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    Wsm-ram reacted to DavesaRam in Derby County v Bristol Rovers Saturday 29 October 2022   
    That was absolutely stupendous. I have to admit looking at Bristol's recent run I was expecting a tough match, maybe even a defeat, but they hardly got a look in! I think that the pace we played at was an important factor, with the main one being the right formation. And playing 4 at the back meant that Mendez-Laing and Dobbin were playing further up the pitch, so they could attack better, and it mean that our midfield boys had mor options when passing the ball. Simples, hey?
    I think Tuesday night's hair drying session had its effect - to see Hourihan run half the length of the pitch to cut out a cross was, I think unprecedented at Pride Park! And without the 3 goals, man of the match would have gone to Mendez-Laing. He was awesome! But the rest of the team were up there as well! The penalty aside, the only things Derby players got wrong were things like Bird playing the thrown in ball back to the taker too hard, twice. Don't you just hate Warne-ball? Oh, and the defendding for the two goals conceded. But apart from tht, and the shot which Wildsmith had to save in the second half, Bristol didn't get a look in.
    There were a load of dubious decisions by the ref, with the 50 - 50 tackle by Hourihan being harsh, especially with the card given to him, but was still probably one of the better refs this season. Not that there is much competition - the bar is set so low that all he had to do was avoid tripping over it  as he stepped forwards! The penalty was a penalty for sure, although I was expecting at least one more which never came. But how often have we seen a ref book 3 players for time wasting? Especially as we have had to watch about 35 hours of wasted time over the last two and a half seasons going virtually unpunished? Although I cold see why Roberts got carded. He had taken his time at throws several times, including pretending to drop the ball a couple of times. So all the Bristol player did was throw the ball at him hard so that Roberts dropped it for real. He forced the ref to get the card out. Which reminds me - several times we had players in numbers surrounding the ref, one time leading to a booking for a Bristolian! Progress!
    The fans were really good and loud, and there was good banter with the visitors, and all in all it was a great day out. This could be a watershed moment - we can kick on from this, especially as we seem to have found a way to get the team playing well.
  2. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to jono in Derby County v Bristol Rovers Saturday 29 October 2022   
    Agree with all that. Bristol did try and target Smith and I though he struggled at times, he stood firm and coped very well under the added pressure. I guess the verdict on the pen is - yes it was. My view was pretty clear (except distance wise) they looked hip to hip muscle to muscle and Bristol guy just folded. Sure sure there was “contact” but that looked like it was a “bought” penalty and not foul play. It’s part of the game and I am sure we have done it but it still sticks in the craw.
    On Fozzy, he isn’t a spring chicken but he seems quicker than in the last year or so, still has juice in the tank after 90 minutes. What an incredible servant of the club he is
  3. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to dcfc the 1 4me in Derby County v Bristol Rovers Saturday 29 October 2022   
    Really good today, the team really pulled together and got a great result. Team spirit is a marvellous thing , it really helps in my humble opinion. I noticed a nice little gesture at the end of the match today. When Dobbin missed that chance in the second half I saw the disappointment on his face and his head dropped a little, I felt he thought he may  have let the team down( he hadn’t), then he was subbed. When the team came down to the south stand at full time, one of the coaching staff went over to him and it looked like he encouraged him to go and take the applause, his face broke into a smile and he then came down and indeed took the cheers.  Sometimes little things mean a lot.
  4. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to ram59 in Did We Get The Right Balance Of Players In, During The Summer?   
    LR mentioned on more than one occasion, that he was looking for certain types of character, when making his summer signings. But has it left us with a team consisting only of 'nice' blokes, who you'd like to have a kick around with and invite round for a BBQ?
    Warne alluded to this in his post match interview on Tuesday about the players in the dressing room and I think that the club is lacking a few more 'competitive' players. Players who get in the opposition and officials' faces, players who put in a few hard and/or cynical challenges, players who will let their team mates know when they're not pulling their weight, players like Rioch and Roy Mac from our title winning sides.
    It's about balance though, it doesn't have to be one way or another, I feel that our current squad is too 'nice' and needs 2 or 3 competitive type additions, to get a better balance.
  5. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to fred binneys head in Derby County v Exeter City Tuesday 25 October   
    If I can join in on the post match chat and give an away fan’s perspective…..
    I enjoyed the game, but only in the way I enjoyed our 0-0 at Accrington earlier this season, I enjoyed watching two teams battle it out with loads of endeavour, even if there wasn’t much creativity on show. I enjoyed watching my beloved little old Exeter playing in a proper stadium against a proper club with proper fans. And I enjoyed singing my heart out for the lads until I now sound like Barry White.
    As for the game, if I was a Derby fan I would be disappointed. You were the better side and the referee was poor for you, amazing for us. I didn’t think our keeper should have been sent off due to the ball going left and our covering defenders, but he certainly should have been booked and a free kick given. Amazing decision - as were lots of goal kicks / throw ins, especially the one in the last minute which was just in front of us. Hilarious.
    I thought you looked a solid side, you just couldn’t create much in the last third, so although I thought you were the better side you didn’t really trouble our keeper, apart from the free kick which drew an excellent save from him. 
    The reason we celebrated the final whistle so much was not only that we’d come to the home of a genuine footballing ‘big club’ and got a point, but we’ve had horrendous defensive injury problems in recent weeks, two of our players are staring down the barrel of a court appearance after their actions on Saturday night (I’m on their side by the way), we’ve had a new manager for 24 hours and we’ve got a team full of academy graduates. 
    Finally (thanks for humouring me), what did you make of our support? I’m always interested in the other team’s view of us - did our numbers surprise you? Could you hear us? Can never tell with stadium acoustics. I thought your support was great considering how low you are in the football league compared to your history and also considering it wasn’t the most exciting game to watch.
    Anyway, thanks for letting me join in. I might pop back when we play you at home next Spring. Good luck for the rest of the season. COYR (works for Reds and Rams).
  6. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Rammy03 in Derby County v Exeter City Tuesday 25 October   
    The one thing that game tells me is that we should be playing 4 at the back. Don't want to see 352 at the weekend.
  7. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Marriot Ram99 in Ipswich v Derby (A) Matchday Thread - ‘and it’s live’   
    That was the shitest game I've watched us play since Cocu tbh, woeful football. Didn't have a f****** clue. Really don't think the 3atb system works with our set of players and we don't have the defensive nous or physicality in midfield. Need 2 or 3 in January to have any chance of going up. 
    Cashin and Wildsmith the only players who were good today for us, thought Smith was solid as well. 
  8. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Kernow in Wildsmith   
    I’ll be one of the first to admit I wasn’t exactly enthralled by the idea of having Wildsmith as a number 1 when he signed. I’m sure many others will be in the same position.
    I was expecting and hoping another keeper to come in and that Wildsmith would be a good back up, but obviously that never happened.
    I think he’s been excellent this season and is yet to really make a glaring error. For a keeper that’s spent most of his career as a substitute, I think he’s stepped up brilliantly.
    He’s been one of our better additions this summer, I feel like he deserves some recognition for how he’s started his time here with us.
  9. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Andicis in Accrington Stanley v Derby County Matchday Thread   
    I thought Sibley was brilliant today. Direct, positive and full of energy. He offers so much when he plays. 
  10. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Bris Vegas in Accrington Stanley v Derby County Matchday Thread   
    Louie Sibley running all game. What an engine.
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    Wsm-ram reacted to cosmic in Accrington Stanley v Derby County Matchday Thread   
    How good has Louie Sibley been this afternoon, by the way. 
  12. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Bris Vegas in Accrington Stanley v Derby County Matchday Thread   
    Having legs makes a huge difference in midfield. Having Knight and Sibley running and breaking lines creates passing options.
    Hourihane is definitely a Rosenior player. And not a Warne player.
  13. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Jackal in Krystian Bielik - Joined Birmingham on a 3 year deal   
    Well the World Cup will be finished by January, so if Derby can afford to pay his wages for the remainder of the season within their current budget restrictions then i don't see why not. 
  14. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to Premier ram in Krystian Bielik - Joined Birmingham on a 3 year deal   
    get him back Warney
  15. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Srg in Derby County v Port Vale - The Matchday Thread   
    Midfield still an issue. This isn’t a Warne issue, it’s been a problem all season. Bird dangling legs in and too tentative for far too much of games. Hourihane largely anonymous most weeks.
    Then when you play 3 at the back and 2 of them are so unbelievably slow, you’re asking them to cover out to the touchline which they can’t do.
    Most of our downfall, beyond the referee, was the inability to win headers today. Was 30mins in before Cashin headed the ball in the right direction. Caused so much pressure it was silly. They weren’t a big side, we just lacked any kinder of muscle about us. 
    All that said, we win that game with a referee that wasn’t that guy. 
  16. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Paul Warne appointed as Head Coach   
    Update on Bucko
  17. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to I am Ram in Cambridge Utd v Derby (A) matchday thread   
    Paul Warne in the match reaction is hilarious, ' if a player don't run for us, he will be sat behind me'. Every interview he does is funny and entertaining, it's quite a different/honest and refreshing approach to football. Paul Warnes black and white army.
  18. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Ellafella in Cambs Utd V Derby County: Player Ratings   
    Wildsmith 7.5 Calm, confident & commanding. 2 good punches, and alert to everything.  
    Cashin 8.0 Another top performance and looked commanding. Cleared up a Curtis balls-up with a great block tackle.
    Davies 5.5 Ring-rusty but settled after a couple of mistakes.
    Chester 6.0 Went about his job with confidence. 
    Hourihane  6.5 A very good first half when he ran and created; settled in second half and kept the ball moving.
    Knight 7.5 Very energetic and gave his usual 110%
    Mendez-Laing 7.0 Kept on going despite gassing out on 65 minutes
    Bird ? 8.0 Grew into the game and given more freedon. Warney-ball will re-establish a swashbuckling Bird; brilliant disguised pass a la Will Hughes for Collins's second.
    Dobbin 7.5 Lots of running and harrying of the Cambs back 4.
    Collins  ** 8.5 MotM ** - looked like a different player. Full of self-less out of the box running and defending and poached 2 goals from nothing. Suddenly we seem to have a centre forward; benefitted from having a player alongside.
    Barkhuizen 7.0 Energy and took the game to Cambs.
    Sibley 6.0 saw the game out and harried well.
    Osula 7.0 Came on and looked sharp and energetic. Can see this guy being key this season. 
    Forsyth 6.5 saw the game out. 
    Thoroughly professional away performance on a small pitch with an awkward bobble. The result was never in doubt once we scored; clearly the players believe everything that Warney tells them. They played with certainty and belief.  
  19. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to rojo in Rotherham fan in peace   
    I just want to say how lucky you are to have Paul Warne as manager. I've supported the millers for 69 years. Obviously, I've seen managers come and go during that period. As far as I'm concerned, and many other fans Warne is the best manager we've had.
    Like Derby fans we went through some dark times. Administration points deducted, lost our ground, forced to play in Sheffield in an athletic stadium. No atmosphere, 4 years in the 4th division.
    Paul has many qualities. Excellent staff management, a workaholic. He's articulate, honest and will live and breathe Derby County.
    I thank him for all the memories, 3 Wembley wins 3 promotions and I wish him well and as a consequence wish the Rams well. I've never had a second team, but for the first time Derby County will be my second team. I look forward to seeing Paul succeed. 
    Hopefully Derby will be promoted and we survive in the championship and look forward to see you at the New York stadium.
    All the best.
  20. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Derbados in Paul Warne appointed as Head Coach   
    This may sound weird, but he reminds me in the way he talks of Sean dyche, obviously not the gravelly voice but the way he comes across, it’s just very Dychey 
    Incredibly impressed by his press conference
  21. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to DCFC1388 in Paul Warne appointed as Head Coach   
    Came across really well, love the honesty and also that he brings a sense of humour to it all, football media can be too serious at times so I am all for it.
    From listening to him, Collins & Knight are going to be right up his street in terms of how they press constantly. I look forward to us pressing high, fast & with intensity. I remember when Rotherham beat us at home a few years ago, they ran all over us, pressed high, fast & relentlessly.
  22. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to RodleyRam in Liam Rosenior   
    I would think his stock in the football community is higher now than it ever was, as evidenced by the wide ranging complimentary statements from people in the game.
    You can argue that PW is better suited to our needs right now but people writing off LR completely frankly have no idea what they're talking about. He's done a great job for us and very unfortunate not to get the job permanently.
    I doubt he'll be out of work long.
    Good luck Liam, hope you get another opportunity soon.
  23. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to BramcoteRam84 in Paul Warne appointed as Head Coach   
    Definitely been through a roller coaster of emotions on this during the week. I was extremely disappointed Liam didn’t get the job, even more disappointed they gave it to a League 1 specialist long ball merchant in what I thought was a knee jerk short sighted move. 
    After a few days of sleeping on it and doing my research into Paul Warne, I remain gutted for Liam and think we’ve lost a good one who could take us all the way to the premier league and I’m sure he will do really well elsewhere. But I have a warm fuzzy feeling about the potential future under Warne. 
    He isn’t necessarily the long ball merchant I thought, he seems to be someone who adapts to what he has. He’s driven ambitious and I love the fact he’s already talking to key players about wanting to get to the premier league. He’s likeable and will absolutely give his heart and soul to the cause. I hope for his own self preservation he keeps a bit of distance between himself and the club, but I’m not sure that’s really his way. This will be a tough unforgiving gig compared to his previous jobs but he wants to test himself and if he gets it right, he could be a hero and he’s the sort of character that would want to see it through to conclusion on principle and not flutter his eyelids at the next job.
    His record at this level is unrivalled and I really look forward to seeing how he gets on.
    As for Clowes, I was hasty to compare this to a Mel appointment. He’s given himself time he’s been considered and Warne is the man he clearly thinks will take us to where we want to be. He deserves our backing. Reading the minutes from the supporters meeting I’m really with what’s happening off the field for the first time in years. 
    Bring it on!!!! ????????
  24. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Ram-Alf in Paul Warne appointed as Head Coach   
    I thought he was a little lucky to get his place back straight away and not be on the bench, Stearman being the unfortunate one.
    Against Wycombe, He passed the ball to their player well into the Wycombes half, A very quick break was on, Davies struggled to get back and defend.
    Warne is a stickler for fitness I believe, If he comes here players had better adapt to a new training method ?
  25. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Bald Eagle's Barmy Army in Paul Warne appointed as Head Coach   
    Paul Warne = Yes please 
    I like Rosenior but we need a complete new management team. What we had with Rosenior, Walker and Buxton was just put together out of necisity. 
    If we want any chance of being promoted this season, this decision had to be made and I wouldn't be surprised of LR has suggested this needed to happen.
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