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  1. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to Loughborough Ram in Where's this new midfielder?   
    The problem with this is that it makes us look a bit shambolic.
    If you tell somebody once to expect something, and it doesn't happen, it can be forgiven. But to repeat this on a few occasions, it is bound to create a negative picture, and cause fans to become a little disillusioned and distrusting
  2. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Premier ram in Waghorn and Washington will be vital   
    Thought they both did well yesterday
  3. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Ram a lamb a ding dong in Derby vs Fleetwood - Match Thread   
    First 20 minutes excellent. Rest of the half decent.
    Second half nervy.
    Thought the back 5 were solid.
    Thomson added zip and verve
    NML in his proper position
    Waggy strong and great finish
    Small steps
  4. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to SK47 in Derby vs Fleetwood - Match Thread   
    Waggy is so much more of a better player than Collins. I'd have waggy start ahead of him everyday of the week.
  5. Haha
    Wsm-ram reacted to Jimbo Ram in Where is B4   
    He’s finalising his CV…..
  6. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to CornwallRam in Should we be patient? If so, how does it improve?   
    I think the problem with Warneball is that we don't seem to be able to play it.
    My understanding of the manager's tactics is -
    Get the ball forward quickly and attack with aggression at pace but with the extra centre back providing a bit of a shield for when we lose the ball.
    Use the wingbacks for width and get early crosses into the box, with two strikers and at least one midfielder trying to get on the end of them.
    Press high, hard and as a team to force errors and get possession high up the pitch. The extra defender again provides cover for when the press is broken.
    Most free kicks and corners driven into the box, where our well drilled players make the most of the opportunities. 
    Train hard to give our players superior fitness.
    Have a strongly supportive team ethic so players do not fear making mistakes and bust a gut to cover for each other.
    To me, that all makes sense. The problems are that we aren't doing very much of it and too many of the new recruits don't appear suited to it.
    Someone said we're fickle as fans. No we're not, we're just fans. Like all fans we want results, good football (whatever you define that as) and to feel the team are giving their all. Ideally a manager gives you all three, but most fans will remain supportive if any two of those are achieved. Eventually every fan will turn anti if none are achieved, and that's where we are right now. Paul Warne needs to change things very quickly or he'll be Warne out.
  7. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in v Oxford United (H) Match Thread   
    f*** off. Get him gone immediately.
  8. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in Should we be patient? If so, how does it improve?   
    We're not three games in though. We are nearly 12 months in to Warne and we've been getting steadily worse since last winter. We finished last season poorly and we've started this one in even worse shape. It's not an isolated three match blip.
  9. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Barney1991 in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    What I can’t fathom is from last season he said he wanted pace and hasn’t addressed it. He says tonight he needs pace and hasn’t addressed it. 
  10. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to IlsonDerby in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    1 win in 9 at home in LEAGUE ONE. Send him packing. 
  11. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to BPV in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    I thought he should’ve gone when we failed to make the playoffs. However, was willing to give him a pre season to sign some players, and see how we started. 
    We’re way, way worse than we were before. There is absolutely no excuses now. He’s prioritised defenders that are making mistakes left right and centre, leaving us with nothing to sign attacking players. Playing a system that doesn’t work for any of the players we currently have and is making them look way worse than they collectively are.
    It’s not working at all. Enough is enough for me.
  12. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Donegal Ram in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    Big Darren Moore at pride park tonight. Maybe a sign. First time I am ready for Warne to go. Can understand things don't go your way but to persist with this style is suicidal. It's goodnight for Mr Warne for me. 
  13. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to rammieib in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    These players, these tactics, we are in real trouble with this manager.
  14. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    Keeping a bad manager is more expensive long term than the cost of appointing a good one.
    We were rubbish towards the back end of last season and we are even worse now. We are getting slowly worse the longer he remains in the job.
    I'm done. Get him out.
  15. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to Derbados in v Oxford United (H) Match Thread   
    How on earth can you have all that time and preparation over a full pre season and churn this absolute tripe up? 
    Im honestly lost for words, this is absolute dross
  16. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to S8TY in v Oxford United (H) Match Thread   
    This is absolute garbage 
    how can we control a game with big hoofs up the pitch to no one …
    We are Derby County and look more like a league1 club than ever …no control no passing no shots on target …Oxford aren’t great but at least they’re trying to play football 
    I will say this now I wish we’d kept Rosenior or brought in a manager who wants to play football because we had decent players but instead we are looking like a fully  fledged league1 side now …get the ball down and play football ffs 
  17. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to Ellafella in Burton Albion v Derby County: player ratings   
    1Wildsmith - 6.5 Not really tested but did save a tame effort from Hughes. Distributed well despite the swirling breeze.
    35Nelson - 6.5 Sturdy and safe. Clean sheet.
    5Bradley - 6.5 Safe & sturdy. Would like him to lead more. Clean sheet.
    6Cashin - 5.5 Got done a couple of times and wayward thrashes forward to lose possession.
    23Ward 6.0 - want him to contribute more and deliver more.
    2Wilson 6.0 - late late show.
    12Smith 6.0 - did his job in a game where midfield was bypassed.
    8Bird 🦅 8.5 MotM Brilliant 2nd half. Could’ve scored but for a case of acute tangle-foot. Beautiful vision and defence-splitting passes and took a blow to the face. He is the cpu - when he ticks Derby tocs.
    4Hourihane 7.5 Great dead ball for the opener and beautifully taken 18yard side-spinner into the onion bag. 
    Waghorn 7 Brings energy and nuisance factor like a wasp on a late September afternoon. Assisted Wash to make it 3.
    3Forsyth 6.5 Very dependable clean sheet.
    Elder 6.0 Late, late show.
    9Collins 8.0 - Probably his best game in a Derby shirt. Link- up play was A1 and ran around like a dervish. Lovely glanced header to score early which was very key. Enjoyed his game and gave his opinion to the Burton manager. 
    16Thompson 6.0 Sent on to shore up and did his clockwork passing without fault. 
    11Méndez-Laing 8.5 Contender for MotM; terrorised Albion with power-speed-control. Outpaced their backs with super-thrust but missed key chances or brought saves from their GK. NML is the key this season to unlocking defences. 
    Washington 6.5 Slotted home, to seal the deal 3-0. 
    It was a scrap all the way & Bird’s 2nd half wizardry was like flashes of brilliance from a grey sky. At the game you could sense that Derby had the extra desire and willingness to compete and for that Warne takes the credit for engendering following the flat Blackpool Tuesday. The lack of midfield control concerns me but I enjoyed the occasion & couldn’t help feeling a little for Mason Bennet who’ll have had nightmares last night. 
  18. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Jimbo Ram in Sam Cosgrove   
    We need another striker if injuries hit surely 🤔
  19. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to Gisby in v Burton Albion (A) Match Thread   
    Is it just me or anyone else feel PW is taking a more subdued\contrite tone to his interviews since his post match faux pas on Tuesday night. I sort of detected a more down beat tone to his presser on Friday and his pitch side summary today??   
  20. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to jimtastic56 in v Burton Albion (A) Match Thread   
    Watched the lads getting off the team bus. Sonny B looks confident. Need a big performance from him today.
  21. Haha
    Wsm-ram reacted to Ambitious in Matt Godden   
    To remind us of more optimistic times from the summer? 
  22. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Warne has to get the balance right   
    On this point @Gee SCREAMER !! what are your thoughts on attendances if we don’t get promoted? I know you’ve shared some strong opinions on Warne before that I don’t share, but your point about 28k turning up for the club strikes a chord with me. I see people saying the attendances will drop off dramatically the longer we’re in league one, and I just don’t know that I believe that. Some will stop going, not disputing that sentiment entirely from other posters but I don’t see it being a dramatic drop off partly because of the point you make. Derby County football club is a part of the fabric of the city (and surrounding areas), yes people go because they want the team to succeed, but there’s more to it than that isn’t there? It’s about legacy of what’s gone before, it’s about that Saturday (or Tuesday, or random Thursday to accommodate sky’s cameras) routine, it’s about spending that time with mates and family, or away from them for that ultimate escape, it’s about being gluttons for punishment with the hope that kills ya…. I think in a one club city with so much history linked to the side (both good and bad), plenty would still turn out to see the Rams.
    Managers and players come and go, the club and it’s fans are the constant.
  23. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Ambitious in Summer Rumour Mill   
    BT you used to be a source of excitement and optimism, not dread and angst. Good news only, please 🫣
  24. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to BramcoteRam84 in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    I listened to it. Saying on second watch “it wasn’t as horrific as it felt at the time”, hardly a defence of the performance. He got a reaction second half, but collectively we weren’t at it including himself and coaching staff getting a couple of things wrong. 
    He also clarified his comments post match. Explained it well, we should all move on. He also said we’re actively trying to address all the gaps in the team but it’s hard, they have to be affordable, available and better than what we have. Went into detail about one manager saying we can have this striker we’re interested in but only when he can bring two strikers in, one of those strikers Warne knows is wanted by another club. Highlighting how challenging the market is. He confirmed The gaps are we need a striker to help replace Didzy’s goals and we need a midfielder to replace Knighty’s energy. He also said we’re lacking pace and we desperately need Barkhuizen and Sibley back. He’s saying the same things we are saying, he’s not oblivious of the gaps and he’s playing his hand as best he can.
    Reading between the lines, I don’t think he’s got much if any money to use as transfer fees. It does again raise the question on the budget/level of restrictions.
    Thought it was balanced. Got no hint squad is unhappy and everyone is as focused as they can be on the next game as you would expect. 
  25. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Ram1988 in Available Strikers   
    I agree that we need another foward however I feel a pacey hard working midfielder has to be the priority now. At times watching a midfield three of Bird, Hourihane and Smith is like watching walking football.
    We neee an attacking midfielder with pace and drive.
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