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Posts posted by plymouthram

  1. 14 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

    No you don't add on VAT at all, that is a recoverable cost.

    I'm interested to know how you got from £4m for 8 months (£500k per month) to £6.5m to £7.5m for 9 months?

    Not sure that working for an accountancy firm makes someone any more likely to know what the administrators fees are than anyone else.

    Googled the question on VAT, here is the answer;

    Can sports clubs reclaim VAT?

    The ability to reclaim VAT on expenditure is dependent upon an entity's VAT status. Grant income is generally outside the scope of VAT. Capital projects – In most circumstances, sports clubs will be unable to recover the VAT charged on capital projects.

    It was nearly £5m not including VAT in 7 months (from 3rd week September to 3rd week in April) and another 2.5 months could be another £1.5m. Agree the figure of £8m that was passed on to me via my brother does look over the top. But has I initially stated it was rumoured.

  2. 1 hour ago, G STAR RAM said:

    Took me a while to go through all of it and add it all up, so far we have the Administraters pre-advice costs at £959,937.90. Followed by Their fees £2,145,970.50. Expenses of £1,354,155.60. Forensic team (on all IT equipment) costs £27,437.50 +VAT. Blue Road Ltd (accountants) costs £47,009.83 +VAT.  Solictors (Pinset Masons) costs £75,005 +VAT. Solictors for points deduction appeal, (Freeths) charged £187,309 +VAT Also Ankura charged £95,210 +VAT. Valuers of clubs Assets charged £1,254.75 +VAT. Valuers of Players charged £15,000 +VAT and last bill was Agents consultancy fees £575 +VAT.

    That makes a total of £4,908,865.08 plus you have to add on the VAT for them accountants, solictors etc , which will bring it up to just under £5m. These figures were published with companies house on 20th April this year. Add on costs for the rest of April, all of May and June so far and your looking at around £6.5m to £7.5m. I got my figure of £8m from my brother who spoke to a mate who works for an accountant firm.

  3. You have got to question the administraters choice with CK. Did they ever have proper proof of funds with him. This story of bank holidays in USA & UK followed by the Money Laundry Association doing their checks all now seems a blanket for him to give him time to raise funds elsewhere. Looks like we've had our 3rd tyre kicker sniffing around the club and more time wasted.

  4. 26 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

    Why are you quoting estimated figures?

    The administrators fees up to the end of May were included in the update filed at Companies House.

    CBA to look right now but their fees were circa £2m with the same again in expenses.

    Now I don't know what their fees are right up to date but if you asked me to have a guess, I certainly would not think that their fees/expenses for June 2022 were equal to their fees/expenses for the period September 2021 to May 2022.

    Obviously if you have evidence to the contrary, I will gladly apologise. 

    Just checked those figures again and got 2 wrong, expenses was £1.24m and legal fees £1.1m still making £3.75m for the first 4 months in Administration. Agree these were estimated figures released by Quantuma back in November, but I would'nt expect them to get their amounts too wrong. I did word it wrong stating no one had been paid for June, but that would only happen at the end of this month with no new owner in place.

  5. 10 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

    Instead of repeating silly rumours why do you not actually try and do a bit of fact finding yourself?

    The administrators released an update at the end of May which clearly detailed their fees to date and they were nowhere near £8m.

    Not sure how you can expect the rest of your post to be taken seriously when you post nonsense like that.

    Back in November the Administrators released estimated figures of a fee of £1.5m, expenses of £1.4m and legal costs of £1.24m and that was based on closing out in January with them being confident of having a buyer (at the time they stated they had interested buyers that were close to doing the deal by early January). Five months later, do you think their costs have not got up from what they estimated. They took over the club in September looking to be gone in the January, thats 4 months work. (my maths tell me had they gone in January they would have taken £4.14m). Now we can add on another 5 months of costs.

    The June pay is not due until the last working day of this month, but with no income coming in and no owner, who's paying the wages.

    P.S. The estimated figures were released to Derby live on the 25th November last year.

  6. 14 minutes ago, Carnero said:

    Im with you.

    I think his worst crime here is showing up his naivety in big business deals, especially if a large portion of his wealth came from hitting the jackpot on Bitcoin.

    I would still put it at 50/50 that he completes despite what the majority think.

    I thought it was Cryto currency that he jackpotted on

  7. 38 minutes ago, GenBr said:

    What do we need funding for? We've only got 5 players contracted, Rosenior looks to be leaving and i have doubts even Rooney will stay at this point. If we cant pay for 5 players with our fanbase we may as well give up. Rest of the team can be filled with volunteers from this forum. *

    * I know there are other costs to account for - other staff, maintenance, etc, but our player wage outgoings must be at very low levels at the moment. The EFL needs us to have a break even business plan as well, so anyone who buys us wont exactly be doing a mel again

    I used to be a good right sided attacking midfielder 40 years ago, hopefully some younger forum members can step forward and stop me embarrasing myself.

  8. 1 minute ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    Thought it was 35 million in monopoly money.  The Binnies had 28 turned down plus 2 million for Mr points deduction.  21.4 !!!!!!!!

    The Binnies offer was £30m as a whole (meaning the club plus the stadium). Mel pulling the strings in the background with the adminstrators turned it down.

  9. 40 minutes ago, Millenniumram said:

    Can anyone hold Quantuma to account for this? The way they’ve handled our administration should mean they have their license to administrate removed, presuming there is such a thing. They’ve proven to be entirely incompetent at their jobs, and potentially even dodgy as well, with some of the stories about ignoring certain bidders. In it for lining their own pockets, nothing more.

    That statement is a joke as well. Why is Kirchner even still allowed to be in the running. A deadline is a deadline. Not that a Quantuma have ever seemed to understand that. Get rid of that joker and talk to the guys with real money.

    Because Mel Morris appointed them and is still pulling the strings, it's obvious Mel does not want Ashley taking his club and with three preferred bidders in the running tight arse Mike Ashley will put in the lowest bid. Kirchner's bid was £21.4M and that's now the bench mark by keeping him in the running.

  10. Mel chose this bunch of Administrators and he's been pulling the strings. It's been obvious that he did'nt want Mike Ashley and now it's all balls up. The transfer window is now open, rumours are the current contracted players have'nt been paid for June. Agents for the ones out of contract will be seeking other clubs for them. Other rumour I've heard that so far these clowns have taken £8m in wages from the Rams, no wonder why they were pushing sales through on players to line their pockets. They won't get another job with any other stricken club after their balls up at Derby.

  11. On 25/05/2022 at 23:08, uttoxram75 said:

    Plymouth fans are superb.

    The nearest away game is nearly 2 hours. Most are 6 or 7 hours.

    Loads of respect for them.

    Hope we get a Saturday away, its a brilliant place for a weekend.

    I can walk to the ground in approx 5 mins. Last time I stepped inside Home Park was a League cup game for our U23s, watched a 0-0 draw. Stand out player that evening was the youngest player on the park, a 17yr old Jason Knight.

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