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Posts posted by plymouthram

  1. I think the most southern english pro football club is Plymouth and they are in League one. Most northern ground being St James Park, Newcastle closely followed by Carlisle. Interesting that only 8 clubs in League one are north of Derby.

  2. I remember my uncle giving me the money to get 2 tickets because he was at work and I was off school with the summer holidays. I got up at 4a.m. to walk from Chaddesden to the Baseball ground to purchase the tickets. Got stopped on Nottingham Road by a passing police car, the officer asking what I was doing all alone so early in the morning. After explaining, he said jump in the car and gave me a lift to the ground. Got there to find some fans had camped out at the ground waiting for the ticket office to open.

  3. 7 minutes ago, NottsRam77 said:

    Great post, totally agree

    I wont lie i was hoping that LR might move away from this pratting about at the back game thats deemed risk to reward

    derby more often than not run a high risk with it and im not sure a season of “up for it” teams and dodgy pitches is going to allow us to get the reward too often

    There is not going to be a lot of dodgy pitches in League one, the standard of pitches in proffessional football as vastly improved. We've just played a team in the 6th tier of English football, with a team of trialist (at least 3 played) and others who have only got a few minutes match time under their belts. Some that were in the squad tonight will play more U23 football than 1st team football. Liam Rosenior did state this match was arranged to give players more match time and that did include the trialists. He also stated that there will be more players coming in (at least 4). The window shuts on the 1st September (that's 36 days away). We have attracted some good players and playing out from the back does have a risk, but having the right quality in midfield will bring more success than failure. 

    It might be a slow start for us, with having so many new faces. But quality will always win more than losing. I'm not going to predict that we will romp this league, but I will stick my neck out and state we will be in the top half of the table.

  4. On 23/07/2022 at 10:15, Millenniumram said:

    There are other big clubs in this league who will have big attendances too - we just need to make sure we’re bettering them all, to show we’re the biggest!

    Yes besides Wednesday, Ipswich and Plymouth that I stated you've got Bolton who's ground holds 28,723 and last seasons average home attendance was 16,104. Charlton hold 27,111 and had an average of 15,592. Barnsley hold 23,287, had average of 12,784 admittedly they were relegated. Portsmouth hold 17,500 and averaged 14,444 whilst our first opponents Oxford hold 12,500 and averaged 8,463.

    Last season, also under a relegated season the Rams averaged 23,010. We do have the 2nd largest stadium in this division with only Sheffield Wednesday's ground bigger at 39,752. If we start off well and continue through the season to remain in contention for a promotion spot I can see us being the best supported team in League one.   COYR

  5. On 18/07/2022 at 20:50, Millenniumram said:

    Oh of course, without doubt - it’s sad, but people should absolutely prioritise more important things than football. I definitely shouldn’t have just spent £450 on a season ticket when I live in London, for example! 

    Numbers will be down division wide because of that however, so I hope our attendances remain big relative to the rest of the league.

    The attendances should be big compared with the other clubs in League One, only Sheff Weds have a bigger stadium. But I do believe Ipswich have sold nearly 16,500 season tickets and Plymouth Argyle have sold just over 7,500.

  6. The title "Do we have a tough start with the fixtures this season" was not a statement, but a question to our forum. I thought of doing the first 12 fixtures, because sometimes that can give you an indicator of how the season could go. My apologies for the way it came out, looked a bit jumbled up (don't have a clue why it did that). Could always blame my fat fingers on my laptop.

  7. Match 1. Oxford (h)= Finished 8th last season and were joint top goalscorers with 82 goals.                                                                                                   Match 2. Charlton (a)= Finished 13th but won 3 of their last 5 matches.                                                                                                                               Match 3. Barnsley (h)= Relegated from the Championship and could be in contention to challenge again for promotion.                                               Match 4. Shrewsbury (a)= Finished 18th, lost 20 matches and did not win any of their last 5 league games (might be easier).                                    Match 5. Fleetwood (a)= Finished 20th, lost 22 matches and just escaped relegation (could be easy).                                                                        Match 6. Peterborough (h)= Relegated from the championship and could be in contention to challange again for promotion.                                        Match 7. Plymouth (h)= Finished 7th last season missing out on the play-offs by failing to win in their last 5 matches.                                              Match 8. Morecambe (a)= Finished 19th last season avoiding relegation (could be easy).                                                                                                Match 9. Lincoln (a)= Finished 17th losing 3 of their last 5 matches (could be easy).                                                                                                      Match 10. Wycombe (h)= Finished 6th in a play-off spot, but failed to win promotion.                                                                                                         Match 11. Cheltenham (h)= Finished 15th last season but were a hard team to beat only losing 16 times (drew a lot of matches).                               Match 12. Cambridge (a)= Finished 14th last season, only losing 18 times.

    I would be happy with 27 points from the first 12 matches. All of our first 6 home games are good tests on how we could stand in this League.

  8. On 14/07/2022 at 08:57, Ghost of Clough said:

    The difference is that Forest's academy setup is well established. Darlow is 31 for example. Bamford 28, Lascelles 28, Osborn 27, Burke 25, Worrall 25, Cash 24, Yates 24, Brereton 23, Johnson 21. Dawson, Reid, Jenas, Morgan and many others before them. 

    We started from scratch 10 or so years ago. We had a 5 or so year spell of bringing players through in the Burley era, an another spell in the late 90's, but the club has never had a sustained approach to the academy until now. 

    You could argue we got lucky with recruitment, finding Hendrick (30) and Hughes (27) when we did as they were both levels above their peers in our academy at the time. The investment in to our academy has brought a lot more consistency to the players we're producing, as well as the overall ability. It's why the other players who're 23+ now are only Championship standard at best.

    Forest have Johnson at 21, possibly Mighten next at 20, then probably someone else the year below, then another the year below him, etc...
    Derby have Bird, Knight, and Buchanan (now in the Bundesliga) all 21. Sibley, Cashin, Thompson, and Stretton all 20, Ebosele (now Serie A) 19. Delap (19), Williams (18), Gordon (17), Sharpe (16), Scanlon (15), Kaba (15) all poached off us over the past 2 years.
    We caught up with Forest, arguably in greater numbers, but the last couple of years will have likely set us back a little bit. Although we do still have a number of youth internationals still with us including DRobinson (17), Moloney (17) and JThompson (15). 

    Of course, you won't see where the academy currently is until about 5 years time when these players are at a similar age of the likes of Worrall and Cash.

    I think our Academy may have not produced many top Premiership players as much as the like of Chelsea & Man City, but the amount of players we have put through the door that's compared with other clubs is quite high. Even though most have been average Premiership or good Championship, we produce a lot more than plenty of other clubs in the Championship and some of the Premiership clubs. Then you get players like Plange who was binned by Arsenal and Malcolm Ebiowei binned by Chelsea, Arsenal and Rangers who are now with Palace. Players like this not making progress/impressions at a bigger club will be enticed to come to Derby's Academy on the strength of our reputation in the last 10 years or so. What we need to do now we are out of administration is tie down the best ones into 2 or 3 yr contracts.

    I take my hat off to previous owners of the club who invested in our Academy and a lot of credit goes to Darren Wassall.

  9. Its too early to predict the starting 11 for the Oxford match, there's more incoming players before the kick off on the 30th. That's nearly a fotnight for players to sign and train with the squad prior to Liam picking his starting 11. Lets hope the coach's have watched video's of this season's opponents, because that could be a deciding factor to our set up/formation and starting 11. It's easy to guess that Wildsmith, Davies, Hourihane, Barkhuizan and Bird will probably start providing they are fit. That leaves 6 other slots up for grabs and with the new rule that allows you to make 5 subs in a match, it gives Liam chance to use 16 players in a match.

  10. 31 minutes ago, kevinhectoring said:

    Completely agree. Disappointed if Curtis has pressed for more particularly given what DC has just done for us 

    If Curtis plays a good season and deserves renewal, fine, all credit to him 

    I think he wants a one year playing contract with a promise to keep on after the year in a coaching role.

  11. 23 minutes ago, SirBrian said:

    Brain not working after last nights celebrations

    You drank too much, I had probably one too many last night just browsing on the laptop (Forum site obviously) and drinking my homebrews. Felt a little fragile this morning.

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