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  1. Clap
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby got a reaction from i-Ram in The Ukraine War   
    Yes, he is much worse than first thought
  2. Like
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby got a reaction from Ilkestonian in Abramovich is offski   
    What the government should have done is let them sell tickets and merchandise. Give the profits to charities operating in Ukraine or helping the refugees fleeing Ukraine. Pish poor planning by clueless government who are just after a headline/noise to hide  the shambolic visa requirements demanded of war refugees
  3. Like
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to RadioactiveWaste in F1 2022   
    Episode 4 is when we start getting vintage Gunther.
    Friday for the start of things proper. Testing testing...impossible to really tell too much, ferrari and red bull probably decent, merc sandbagging, mclaran have potential but also issues, midfield all look ok but no one perfect, be interesting to see how they shape up.
  4. Like
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby got a reaction from Comrade 86 in Abramovich is offski   
    What the government should have done is let them sell tickets and merchandise. Give the profits to charities operating in Ukraine or helping the refugees fleeing Ukraine. Pish poor planning by clueless government who are just after a headline/noise to hide  the shambolic visa requirements demanded of war refugees
  5. Like
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby got a reaction from Alph in Abramovich is offski   
    What the government should have done is let them sell tickets and merchandise. Give the profits to charities operating in Ukraine or helping the refugees fleeing Ukraine. Pish poor planning by clueless government who are just after a headline/noise to hide  the shambolic visa requirements demanded of war refugees
  6. Cheers
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in F1 2022   
    Drive to survive is out, 3 episodes into it, loving it
  7. Haha
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby got a reaction from Ken Tram in We are one derby county family   
    Null point
  8. Like
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby got a reaction from Gritstone Ram in Abramovich is offski   
    I would agree but at the moment going to Ukraine to rebuild it is the priority. At this rate Vlad and his army are just a wreching ball rolling around flattening entire cities
  9. Clap
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby got a reaction from Ram-Alf in Abramovich is offski   
    That's a lot of ruble
  10. Like
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to Premier ram in Matchday Thread: AFC Bournemouth vs. Derby County   
    off to Bournemouth very early tomorrow morning , while struggling to stay positive with all the off field news , i remain really positive with the manager and team on the field , think we can come back with at least a point tomorrow and if forest can do us a favour then a happy Ram i will be , best of luck to Wayne , Liam and the lads you are making us all proud COYR
  11. Haha
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby got a reaction from Ram-a-lama fa fa fa in We are one derby county family   
    Null point
  12. Haha
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to Yani P in Black and White Together   
  13. Clap
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to therams69 in Black and White Together   
    Hmm interesting about the march.. My input for what its worth on that...
    So a chap called Ryan and a couple of other lads I know (top man is Ryan and was well out his comfort zone!) decided to organise the march. I got wind of it and offered my help and guidance through having contacts with the police, club, radio derby, BBC East Midlands Today etc etc...
    We spent the couple of weeks prior speaking to the police (very helpful) and once all agreed I put Ryan in touch with Radio Derby and East Midlands Today. Bit of campaigning on twitter, facebook etc...
    I take absolute zero credit for it, I played my part in getting Albatross on board and all the flags down there but just oiled the wheels for Ryan to be speaking to the people who he needed to speak to get the word out there and get the movement going. This was his baby and deserved the praise and credit for it.
    So as far as I am concerned no twitter town council meeting was responsible for the march and quite disheartening for Ryan and others should they see this post.
    Very much like PR. I do have issue with Mr Bourne and took to twitter this evening to pass my comments on. He never replied publically but took the conversation to private message. No problem with that but perhaps this should have been the first port of call with the original issue.
    BAWT and particularly Nigel have been fantastic at the meetings, as have all the supporters groups. We never asked for this and this was certainly not the reason why the charter was setup all these years ago. It is what it is though.
    The last thing we need is other groups being called out for politics. As Angie said, for christ sake if you dont like them then dont follow them! We are all adults here..
  14. Haha
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to Boycie in Black and White Together   
    Well, yes and no.
  15. Haha
  16. Like
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to Malagaram in Abramovich is offski   
    There is an awful lot of rubble being created by putin
  17. Clap
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to PistoldPete in The Administration Thread   
    But we kept the good one.
  18. Clap
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to Coneheadjohn in The Ukraine War   
    It’s pathetic,is this the best we can do.
  19. Clap
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to GboroRam in The Ukraine War   
    My colleague has responded to his local MP's twitter request for volunteers to take in any refugees from Ukraine, and after a week or so wait, he replied back that he should just keep looking at the home office website for details of when they will be looking for accommodation.
    I'd say, there's zero political will to take refugees right now. There however is political will to take credit for it, so that's why they don't mind asking you on Twitter to volunteer. But right now, the UK isn't a part of the solution.
  20. Like
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to ketteringram in Abramovich is offski   
    Blue is the colour.
    Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch.
  21. Haha
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to cstand in Abramovich is offski   
    And the worse part is we are only on level one.
  22. Like
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby got a reaction from TigerTedd in Star Wars   
    I enjoyed it, i like they it linked back to the Mandalorian
  23. Like
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby got a reaction from Stive Pesley in Star Wars   
    I enjoyed it, i like they it linked back to the Mandalorian
  24. Like
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to Leeds Ram in The Ukraine War   
    I just feel like we're going around in circles tbh. You tried to pin blame on those conflicts on the US and I simply pointed out numerous instances where the US were not the instigator but a respondent. I'm not sure why you're doubting that he's deliberately targeting civilians and civilian infrastructure when it's textbook for Russian military operations to do so. He's been doing it for years in Syria (as any reliable source would tell you) and he's not been shy in Chechnya about using civilian targets but now we're not sure if it's deliberate or not....

    Your definition of collateral damage does not match what I've read it to be in numerous sources. I have read countless times that collateral damage occurs when there is a loss of life accompanying a legitimate military target.  You couldn't have a 'collateral damage' assessment for a non-military target for instance because that'd defeat the purpose. There has been a lot of criticism of the term 'collateral damage' and the US's willingness to accept collateral damage for a legitimate military target. But that's different from collateral damage being a terror tactic used to deliberately target non-military targets and civilians.  

    Again, to my mind you're conflating very different things going on. There are distinctions between operations that have bad intel, a legitimate military target that has collateral damage and bombing hospitals and schools as a tactic of a terror campaign. There is a distinction morally and there is a distinction legally between those things. Accepting that civilians may die in a conflict or an operation as collateral damage is very different from deliberately targeting and murdering pregnant women and children. I really cannot put it any simpler than that. 

    It's not surprising there is more of a fuss of the fight for Ukraine than for instance the Lebanese civil war or a low level conflict like Palestine (I call it a low level conflict as it doesn't reach the criteria in casualties to be called an intra state war). It's closer to home, it violates norms that we're not used to and it intrinsically feels more threatening. I'd be surprised if it didn't command more attention. Similarly, you'll see more of a fuss about Palestine in the Middle East than you will about Ukraine or some other random war a long way away for the same reasons. 

    There really are no threats to Russian security and Putin's claims necessarily are dictating what actions a sovereign democratic nation can or cannot do. There are a few times when nations do cede their sovereignty as internationally agreed (genocide, crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing) wanting to join a collective defensive security arrangement is not one of them. The idea that Ukraine, Poland, Romania, the Baltics, or Hungary pose a security threat to Russia is absolutely ludicrous. Anyone even the tiniest bit familiar with IR or general history would understand why those countries might want to be part of a protective defensive security arrangement. But again, I've said all this before. 

    I don't think I'll respond anymore as I said in the first paragraph we're just going round in circles repeating one another. 
  25. Like
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to Day in The Ukraine War   
    I agree with a lot of what you have written in this topic, the only thing I would disagree with you on is the timing of when to discuss previous innocent victims of war.
    A school or hospital being bombed in Kabul, Palestine is no different to one in Kyiv, targeted or accidental, it’s horrific and should never happen and I’m sure nobody would disagree with that.
    As the owner of this forum I have to acknowledge my role in preventing discussions such as these at the time as I introduced a ban on political discussions, the forum has developed far beyond the vision I had and wasn’t prepared enough to moderate effectively. Poor old Gboro was left to handle it on his own as some of the moderators were tired of the arguments that take place, and still are.
    The existence of this topic is from a vote that took place in the moderators room, a vote that was very close I should add.
    You will be well aware that prior to this war we removed your Palestine profile picture, not as I support the actions of Israel, it was done under the rules at the time, rules which are still in place now and need reviewing with the moderating team to make an exception for wars and other conflicts that are taking place globally.
    Celtic were punished for the fans show of support for Palestine, whilst now we have players walking out draped in Ukraine flags, the hypocrisy is there for all to see, why? I don’t know, but I do know that as the owner of this forum I will as I say review the rules with the moderation team to allow topics where the situation in Palestine can be discussed, even if it means adding to the moderation team people with an interest those discussions.
    The here and now of this topic, when a maternity hospital in Ukraine is bombed, it’s a development in a current war where the ripples have already reached our shores with the economic sanctions in place. 
    It’s a development that may push NATO a step closer to taking military action, which in turn increases the threat of this turning into a nuclear war, that would be the natural path of this discussion rather than simple Putin is bad back patting.
    It’s a threat that saw a demand for this topic to be allowed and this is why you are seeing the accusations of whataboutery.
    Leave it with me and I will work on allowing you separate topics to discuss Palestine and other conflicts, whilst allowing those that are here to discuss the situation in Ukraine rather than the previous actions of America.
    By the way, you will definitely be refused that Visa if anyone from the offices over there read this topic! 
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