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Posts posted by EnigmaRam

  1. CK’s done all the hard work for everyone. Has been involved in helping remove all the barriers. If he doesn’t get the club now because of the funds not clearing and someone else swoops in i will be really sad for him.

    But in all honesty, as long as someone buys us I will be relieved. Especially with f it’s soon, because above all else we need to start signing players or ut will be another season of struggle. Even though, I’d take that over liquidation. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, DJFern94 said:

    Clownes has an agreement to purchase the stadium if CK buys the club. No such agreement made for any other party.

    Ed Dawes was really pushing the idea there that Mel doesn’t want to deal with Ashley as he could be more successful than him.

    This is what I thought too. The deal is for CK to lease it off the purchaser. What if the a new stadium owner doesn’t want to do business with MA or refuses to purchase stadium altogether? 

    As much as I would like it too be, having MA and Appleby waiting in the wings may not be the easy solution the radio people seem to present. 

  3. 2 hours ago, David said:

    Torn between season ticket and buying an away membership, get to as many of these away grounds as possible.

    Swaying towards away membership more than a ST, although a ST will directly help the club more. 

    I’m a ST holder but my son wants to go to more away games. What’s the price on an away membership and what do you get for it? Roughly as I know prices haven’t been released yet

  4. 4 hours ago, Wolfie said:

    I hope you're right but that sounds more like a business plan type agreement to me. How will we know what we can pay them until we have EFL sign-off of the plan?

    CK also said the business plan will be submitted by tomorrow to the EFL. If that’s agreed then maybe we can re-sign our currently contracted players, subject to being within the wage limits and them agreeing of course. Fingers crossed eh!

  5. 8 minutes ago, jono said:

    I wonder at what point the EFL will allow us to resign players that are already ours ? I am just desperate not to lose too many of our kids and to get Curtis on board, He may not manage another season as “ever present” but he is so important as glue and continuity for next season. Then I think about Byrne and Allsop  .. so dependable, can we persuade them to stay. 

    CK did say that from 7th May, he will be paying the bills. Hopefully that means the EFL will grant him the ability to re-sign current players. 

  6. 6 minutes ago, Ramarena said:

    I wonder if any business plan the EFL agees to sign off will effectively be a continuation of the embargo.

    Didn’t Bolton have to stay under a fairly strict embargo until all payments to creditors were finished?

    Unlikely, everyone including the EFL knows we need to sign players or we won’t have a squad to put on the pitch. There may be restrictions but not a full embargo as has been the case for the last year or so

  7. I think the difference between us and every other team going down is we didnt go down because we have a load of crap players that couldn’t perform. We went down because of the points deductions and the embargo’s.

    The positive for me is we aren’t going down with loads of overpaid, aged players we can’t shift off the wage bill. It’s more or less a clean slate. I hope Wayne and Curtis was in that dressing room at Moor farm last night telling all those young players that that wasn’t normal. They wouldn’t get that support at any club anywhere in the world. 

    Keeping those young players is imperative whilst adding in some quality as a spine with a goal scorer and I’m confident we will be just fine next season.

    Get the takeover done, get the players signed up Rooney wants and we can be a force next season looking at promotion and I can’t wait. Exciting times ahead!!

  8. 8 minutes ago, Millenniumram said:

    Nothing can be done until the takeover is complete. That’s the only priority right now. Save the club so we actually get to play in League One next season.

    For the next three games… they’re dead rubbers now, for us and I believe all of our opponents. No point playing the kids as we don’t even know whether they’ll be here. Put the players out who have fought so valiantly all season, so we can give them a proper send off - particularly in the final game against Cardiff.

    But also, since we no longer need to worry about focusing on our fight for survival… let’s give Morris what for. He’s got away very lightly, as we rightfully have focused on driving the team on. But now is the time to give him everything that’s coming to him. Let’s make it clear on Saturday that he’s never welcome back to this city again.

    As much as I’d like to give Mel what for, he still holds the keys to Pride park. So giving him what for may not be the best thing to do. At least wait til he has no bearing on the future of this club.

    I don’t care if we win lose or draw the last 3 games. But I would like to see those players that have shown a desire and willingness to be here next season to be given the shirt for those matches.

    The test can all be their on May 7th where we can show them our love and respect for their efforts this season.

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