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Posts posted by EnigmaRam

  1. 17 minutes ago, rammieib said:

    Does anyone else worry about the lack of physical presence in this team.

    Dropping Forsyth basically leaves us with Davies and Jagielka to win anything coming in. If we concede set pieces, that’ll be a real killer for us tonight.

    I also just struggle to see goals in this line up sadly.

    I hope we scrape something out but this team on paper is not a good team. However - I also agree it’s all we have right now and that’s not the players fault, or Rooneys.

    Buchanan is better at heading than Fozzy who ducks half the time unless in opponents half bizarrely 

  2. I think the national papers can just make any old baalocks up and they aren’t accountable to anyone,  where as local journalists are just that and come under great scrutiny from the local fans. 

    They are damned if they do, as in reposting what others are saying if it turns out to be rubbish and damned if they don’t and someone gets signed as they won’t be seen as ITK.

  3. I’m also looking forward to the game tomorrow. It’s been a long time coming getting to a competitive game with the lock down. 

    These young lads will never have a better opportunity of staking a claim as a first team regular due to the shortage of senior players. I just hope they prove that they’re good enough and don’t let the occasion get the better of them. 

    Regardless of what Rooney said we ARE the underdogs due to our current situation, but I love that. Hopefully the sense of entitlement and expectations that have plagued us the last 4-5 years will have gone away.

  4. 11 minutes ago, LeedsCityRam said:

    Have we been told anything by the club (or Rooney) in the last 6 months? Its been a black hole & all we've got is educated guesswork in terms of the embargo.

    Rooney isnt stupid & given the time constraints, will know how likely it is he will have to play youth CBs v Huddersfield. Therefore to feel confident about playing trialists tomorrow, you think he would insist on written assurances from the EFL (via the club). If that isnt forthcoming, then like @Tyler Durden says, we need to be starting our contracted players only & am sure thats exactly what Rooney would do.


  5. 1 hour ago, Anag Ram said:

    How about


    Byrne            Jagielka        Wisdom        Buchanan


    Ebosele          Bird         Shinnie         Forsyth 



    Assuming three signings, two at CB. Not convinced Davies is match fit, or indeed that we could have him and Jags together.

    Ebosele for pure pace and Forsyth for defensive cover for Buchanan so they can take it in turns to attack.

    Morrison given no role other than to attack. Solid but dangerous on the break.

    Jozwiak and Lawrence flatter to deceive too often. No crosses, no goals.




  6. 25 minutes ago, Carnero said:

    You've paid exactly 63% which is:

    30% off for ST holder, this takes the £32 down to £22.40

    Then you get 10% off the £22.40 as per your selection for the 19/20 refund (Rams tv + 10% off season ticket price)

    10% of £22.40 is £2.24

    £2.24 off £22.40 = £20.16 the price that you paid.

    Ever thought of managing the accounts and amortisation policy for DCFC? Probably wouldn’t be in this mess if you did ?

  7. 37 minutes ago, Abu Derby said:

    Someone has nicked my seat even though I have it as a season ticket holder. Why couldn’t the club let STH retain their seats?  I spent well over £500 for it. It’s a stupid decision by the club.

    If all seats are up for grabs it should include the directors box seats as well. See how they like sitting elsewhere. 

    Try a different one. You never know. You might enjoy it. A change is as good as a rest or so they say 

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