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Posts posted by MackworthRamIsGod

  1. I'm no fan of Mel anymore, he deserves a lot of the stick he receives, same with Pearce, but, protests shouldn't be aimed at them, they should be aimed squarely at the EFL.

    It surprises me that some fans haven't clicked onto who the real enemy are. Protesting against Mel Morris will have Rick Parry licking his lips, and Steve Gibsons no doubt. Any protest against Mel, regardless of our feelings, is another dent against the club.

    Protests need to be pre-arranged, before and after the game, banners with words to the effect that the EFL are destroying football. The media need to know so the protests get air time and we need a spokesperson who can appear in the media and give facts as to why we feel we are being harshly treated. Such as; if the EFL hadn't signed off all our accounts we wouldn't have paid 10 million for Bielik, or 4 million for Jozwiak, or x amount for Wayne Rooney.

    In all of this, we don't have anyone visibly representing Derby and trying to set our story straight.

    I am absolutely sick to the back teeth of the EFL and Rick Parry, I would rather see us play non-league football and fight them to the hilt than bend over and accept guilt!

    If Mel Morris reads this (he won't), you have made lots of mistakes, but you have my full backing on this, fight the barstewards right to the very end, don't accept any points deduction, at least until the EFL accept liability also.

    Protest against the EFL not Mel!

  2. 35 minutes ago, LazloW said:

    Considering everybody in the press is agreed that it’s going to be a 9 point deduction with another 3 suspended (for what crime nobody can say) I continue to wonder what the supposed ‘negotiations’ are looking like.

    EFL: 9 points?

    DCFC: No

    EFL: 9 points?

    DCFC: No

    and so and so forth…

    How long can that realistically go on for? 


    For as long as Derby want, it's in our court I would guess.

    The EFL offer us a points deduction, if we accept we also accept guilt and the EFL celebrate a horrible dirty victory. Mels pride is dented.

    If we refuse we stay in embargo, any takeover talk diminishes, we are most likely relegated at the end of the season, half our squad leave and we cannot replace. Then we eventually get hit with a points deduction anyway which then sets us on course for league 2.

    I don't envy Mel will that choice.

  3. Honestly, what is the end game here?

    The EFL are clearly blocking a takeover, they want Mel to take some form of punishment before he leaves Derby. It's obvious Rick Parry won't sleep at night until he knows Mel Morris is responsible for Derby County getting a points deduction resulting in relegation.

    No takeover means we are in this never ending Mel Morris Mess.

    If we get relegated with even lower revenue I just can't see how our club survives?

    We arent paying the bills now, how on earth do we pay the tax man, transfer installments etc in league 1 if we cannot afford to do that now.

    Not to mention the need to buy an actual squad of players next summer.

    It feels like the club are in a maze without an exit.

  4. 53 minutes ago, Ambitious said:

    Confirmation that we haven't submitted our audited accounts - despite having an extended deadline. 

    As much as it pains me to say it, we should be hit with the harshest punishment possible. Mel Morris and Stephen Pearce have got such an easy ride from the fans considering what they have done over the past 12 months, including trying to shift the club on to very obvious charlatans. 

    We have a group of honest pros & kids shouldering issues today that were due to a Derby County team and Mel Morris of yesteryear. It's absolutely shameful to see. I absolutely cannot stand Derby County in its current form. It's a disgusting stain on English football. 

    You will get a backlash from this, there are still people who would lick Mels backside if he asked nicely.

    But your last sentence is absolutely spot on, we really are. 

    I think the "Mel Morris he does what he wants" has gone to his head a little bit.

  5. Let them give us a 5 point deduction, 10 points, 30 points, I dont care anymore.

    Infact I care about as much as Mel or Rick Parry cares about us honest hard working fans that spend too much time thinking about our club.

    You see this is the thing, rich people have ruined football. We have rich people arguing and fighting publicly whilst the actual football club goes to the wall and the fans suffer.

    The only way Mel redeems himself for me is if he sticks his middle finger up to the EFL and fights them in the trenches. Take them all the way knowing how much money it will cost the EFL. We may end up with a 21 point deduction, but make sure Parry comes out of it with a bloody nose.

    Dont let the baaaaaaastards win!!!

  6. 10 hours ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    Wouldn't that have all been gone through in the orginal hearing (that we won?) - any question on that can be pointed back to the ruling with a note that the EFL did not appeal that part of the verdict.

    No, because this wasnt actually known until the last hearing where Stephen Pearson was said to have said "oh by the way, we realise we may have found 30 million down the back of the sofa, which we had forgotten about and would have done if it wasnt for all this pratting about" words to that effect anyway.

  7. 54 minutes ago, The Scarlet Pimpernel said:

    Pure guesswork but is it not possible that we filed the accounts in time for the original deadline but the EFL wanted more clarification so agreed the second deadline to which DCFC have now complied with more information? 

    This is the theory I am holding onto.

    Constructive talks suggested we were working with the EFL to get our accounts submitted. I suspect the EFL asked us for something extra and gave us a deadline, which we have met.

    Now we wait.

    Remember, the longer the EFL string this along the more likely we go down and the EFL get their wish anyway.

  8. It's funny, wind the clock back 10/15 years, I watched EVERY England game, would go to the pub or did something for each one. I watched Match of the day every week, I knew most Premier League players whether we were in the division or not.

    Now, I have no interest in England, unless a major tournament, but struggle to name the players and have no idea who most of them play for.  I have absolutely no interest in Premier League football at all. Seeing Brighton and Burnley spending 30 million on a player, seeing game after game ruined by dodgy VAR decisions. Seeing the likes of Aston Villa, Man City and Leicester cheat FFP and succeed as a result.

    My interest in football hangs by a thread, which is Derby County and my God is that interest taking a beating.

    I'll never give up on Derby, but if we go under (which is looking a possibility at the minute) I wont watch a single minute of football.

  9. We are stuck in a vicious loop and I just cant see a way out.

    Our current owner wont commit to funding us for the season. Clearly Mel WILL fund us, but if he commits to that the US consortium could just sit back for the season and see how it unfolds. But a tenure under Mel is extremely bleak and ends in disaster.

    The Americans wont takeover until the EFL give us our punishment (or lack of). My concern is if by the time this happens we are bottom of the table having lost our easy run of games, transfer window shut with no possibility of strengthening, they may choose to back out like the buyer that BZI were fronting, this again results in Mel.

    Rooney stressed how these opening fixtures were key, I dont think just to out league position, i honestly think a takeover could hinge on them too.

  10. If the EFL are disagreeing on a certain aspect, which is likely to be a very key aspect, I bet there will be an extension to the deadline.

    If it's true the EFL are trying to avoid legal action it would make sense for an extension to try and reach a resolution, also an extension further delays our takeover and any transfer dealing so it's a small win for the EFL.


  11. 6 hours ago, QuitYourJibbaJivin said:

    I know we’re skint but they bid is insulting.

    I'd say he is half the player Will Hughes was, so judging by how we do transfers I'd say 2 million is about right ?

  12. 4 hours ago, MACKWORTHRAM said:

    Something has to happen this week. The accounts are out. So we'll know one thing or another.

    Would be lovely to hear from our chairman.

    More chance of us winning the league than hearing from that bloke.

    Think to let the fans know what is going on would take caring and I think we've all established he doesn't care about us.

    We wont hear anything this week I stake my mortgage on it, the EFL will sit on the accounts for weeks before anything happens.

  13. I am holding hope the EFL finally use common sense and just look to move on from this whole thing, maybe we get another suspended points deduction that becomes activated should we file our accounts late again.


  14. 2 hours ago, kevinhectoring said:

    The programme sheds a lot of light on the BZI and Alonso deals and suggests Samuelson duped a naive Mel. It supports the theories that

    - BZI was not the principal but there was a Mr Big in the shadows who backed out

    - Alonso was funded by a shady Asian businessman and was a front. 

    The Alonso deal would have been a disaster (what was Mel thinking of?) and there’s no telling whether the BZI one would have taken us to the top or to rock bottom. Or both in that order. 

    Samuelson is completely discredited. He’s in his 70s I think and after this expose it’d be incredible if he could get anywhere near a deal involving the EFl  

    As for Mel’s FFP loophole,  agree with what you say. But given the problems he has since had with the EFL, surely he’d now think twice. And I don’t think anyone reputable would buy the club relying on that loophole.  

    I actually don’t understand how the loophole works so if anyone can explain that, please do.


    BZI werent the principle buyers, they were a broker, the main buyer was a construction firm based in Dubai. They pulled out last minute and the delay was down to BZI trying to find someone else dumb enough to buy us.

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