? 

    If he just goes in looking for one big bang then I'll pay for it. But I imagine it's an entertainment gig where we put a few rounds on for the fans, Mike Tyson gets tired and then Paul wins rounds. Everyone goes home rich saying Paul is actually a talented boxer when he's not

    Unlike a lot of the other "Youtube boxing" fights, this announcement has gone down like a lead balloon. As it should. Fighting a near-pensioner is embarrassing. They even used an old picture of Tyson for the poster to make it look more legitimate.

  8. 1 hour ago, Archied said:

    Whilst I agree and understand your post I do question whether it does anything other than perpetuate division and a partisan feel ( I’m sure you don’t do this purposely) , in reply the next poster can come on and give examples that can’t be denied from the other side and back and forth back and forth ,

    the atmosphere on our streets has honestly really concerned me since the start of this latest conflict and yet I’ve not really been able to square that feeling with the fact that I’m very very anti what’s going on in the Middle East and trying to work it out I’ve kind of come to the conclusion that it’s the manner of the protests , im seeing Palestine flags , free free Palestine chants , river to the sea chanted and I think that’s it for me , if I was seeing massive anti killing banners and chants for our gov to do everything in its power to bring pressure to bear on ALL parties to stop the killing , return hostages and perhaps even a United Nations force on the ground to police things until some workable peace can be found then that intimidates no one , taking to the streets waving flags of another country thousands of miles away doesn’t feel that comfortable to me , it feels more like side taking in a situation that is historically a mess and hugely sectarian based , im sure the vast majority are sickened by the deaths and misery going on but there is a vibe that is frankly quite scary 

    If Britain was getting absolutely obliterated by another country's bombs, I'm sure the British flag would be used as a point of pride by those protesting.

  9. Loved him at Derby. Probably the most exciting on-the-ball player I've seen play for us. Never understood why people preferred Ebiowei when Ebosele was just electric.

  10. 15 hours ago, Carl Sagan said:

    Interesting as I've only noted spectacular reviews. Seeing this on Thursday. In the meanwhile:

    I really enjoyed it but don’t think it quite deserves the hype it’s getting. The director clearly values how it looks over the smaller details of a scene. It does look and sound amazing, but some of the key scenes just miss the mark for me. 

    Still very fun though. Ebiowei / 10.

  11. 11 hours ago, sage said:

    People who on long flights put there seat into full recline straight away.

    It's common decency and an unwritten rule that you wait till after the meal.

    Made the k***head in front of me put it straight again. I used to let things go but I blame Warne for my irritability 

    I think it's wrong to recline any more than a tiny bit at any point during the flight tbh. Does my head in, especially when you're trying to watch a film.

  12. 1 hour ago, GboroRam said:

    I will balance that - twitter spent an unsustainable amount of money to do that. Twitter was losing money. 

    As long as they have stopped losing money then it's an understandable commercial decision. 

    Fair, but I think that argument loses its credibility when you consider how much he's done to drive advertisers away.

  13. 1 hour ago, cstand said:

    Musk has not ruined it for everyone just people that don’t want to hear other people’s opinions. 


    Read @David's posts about why Twitter has gone to the dogs. None of his points are political and are all based on the actual experience of using the app.

    The free speech thing is subjective, but the day-to-day experience of the average Twitter is objectively far worse than it was pre-Musk. The ludicrous amount of sex bots, the paid blue ticks always being at the top of the replies, the way that people are now financially incentivized to piss people off, etc. That's nothing to do with the free speech issue. Twitter is now a crap experience.

  14. 34 minutes ago, Henrycav81 said:

    Don’t particularly rate either of them could go either way but can’t see either getting much above fighting for a British title, European title at a push 

    I'm finding the build-up quite funny. I feel like they'll be good mates after it's done. There's no hate or disrespect there at all.

  15. 50 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

    Don’t worry darling. 

    The fabulous Florence Pugh is the wife of a man (Harry Styles) who works at the mysterious Victory project in an idyllic oasis town in the middle of a desert. On the surface, all of the families are living the perfect life in an American 1950s utopia but of course all is not what it seems. 

    Not entirely original but sumptuous design and of course Ms Pugh. Enjoyed it. 


    I enjoyed it too when it first came out. Think it got a bit of an unfair rap from the critics.

  16. 26 minutes ago, ketteringram said:

    What is your set up? Couple of years ago, I was in a hi-fi shop in Stratford-upon-Avon, and they were playing Rumours on vinyl. It sounded amazing. I did a quick tot up of the turntable, amp and speakers they were using. Just under £13,000. 😞

    Orbit Basic Turntable with built-in pre-amp: https://uturnaudio.com/products/orbit-basic-turntable

    Edifier S1000MKII active bookshelf speakers: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B07ZVPMR58?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details

    With shipping, it worked out at the equivalent of around 550 GBP. From what I've read, it's reasonable as a first setup. Can't quite afford 13 grand just yet!

  17. 3 hours ago, Rampant said:

    She is, or was, a British citizen so she's our problem. She should be brought back here and tried accordingly. If that means she spends years, decades or even life in jail here then so be it. What constitutes an appropriate sentence is for another debate.

    Could you imagine the outrage from the Daily Mail readers if foreign countries refused to accept responsibility for their citizens who commit crimes in Britain when we go to deport them after their jail sentence? 'Sorry guv, we've revoked Pablo's Italian citizenship, you deal with it.' 

    She was, and may well still be, a moron with a reprehensible moral compass, but given that she was born in England and lived here for the first 15 years of her life, the bottom line is she is a British moron. A homegrown moron if you prefer. A problem which we should deal with according to our laws.

    This, a million times over. It doesn't matter how big or small the offence - she's our responsibility and shouldn't be passed off to other countries to deal with.

  18. On 13/02/2024 at 06:01, nottingram said:

    Think I’ve said it before but if it was called something like “chance quality” instead of expected goals then you’d have a lot less people poo-pooing it for whatever reason they do.

    It’s not the be all and end all but can add context if you want it to. Does make me laugh when people will say it’s meaningless and then happily sit there quoting shots or shots on target.

    This 1000 times over

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