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Posts posted by plymouthram

  1. 12 hours ago, maydrakin said:

    It really doesn’t matter what I think, as I was convinced that Marvin Robinson had a much better chance than Malcolm Christie… and that Giles Barnes would be a future international.

    After listening to a podcast with Robinson, I think it’s such a fine line between success and failure.

    There are too many variables to determine the fate of a player.  If you don’t take the chances when presented, you can be consigned to the dustbin very quickly!

    Giles Barnes got 19 caps with Jamaica

  2. 12 hours ago, TomSaint said:

    Out of the first team and academy who do you think has the brightest future ahead of them?

    Personally think its got to be Knight. Hes a solid player even tho we play him out of position all the time ( The derby way).

    International and has the ability to create something/get a goal.

    Also believe Cybulski will do well once hes bulked up and  got the first team nerves out the way


    I think Cybulski is a player that wayne rates and is looking at him to be a regular 1st team squad player next season. It could be sh_t or bust for him in League 1, I'm hoping he turns out to be another Roger Davies.

  3. Well that's a short time to next season and even shorter for teams that get involved in play-off games. The Championship play-off final not being played until 29th May. So the losing team, who like the other 3 teams in the play-offs will have plan A (Transfer targets for the Premier League) and plan B (Transfer targets for Championship). But only a mere 62 days before they kick off again.

    So Derby are in a better position to have an extra 19 days head start on all the teams in the championship. Even the 7 teams at the top of League 1 are not certain 100% what league they are in yet.


  4. 10 hours ago, The Scarlet Pimpernel said:

    Kirchner is hoping to be paying the bills from 7th May. Although we can't offer contracts officially I imagine Rooney can show those he wants to stay the type of contract he can offer. 

    I'm sure Chris Kirchner stated he was going to ask the EFL if Derby could get contracts offered before the official takeover.

  5. Should we change the title to "Relegation Partners", soon to be Peterboro and Barnsley. Derby have been relegated with 21 points deduction, transfer embargo's galore, forced  players sold, dodgy stonewall penalties not given etc. Apperantly the EFL are having a party tonight and Steve Gibson is footing the bill 

  6. 26 minutes ago, Chester40 said:

    And Mel provides finance for golf tournaments and bought him a £20millon plane? Or are you saying he has made that up?

    It just seems that his personal wealth is kept a secret and if he stated last year in an interview that he is not a multi-millionaire, where is the money coming from. It must be other backers to be splashing that type of cash for Derby if it's true about him being only worth £5m.

  7. On 12/04/2022 at 08:55, Jimbo Ram said:

    Yea, I am sure Ipswich, Sunderland and the likes of Pompey will be looking forward to ‘their’ cup final……

    We are a bigger club than Ipswich and Pompey and with a big name with our manager, yes we will be an attraction to supporters of these well supported clubs. Ipswich Top tier champions once 1961/2 season, ground capacity=30,311 with a category 2 academy.

    Portsmouth top tier champions twice 1948/49 & 1949/50, ground capacity=17,500 with a category 3 academy.

    Sunderland top tier champions 6 times the last time being 1935/36 season, ground capacity=49,000 with a category 1 academy.

    Only Sunderland would be considered a bigger club with their past titles and ground capacity and current support.

  8. 1 hour ago, Turk Thrust said:

    Agree totally. And this why I don’t fully grasp why some posters say that CK’s wealth or lack of it doesn’t matter.

    I personally don't think Chris Kirchner is that wealthy, there's got to be other backers behind him and unknown to us fans. I would'nt be surprised if Mel was involved or some other close associates of Mr K.

  9. 23 hours ago, uttoxram75 said:

    We could have done without a two year transfer embargo, a 21 point deduction, EFL's decisions to stop our SKY TV and Covid money and the threat of that curly haired little t..t from Middlesbrough trying to liquidate us.....

    Even with the worst punishments in English football history we are only a Bobby Davison away from survival. 

    You missed out the EFL tapping up the refs to not give us any stone wall penalties

  10. 8 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    I thought that was cK before the EFL decided that debt restructuring couldn't be used to get rid of Boro and Wycombe followed by the twitter tantrum, although there's been so much BS around the whole thing that i could easily be getting things mxed up.

    For some reason i was under the impression that Ashley to this point has done a lot of stringing along but not actually put in a bid to buy the club?

    The Administrators statement suggested there was 3 bids that met the deadline of 3pm on the 25th March. Surely one was Ashley and obviously Kirchner was another and possibly the 3rd bid was Andy Appleby consortium.

  11. I think there is a lot of things going on in this PB announcement. Kirchner walked away back in December and even went sniffing around at Preston. What brought him back to Derby ? Is Mel involved with some financial backing, will there be a separate bid coming in to buy the stadium. Did the Administrators give the PB to Chris Kirchner on Mel's say so, to entice a bigger raised bid from Mike Ashley. Is Mike Ashley (who states he still wants Derby) going to sneak in by purchasing the stadium off Mel.                                                                          Or does Chris Kirchner have other backers within his bid (George Clooney) or some other rich yank. Paul Stretford is involved with Kirchner and is also connected to Wayne Rooney (football agent). Stretford's networth is £20.8m and Rooney 's is £120m, have they put into the pot. It seems strange that Chris Kirchner, a mere 34yr old is only estimated to be worth £5m but has won the preferred bidder. There must be others involved, time will tell. 

  12. 1 hour ago, Tyler Durden said:

    Who's to say that we wouldn't have played him totally out of position or not played him at all or totally crushed his confidence?

    Just because he went to Brentford for 3 years then was sold for a 25 million profit doesn't mean the same outcome if we had signed him. 

    You are probably right, if Rowett had paid what Exeter were asking for him. Rowettball would have had him playing holding midfield player.


  13. 1 hour ago, Curtains said:

    We also tried to get Watkins when Rowett was manager but pulled out at last minute allegedly when Exeter increased the price I think .

    So Mel was trying to be frugal then but it didn’t pay off .

    Thats Football 

    It was Steve Mac that spoke to Exeter about an approach for Watkins during the January transfer window, then not long after that in the March Rowett came in. Watkins stated he wanted to stay at Exeter until the end of that season because they were involved with a possible promotion which they lost in the play off final to Blackpool. It's possible that he would have signed for Derby, but come the end of the season we had Rowett in charge, who I believe stated Exeter were asking too much. He was bought for £1.8m and sold 3 years later for £28m.

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