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    Wsm-ram reacted to Jimbo Ram in Sam Cosgrove   
    We need another striker if injuries hit surely 🤔
  2. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to Gisby in v Burton Albion (A) Match Thread   
    Is it just me or anyone else feel PW is taking a more subdued\contrite tone to his interviews since his post match faux pas on Tuesday night. I sort of detected a more down beat tone to his presser on Friday and his pitch side summary today??   
  3. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to jimtastic56 in v Burton Albion (A) Match Thread   
    Watched the lads getting off the team bus. Sonny B looks confident. Need a big performance from him today.
  4. Haha
    Wsm-ram reacted to Ambitious in Matt Godden   
    To remind us of more optimistic times from the summer? 
  5. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Warne has to get the balance right   
    On this point @Gee SCREAMER !! what are your thoughts on attendances if we don’t get promoted? I know you’ve shared some strong opinions on Warne before that I don’t share, but your point about 28k turning up for the club strikes a chord with me. I see people saying the attendances will drop off dramatically the longer we’re in league one, and I just don’t know that I believe that. Some will stop going, not disputing that sentiment entirely from other posters but I don’t see it being a dramatic drop off partly because of the point you make. Derby County football club is a part of the fabric of the city (and surrounding areas), yes people go because they want the team to succeed, but there’s more to it than that isn’t there? It’s about legacy of what’s gone before, it’s about that Saturday (or Tuesday, or random Thursday to accommodate sky’s cameras) routine, it’s about spending that time with mates and family, or away from them for that ultimate escape, it’s about being gluttons for punishment with the hope that kills ya…. I think in a one club city with so much history linked to the side (both good and bad), plenty would still turn out to see the Rams.
    Managers and players come and go, the club and it’s fans are the constant.
  6. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Ambitious in Summer Rumour Mill   
    BT you used to be a source of excitement and optimism, not dread and angst. Good news only, please 🫣
  7. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to BramcoteRam84 in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    I listened to it. Saying on second watch “it wasn’t as horrific as it felt at the time”, hardly a defence of the performance. He got a reaction second half, but collectively we weren’t at it including himself and coaching staff getting a couple of things wrong. 
    He also clarified his comments post match. Explained it well, we should all move on. He also said we’re actively trying to address all the gaps in the team but it’s hard, they have to be affordable, available and better than what we have. Went into detail about one manager saying we can have this striker we’re interested in but only when he can bring two strikers in, one of those strikers Warne knows is wanted by another club. Highlighting how challenging the market is. He confirmed The gaps are we need a striker to help replace Didzy’s goals and we need a midfielder to replace Knighty’s energy. He also said we’re lacking pace and we desperately need Barkhuizen and Sibley back. He’s saying the same things we are saying, he’s not oblivious of the gaps and he’s playing his hand as best he can.
    Reading between the lines, I don’t think he’s got much if any money to use as transfer fees. It does again raise the question on the budget/level of restrictions.
    Thought it was balanced. Got no hint squad is unhappy and everyone is as focused as they can be on the next game as you would expect. 
  8. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Ram1988 in Available Strikers   
    I agree that we need another foward however I feel a pacey hard working midfielder has to be the priority now. At times watching a midfield three of Bird, Hourihane and Smith is like watching walking football.
    We neee an attacking midfielder with pace and drive.
  9. Like
    Wsm-ram got a reaction from angieram in Team selection will be interesting   
    I think Hourihane being made captain just complicates the midfield picture.
    Does it now make him undroppable?.
    I just don't think he offers enough and is bypassed too easily.
    Fine if we have high energy around him and some real grit then it becomes a different conversation.
    Sadly we don't.
  10. Clap
    Wsm-ram got a reaction from Anag Ram in Team selection will be interesting   
    I think Hourihane being made captain just complicates the midfield picture.
    Does it now make him undroppable?.
    I just don't think he offers enough and is bypassed too easily.
    Fine if we have high energy around him and some real grit then it becomes a different conversation.
    Sadly we don't.
  11. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to ollycutts1982 in Max Bird   
    Bird just doesn’t do enough. Not strong enough in the tackle to be a CDM, not got the engine to be box to box, not quick enough of thought or progressive enough with his passing to play more advanced. I don’t see what we’d lose if he wasn’t in the team. I’d happily revamp the whole midfield. We need energy and creativity and we don’t have anywhere near enough currently. 
  12. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to angieram in v Blackpool (H) Match Thread   
    What an utter shambles that first half was tonight. I don't think it was so much lack of effort that did for us, but the system. 
    Someone commented that Blackpool also play three at the back and made it look easy, but actually they had a five man defensive unit across the pitch and a solid midfield in front of them.
    This isn't helped by our painfully slow build up play. It takes us an age to play out from the back because neither Nelson nor Bradley are comfortable on the ball. So the Blackpool defence was set, and coped easily with our balls in to two attackers who don't look match-fit.
    Blackpool in contrast just got the ball forward quickly and because we were only playing three at the back -at best - often two as Nelson and Cashin are being encouraged to play forwards - we were caught flat-footed on numerous occasions and there could have been a few more goals against us than there were. 
    Wilson plays so far forward that he might as well be a winger. Except Mendez-Laing is a much better winger, if we want someone to play that high. (I know he's injured tonight, but just making that general point.) 
    Why was Hourihane on the left wing getting in Elder's way? The whole set-up was bizarre.
    Second half we could have made more subs but Tommo and Fozzy made a big difference. Tommo because he moved about looking for the ball and played it quickly. Bird came to life with him at the side of him. Fozzy because he is far more assured in defence, Cashin immediately relaxed and he too had a better second half. Ward was much better than Wilson, not least because he can defend a bit, too! 
    I could put up with slow centrebacks if they were doing their jobs but they aren't at the moment. And they aren't much of a threat from set pieces either, I don't think we got a head on any of those first half. Fozzy is also pretty slow, but his positioning and reading of the game is just so superior to Bradley's so far that his lack of pace isn't the same issue.
    I would have liked to see Collins and Brown on at half time too, as Wash and Waggy were tiring and not able to take advantage of our increased momentum in the early part of the second half. As it was, we huffed and puffed but didn't create a lot. At least we looked more solid at the back. 
    I didn't enjoy Warne's post match interview on Radio Derby. If he wants to throw players under the bus, then he'll need to take responsibility for finding some better ones. Even if we don't know for certain who they are, the players will and that might be the final push they need to decide to walk away. On his track record so far, I'm not sure what sort of quality we're going to get in to replace them. 
  13. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to WestStandStartTheBounce in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    I think we all need to be calm about this as it is only two games. Panicking will make it end up being a self fulfilling prophecy that he will go. You can't hide it hasn't been a good start but Warne deserves time to work on the way he wants to play. If players want out then get out and good riddance. 
    On Saturday I thought we looked good. Entertaining play, lots of opportunities but undone by individual errors and lack of top quality striker.
    That's the thing we are crying out for, someone who can stick the ball in the net. We had the same issue last year but at least we had McGoldrick. If we want to do anything this year we need a striker. 
  14. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to DerbyAleMan in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    Not good tonight, really poor performance, but to talk about Warne going is ridiculous, he came out and said it was not good enough, now calling out players might be wrong, but our greatest manager ever Mr Brian Clough did it all through his career, so lets not all over react, in fact I think Warne cares about this club and thats why he reacted like he did, have any of us not called out a player, jesus we are so sensitive these days, in my day if my manager said i was s***, the next game I would think, I will prove you wrong, and go out there and show him he was wrong. 
  15. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to NottsRam77 in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    Its called taking responsibility 
    hes the first one to blow smoke up their arses and lavish praise on them publicy and he then reserves the right to bring them down a peg or two
    i played for a former forest youth team coach back in the day. 
    he was one of brian cloughs right hand men… end of every game he would sit us in the dressing room and go round the room. He would critique us all infront of our team mates.
    if u got a bollocking u got a bollocking .. hed make u feel like a mouse infront of all ur mates but if u got praised hed make u feel like a god amongst men
    to this day 30 years on .. i would run through brick f****** walls for him every day of the week
    its about character and what u choose to be 
  16. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to Andicis in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    The Brent joke you keep making isn't landing. Repeating it over more threads doesn't make it more funny. Change the record. 
  17. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to vonwright in v Blackpool (H) Match Thread   
    That's what bothers me to be honest. Don't care about the cup. Believe we have options and time to fix the defence. No idea where goals are going to come from when we are chasing the game. That's the bit that needs urgent attention and we seem to be out of options and money. 
  18. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to DavesaRam in v Blackpool (H) Match Thread   
    I am off to bed as I’m starting work at 4am tomorrow, but I won’t miss any more midweek matches because of work as I retire on Friday.
    I’m thinking of using my pension lump sum to by a pair of boots as I’ll have plenty pf time to turn up at training. I know I’m 66 but surely I can do better than this lot.
  19. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Eddie in Martyn Waghorn - signed a 1-year deal   
    There aren't many players who you could guarantee would run through a brick wall for the cause - but we've just signed one.
  20. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Animal is a Ram in Martyn Waghorn - signed a 1-year deal   
    Suspect we get a better version of Waggy than Coventry or Huddersfield did.
    I understand why people have reservations about him signing, but I'd rate this one higher than I would Rhodes/Sharp signing.
  21. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to TuffLuff in Billy Sharp   
    Got to say I respectfully disagree with the ‘I don’t want Sharp here’ talk and think it’s a bit daft. Yesterday was a reminder of what I think some of our problem was last year in that we really lack winners in our current side. Lots of good footballers, lots of nice players, but not many who you’d say have a real winning mentality. I do think Bradley and Nelson have a bit of that so think we are ok at the back but we lack a winner in more attacking areas and Sharp would tick that box for me no matter of his age. Also the market hasn’t moved in a way that has made players like Godden, Lapado and seemingly Smith available at this time. Derby are also in a tight market as they need 25-30 year olds, willing to play in league one but can also play consistently in front if big crowds. That isn’t easy.
    We need someone who can get something out of nothing, turn draws into wins etc and I think I’d rather have Sharp here than anywhere else in this league.
  22. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to EulogyForEvolution in Martyn Waghorn - signed a 1-year deal   
    Yeah, the dude who almost decapitated himself to score a goal to keep us up...I'm sure he'll lack heart and commitment.
  23. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to MACKWORTHRAM in Summer Rumour Mill   
    Yeah I agree mate. 3-4 is needed for me.
    I think we need a striker, creative mid and a really strong holding midfielder to go with Waghorn.
  24. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to Red Ram in Billy Sharp   
    Hope we sign Sharpe. He's a proven goal scorer and we need one. He was subjected to moronic, mindless and completely groundless abuse by some of our so called fans so he gave a bit back. Good for him. The fact that he's a professional footballer doesn't mean he should have to put up with any of that. The historical animosity is entirely the fault of Derby fans - can't see that Sharpe has done anything wrong at all.
  25. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Simmoram2024Ramsrontheup in Billy Sharp   
    I hope we sign him, he scores the winner and cups his ear to the home fans. He may be old but he knows where the net is 
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