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  1. Clap
    Colm reacted to PistoldPete in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    It’s against my rules to pay subscriptions for click bait. 
  2. Haha
    Colm reacted to IslandExile in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    I'm sure it was just an ill judged attempt to get the fans on his side.
    What he doesn't realise is the love and respect we hold for our brethren down the road......oh wait.
  3. Haha
    Colm reacted to Ramtastic ones in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    She sits near me in the east stand and I haven't heard her sing in years
  4. Haha
    Colm reacted to B4ev6is in Charlton Athletic and Ipswich Town to sue Derby County   
    What the hell
    How on earth can they sue for that beyond a joke now.
  5. Haha
    Colm reacted to i-Ram in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    He hasn’t yet informed social media of once having a Tommy Tank at a football match. That passes my idiot test.

  6. Clap
  7. Haha
    Colm reacted to Parsnip in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    Stopped reading at "I'm not a billionaire".
    Trot on then youth. 
  8. Haha
    Colm reacted to Steve Buckley’s Dog in Charlton Athletic and Ipswich Town to sue Derby County   
    Charlton Athletic are set to sue Derby County for £25 million after the ball burst in the 1946 FA Cup Final. If it hadn’t burst then we might have won or got some good players or something, said a Charlton spokesman. Meanwhile Ipswich Town also announced they were going to sue Derby County due to some reason or other. We might have won more games if they hadn’t beaten us in them, cited an Ipswich spokesman. It simply wasn’t fair that they had better players and scored more goals. We want £40 million and Martyn Waghorn back. 
    Meanwhile American fast food chain McDonalds announced that they were going to sue Derby County for fielding a player with their brand name. Flagrant breach of copyright, claimed a spokesman for the evil corporation.
    In other news the EFL announced a further 9 points deduction for Derby County after the midlands side finished their 0-0 draw against Swansea with 5 full backs on the pitch. Everyone knows you should have two full backs, said a source close to Rick Parry. Derby ended the game with 5 players who full back could be considered their tecognised position. That is clearly too many. We checked the rules but couldn’t find anything specific about this so we all agreed that 3 points per extra full back sounded about right. 

    Meanwhile Wycombe have announced they aren’t going to sue Derby County for getting them relegated by buying Nick Blackman when they were two leagues below after they realised it was totally ridiculous and so far fetched as to be laughable. 

    *Has anything ever gone wrong with your football club? Not won enough points? Let in last minute winners to players who can’t even drive and park their car properly? Why not sue Derby County? Contact Gibson and Parry Solicitors for your claim form. 
  9. Like
  10. Haha
    Colm reacted to MaltRam in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    OK. Trying to be cool.
    Not going to get carried away yet.
    Breathe, be calm, it's only Nicko, and it's probably nothing.
  11. Clap
    Colm reacted to Premier ram in Bad behaviour by Derby (& coventry) fans again   
    was hit on the head by an object thrown by the Coventry fans yesterday , luckily no treatment needed, stewards not interested , left the ground after the match , Coventry fans everywhere looking for trouble , myself and my mates grew up in the eighties so yesterday was nothing compared to then , but the half dozen Cov fans who decided they were tough enough to try it on with us and spitting and kicking their chosen attack method were quicklly despatched by us with the minimum of fuss , no i am not proud of it but neither can we stand back and be spat on . and in relation to earlier posts we dont wear Stone Island 
  12. Haha
    Colm reacted to Alph in Bad behaviour by Derby (& coventry) fans again   
    Where you see paw prints in human poo. 
    It's got that 'welcome to Chernobyl 1986' vibe. 
    There's more Staffordshire Bull Terriers called Tyson in Coventry than there are Muslims called Muhammad in Cairo. 
    In Gaza they have an annual fund raising event to help the poverty in Coventry
    You think they came to fight Derby fans? They only wanted their coins back. 
    100% Coventry would make Neo completely regret taking the red pill. That poohole makes I Am Legend a documentary 
    Nothing good ever goes there but the second you leave the concrete wasteland you've improved your health, wealth and career prospects. 
    Dump. It's like if Doncaster and Luton had a baby. 
  13. Like
    Colm reacted to Day in Newcastle United takeover confirmed   
    Sounds like an excuse from Roy Keane, players tend to live on the outskirts of cities anyway or even further away, Rooney travels a couple hours into Derby each day.
    Don't forget the city has an airport, easy to fly home or wherever when injured or have time off.
    Really don't see location being an issue.
    Players would obviously choose Paris, Manchester and Munich over Newcastle right now, but that's as they have established top teams, not necessarily location.
    Paris is a real dump and Germany the women sound like men.
  14. Like
    Colm reacted to Gritstone Ram in We always get poo refs.   
    Anyone else agree?
    Wayne has called them out. We never get the decision.
    I’m not saying they aren’t equally bad for the opposition but I think there’s a little bias in there. I reckon they have an agenda. Maybe Wayne is right and it is due to all the goings on. Does this make it sport? Surely things should be even!
  15. Like
    Colm reacted to Andicis in Who would you like as new DCFC owner?   
    You're aware we currently can't pay any of our bills? Mike Ashley leaves Newcastle in a financially stable position. 
  16. Like
    Colm reacted to Mckram in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    Anyone arguing that appealing is a waste of money and we should have used it for those that have been made redundant need to realise that without appealing there’s a good chance more jobs will be lost if we end up in league 1. If we stay in the Championship by a point or 2 because of a won appeal, then we’re protecting more jobs in the longer term and those that lost jobs may possibly get them back.
  17. Like
    Colm reacted to Ram-Alf in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    Maybe that they saw him as a Cockney wide boy who wouldn't play their game, Still don't get why the Bar Codes think they're summat special, Good town for going on the lash, The Likely Lads, When the boat Comes In, Aufwiedersein Pet, Geordie Shore, Not forgetting those 2 talellntless geordies who present some game show or summat.
  18. Like
    Colm reacted to Rosythram in We are a seriously disliked team, and it bugs me   
    Isn’t this similar to clubs thinking or stating they are big clubs but in reality they are in their own neighbourhood, not in the real world.
    In our minds we are disliked in reality no one cares and if we went out of business DCFC fans would care but in a few years other fans would have conversations asking if they remember that football club called Derby that went out of the league a few years ago.
    Its not important, not through hatred or dislike, because the world still spins and tomorrow always happens.
  19. Cheers
    Colm reacted to DerbyGeordie in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    Hi all,
    Newcastle fan here. Been going to Uni of Derby for 2 years now (in my final year) and after hearing and reading what's went on at the club in the last few years I've grown a bit of a soft spot for DCFC. Saw that you were linked with Ashley taking over, now, I am aware that as a club you're probably in the worst state you've ever been in. Ever. In administration, a potential risk of going into liquidation, absolutely criminal that could happen to your club, as to me its still a good sized club with standing in English football. Ashley seems like a ticket out, financial stability. But, and I have to say after reading some of the posts on here which are terribly incorrect, the man is/was an utter parasite.
    Where we were as a club before Ashley was probably where Spurs, West Ham are now. Promoted to the Premier League in 1993, finished 3rd, 6th, 2nd, 2nd, 4th, 3rd, 5th and 7th in the period before Ashley took over, regulars in Europe, played 3 seasons of Champions League football. Won nothing obviously, but we had genuine hope. Ashley takes over in 2007, within 2 years we're relegated. We bounce back due to the quality of the squad we had at the time, stay in the Premier League for another 6 seasons (3 of which were relegation battles) and get relegated again. The second relegation, we had a wage bill the size of a midtable PL club in the Championship and had Rafa Benitez in charge so we bounce straight back again. Since then we've been fighting relegation again, Rafa leaves due to no ambition at the club beyond staying up; his replacement summing up that ambition which even he is making an arse of.
    Now I know it's rich to come on here and complain about doing nowt more than staying in the PL given your situation, but this is all relative. Our two promotions Ashley lucked out at the squad and managers present there at the time and we only had to get promoted because of beyond tragic management from Ashley in the first place.
    The whole 'he's a good business man' and 'got Newcastle financially sound' is a myth. Part of £300m fee paid for the club from the consortium on Thursday will have partly been made up my interest free loans Ashley took out from the club; taking money out so to speak. Our commerical revenue was greater than Spurs, Everton and West Ham before Ashley took over, now clubs like Brighton & Hove Albion are millions ahead. Across his 14 years his net spend is +£10m which in the PL scheme of things is peanuts.
    I see why you may want him, you'd probably take almost anyone and I don't blame yous for that. But he is not a good football club owner and the perception that he was good for us is so far wide of the mark is untrue. He has set us back years and this golden ticket we've been given will see that, as it'll be years until we're on a level footing with Spurs, Everton, West Ham and Villa.
  20. Cheers
    Colm reacted to DerbyGeordie in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    Still 9th. Doesn't matter when they were, and in the Sky-PL age we've challenged and been regulars in European competitions before him.
    It wasn't, Benitez galvanised the club, offered hope and is a top class manager. Look at what he's achieving with Everton having only spent £2m(?). Ashley had the chance to kick on, without spending big and willingly chose not to. 
    Perhaps, but when an owner skims off the top to the point where it's to the detriment of the club it's not good. It's only paper talk and I know you'll take almost anyone with the club almost on it's knees but I hope that it isn't Ashley. I don't know if there's anyone else in the running, I hope there is. Someone better.
    Anyway, I truly wish you, others on this board and the whole of DCFC nothing but the best, assuming I forget my login details, which I probably will. You should come through this, too much of a standing in the game to not. I hope. 
  21. Angry
    Colm reacted to maydrakin in Pathetic Customer Service   
    I am writing this, largely out of frustration, but I feel I need to get it off my chest.
    My dad was a season ticket holder for 50-odd years and he died of cancer in September. (I joined him as a season ticket holder from 1987)
    He had renewed his ticket for the 2020-21 season before the pandemic hit which was carried over into this season.
    In April, when he knew he was too poorly to go again, he wrote to the ticket office advising as such and would therefore prefer a refund to the ticket for 2021-22.
    He received a response saying that the club could not provide a refund as the deadline had since passed.
    As a result, I wrote to the club in July to see if an amicable solution could be found to transfer his ticket to my friend who would pay the difference from a 65+ ticket to a standard adult one, then paying my dad for the rest of the ticket.
    I heard nothing.  I chased again twice and still heard nothing.
    In an attempt to try and sort it out before the season ticket deadline (after my dad had recently died and after Derby had gone into administration), I went to the ticket office and was advised the process would be that my friend would have to buy the ticket in full and my dad could get a refund on his seat, due to his death.
    I therefore paid for my friend’s seat (which was my dad’s seat) in full for my friend and gave details with regards to getting a refund.
    This week, the SLO contacted me to say that it would be possible to upgrade his seat to my friend and to contact the ticket office accordingly, in response to my email sent in July.
    When I explained what I had already been told by the ticket office, I received another email advising that due to the administration events, no refund could be given at all.
    So, Derby County have taken my dad’s money and my friend’s money for the same seat, have given me conflicting information and are now reneging on returning my Dad’s refund (which would have obviously gone to my mother).
    I have requested that I get his season ticket back but for a different seat, as I can either bring someone else, or sell it on to recover some of the cash, but have had no response so far.
    I can’t express how poorly I have felt Derby have handled this, (effectively costing me over £300) and it shows how much they valued my dad as a “customer”, when their lack of providing the correct information or acting in a timely manner could have seen this resolved.
    Overall, I’m really saddened that this becomes my Dad’s final legacy with the club that he loved.
  22. Haha
    Colm reacted to BriggRam in Newcastle United takeover confirmed   
    Arsenal ?
  23. Clap
    Colm reacted to Indy in Raise your drinks for DCFC   
    (seeing as there’s been far too little said to mark the 75th anniversary of our FA Cup win)
  24. Haha
    Colm reacted to Eric the half a ram in Raise your drinks for DCFC   
    Can't we just call it Gibbo's bitter and be done with it?? ??
  25. Clap
    Colm reacted to angieram in VIP visitor !   
    Why? They are just people who are good at their jobs. ?
    Same as footballers, really. 
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