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Posts posted by DarkFruitsRam7

  1. 17 hours ago, SaintRam said:

    Pretty sure I saw it on like a top 10 or something for "most brutal deaths" or similar, and didn't regret doing so (most were oldschool, fairly comical ones with crazy make-up) until that came up haha

    Also I feel I should repeat: Really don't look it up, I wish I hadn't seen it personally. 

    I just can't resist the temptation, I'll report back in a few minutes:D

  2. 11 minutes ago, Srg said:

    I've not had any issues at all since getting it. Sometimes when I don't fully shut my console down and then come back to it and go on it, it says I'm not connected to servers, but to fix this I just go back to dash board and properly quit the game and boot it up again.


    8 minutes ago, RicME85 said:

    PS4 suffered from it being a free game on PS+ but it took a good week or so for the servers to be fixed. A group of us tried to play as a party for the first couple of days after release and it couldnt matchmake or anything. 

    Great game when its working though

    Finally got online, scored the winner with 9 seconds to go on my debut:p

  3. 50 minutes ago, Srg said:

    It's brilliant, been playing it this morning before work. Add me on there if you want a few games at some point, Srg11

    Is your online working? It says I'm not connected to the servers.

  4. 7 hours ago, StringerBell said:

    Anyone got Star Wars Battlefront?

    I'm a big Star Wars fan, but not much of an online player. I'm a bit dubious as to whether to shell out on it or not. Apparently there's only one game mode worth playing but having said that I tended to only play the same mode over and over back when I used to play COD4 online.

    I know it's got relatively poor reviews but I'm loving what I've played so far (8 and a half hours). As well as the fact that it looks and sounds brilliant, it just feels like it's easy to play and not too hardcore, which I like. Also, there are at least 5 game modes that I will play regularly based on my playtime so far, as they have all kept me engrossed. Walker Assault is the big one but I prefer Drop Zone, Cargo and the hero game modes!

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