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Posts posted by EnigmaRam

  1. 4 hours ago, Wolfie said:

    I hope you're right but that sounds more like a business plan type agreement to me. How will we know what we can pay them until we have EFL sign-off of the plan?

    CK also said the business plan will be submitted by tomorrow to the EFL. If that’s agreed then maybe we can re-sign our currently contracted players, subject to being within the wage limits and them agreeing of course. Fingers crossed eh!

  2. 8 minutes ago, jono said:

    I wonder at what point the EFL will allow us to resign players that are already ours ? I am just desperate not to lose too many of our kids and to get Curtis on board, He may not manage another season as “ever present” but he is so important as glue and continuity for next season. Then I think about Byrne and Allsop  .. so dependable, can we persuade them to stay. 

    CK did say that from 7th May, he will be paying the bills. Hopefully that means the EFL will grant him the ability to re-sign current players. 

  3. 6 minutes ago, Ramarena said:

    I wonder if any business plan the EFL agees to sign off will effectively be a continuation of the embargo.

    Didn’t Bolton have to stay under a fairly strict embargo until all payments to creditors were finished?

    Unlikely, everyone including the EFL knows we need to sign players or we won’t have a squad to put on the pitch. There may be restrictions but not a full embargo as has been the case for the last year or so

  4. I think the difference between us and every other team going down is we didnt go down because we have a load of crap players that couldn’t perform. We went down because of the points deductions and the embargo’s.

    The positive for me is we aren’t going down with loads of overpaid, aged players we can’t shift off the wage bill. It’s more or less a clean slate. I hope Wayne and Curtis was in that dressing room at Moor farm last night telling all those young players that that wasn’t normal. They wouldn’t get that support at any club anywhere in the world. 

    Keeping those young players is imperative whilst adding in some quality as a spine with a goal scorer and I’m confident we will be just fine next season.

    Get the takeover done, get the players signed up Rooney wants and we can be a force next season looking at promotion and I can’t wait. Exciting times ahead!!

  5. 8 minutes ago, Millenniumram said:

    Nothing can be done until the takeover is complete. That’s the only priority right now. Save the club so we actually get to play in League One next season.

    For the next three games… they’re dead rubbers now, for us and I believe all of our opponents. No point playing the kids as we don’t even know whether they’ll be here. Put the players out who have fought so valiantly all season, so we can give them a proper send off - particularly in the final game against Cardiff.

    But also, since we no longer need to worry about focusing on our fight for survival… let’s give Morris what for. He’s got away very lightly, as we rightfully have focused on driving the team on. But now is the time to give him everything that’s coming to him. Let’s make it clear on Saturday that he’s never welcome back to this city again.

    As much as I’d like to give Mel what for, he still holds the keys to Pride park. So giving him what for may not be the best thing to do. At least wait til he has no bearing on the future of this club.

    I don’t care if we win lose or draw the last 3 games. But I would like to see those players that have shown a desire and willingness to be here next season to be given the shirt for those matches.

    The test can all be their on May 7th where we can show them our love and respect for their efforts this season.

  6. 18 minutes ago, Arsene Titman said:

    So the EFL do have discretion regarding the applying of a further 15 points deduction. From the Derby Telegraph this morning:

    “If there is to be a further points penalty, when will it be?

    The EFL's insolvency policy says: "Such deduction to take effect at a time to be determined by the Board in its absolute discretion but ordinarly at the commencement of the Season following the Season in which the Insolvency Event occurredI’m still of the opinion that having a 15 point deduction next season is very unfair. 


    Why should a NEW owner have this imposed against him and his new  purchase?

    I understand the reason for the rule, but it should be to stop owners putting the club in admin then buying it back out to clear their own debts. 
    If someone’s willing to spend millions to pay off as much of someone else’s debt that they can afford they shouldn’t be then penalised for it. 

    It’s just immoral and unjust!!

  7. I think most of us are a little sceptical and will be until the inks dried on the sale contract and CK purchases the club.

    Lots of hurdles left to overcome, creditors, the EFL sign off etc and lots of unknowns, points deductions, player contracts etc. 

    I’m sure we’ve all got questions about his wealth, his Twitter habits, his vision for the clubs future, what he had for breakfast etc. I just think we need to let them get on with it in the hope that all parties involved really do have DCFC’s future’s best interests at heart.

    Hes trying to purchase the club, effectively saving us from extinction. And he was the only one willing to do so, so he needs our support, not recriminations.

    im just hoping to watch us play football at the Slincy dinky arena next year with my slincy dinky root beer and slincy dinky monster hot dog!


  8. It’s unlikely he’s paying £35 mil as that would cover the debt. 

    he’s already demonstrated he had at least £60 mil to fund the club for the next 2 years. As he’s spending less to buy it and not paying for the stadium that probably frees up money to invest in playing staff as we’ve lost quite a few players since his initial interest started.

  9. Having so little players is a blessing imo. We won’t have loads of old has been a on massive wages taking up the wage bill. It’s more or less a clean slate. 

    if we do end up in league one we will also be paying league one salaries, not the £25k-£35k type wages we’ve been crippling the club with for years. 

  10. 8 minutes ago, Half Fan Half Biscuit said:

    Wasn't the preferred bidder supposed to deposit a non-refundable £5 mill?

    Or has that been conveniently side-stepped?

    That was the requirement to keep the club running from back in December. Since we’ve now sold players, there is enough funds to complete the season. So the £5 mil wasn’t required 

  11. If a bidders offered £30 mil for the club including the stadium, why would they still pay £30 mil for the club without the stadium just because the council own it? 

    If I was a bidder I’d either walk away or reduce my bid accordingly to reflect the assets they are purchasing, namely a 5 a side team.

    The debts far outweigh the current assets sadly. Mel either needs to pull his finger out or Q need to seriously call his bluff and start seriously mentioning liquidation

  12. 17 minutes ago, Coconut's Beard said:


    They're getting what I should imagine is the going rate for doing a complex job (perhaps the most complicated situation a reasonably sized football club in adminstration has faced?) while playing piggy in the middle between 4-6 massive egos, none of who want to budge from their demands and are themselves happy to drag things out as long as possible.

    The constant outrage that they're getting paid large sums of money is stupid and the 'lining their pockets at our expense' stuff childish. Yes it's irksome that people in their particular line of work earn so much money for seemingly so little but it is what it is. 

    That is unless you can prove that their fees are above and beyond what others would charge for the job, or you've evidence that they're intentionally delaying the process to inflate their fee.

    If you've got an issue with how much money they (and others) make from it take it up with the people who appoint them and agree to the fees.

    You’re probably right, they’re getting the going rate.

    Sad thing is they’re getting it for doing a woeful job. At best they’ve devalued the club and had to sell off a lot of our assets, with more to walk out the door for free at the end of their contracts. At worst it will be liquidation and the end of DCFC as we know it. 

  13. 28 minutes ago, alexxxxx said:

    I think a bit of an update from Q is needed. It's endless speculation on here... 

    According to, well everyone, Q aren’t very good at communicating. It’s highly unlikely we will get any sort or update from them besides the usual rhetoric of we’re looking at the bids and clarifying why they aren’t high enough for what will be a pretty decent 5 a side team next season. 

  14. 10 minutes ago, RamBeauIV said:

    A few people on here have said that the Lech Poznan debt is not a football creditor debt (as they're overseas), so push it into the 25% pile. I don't think that will fly as far as the EFL (or UEFA) are concerned.   The repercussions of not paying this in full will lead to even more punishments and embargos.

    I’m not quite sure what further punishments or embargo’s that could be applied to make our situation worse. 

  15. 46 minutes ago, Eatonram said:

    No matter what the various scenarios are, it is hard to see how liquidation could possibly be a good out come for any of the main players.

    1 MM will lose a fortune

    2 HMRC will lose a fortune

    3 MSD will be left owning a stadium/training ground with no Tennant.

    4 Other creditors lose a fortune

    5 EFL reputation as a governing body further destroyed

    6 Football as a whole loses DCFC, a founder member, likely to hasten structural change even to the PL whether they like it or not.


    There is not an outcome for any stakeholder that is worse than liquidation, so for this reason alone, I have hope.

    There is for anyone wishing to get it all for a lot less than circa £50 mil. 

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