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  1. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to InstaRam in So who would we have then?   
    Yeah, keeping the one that does not seem to be able to get the team to pass 4 times in a row with the overall plan just to run around a lot being outplayed in the third division based on the fact that we have changed a lot of managers in the past doesn't seem insane at all. 
  2. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Jimbo Ram in So who would we have then?   
    Could say the same about playing players out of position and a formation that doesn’t work perhaps 🤔 
  3. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to S8TY in So who would we have then?   
    Because of the manner of how we play for the first time in many years I'm thinking of not making the long trip up from Kent as It's really horrendous football.....I want warne to succeed i really do but I just can't see me ever saying .."wow we are controlling games and outplaying teams " I know we are a world away from Brighton and where they currently are ....but there lies a good example of how to do it ...get good coaches and keep the same playing style, If anyone watches how Brighton played at United yesterday the football, passing and moving is quality and light years ahead of our archaeic turgid football ....I just can't see it changing under Warne I'm afraid
  4. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to RoyMac5 in Derby v Portsmouth Match Thread   
    If you like, the whole of this league is shopping in Poundland then!
    We have no plan, or if we start out with a bit of one the subs come on and it's just everyone everywhere.
    He's had a year, he's had two transfer windows, we've lost (and nearly lost) much better players than he's bought in. It's finding the right manager, or a manager who can put a team together and sticking with them if you think that is important. We bought 10 players in, so they can be 'turned over', I'm sure it could have been more - they all know how to play football, why shouldn't a new manager get new players playing almost immediately?!
  5. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to Jayram in Derby v Portsmouth Match Thread   
    Of course it will! Any manager or coach we appoint who plays actual football on the deck and not the hoofball garbage we are currently enduring will have this lot challenging for top six minimum within weeks. This squad is easily good enough for that; it’s  the management that are holding us back.
  6. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to CBRammette in Derby v Portsmouth Match Thread   
    Morning thoughts - we travel from Cambs because we are Derby mad. We dont expect us to be world beaters esp where we're at just now but is it too much to ask for glimmers of where we want to be heading and a few shots on target? Excited on the journey to Derby after the gap but just felt so flat on way back. 
    True we have several injuries (luck or not?) and I am trying to be patient as really do think managers should be given more time and we need to build back steadily but all I thought yesterday on way back is we could have had a lovely late summer's day at the beach instead. Would say the style of football is losing me but you could see at times last season what PW was trying to do and it worked for a while but now it isnt a style as such as throwing people on to see what happens. I think PW has lost some confidence in himself as have the players and we are not playing as he wants as @Archied mentioned above. Still hope he can turn it around but looking less likely with each game.
  7. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to The Scarlet Pimpernel in Derby v Portsmouth Match Thread   
    To me it just looks like the players aren't enjoying what they are being asked to do. 
  8. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to Big Trav in Derby v Portsmouth Match Thread   
    He was so far offside it is unbelievable. Another shocking performance. I was in the unsure about Paul Warne ball but I am struggling to see this working and starting to lean towards getting him out 
  9. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to sage in Derby v Portsmouth Match Thread   
    Anyone else fed up of the opposition playing more football than us.
    Every f****** week 
  10. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to angieram in Fan Forum (not this one)   
    I disagree.
    He had made his statement at the beginning of the Forum and he must be very cautious about stating anything that would cause legal trouble for the Club.
    There are a certain section of the fanbase that will never move on from using him as the scapegoat and are just looking to criticise him at every opportunity. It says more about them than it does about Pearce to be honest. 
  11. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to Premier ram in Wild card   
    Bobby Davison , scored for fun at this level
  12. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to Bris Vegas in Who enjoys Warne's football poll?   
    I got more enjoyment from Rosenior’s nine games in charge with mixed results than the subsequent 10 months of Warneball combined.
  13. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Wolfie in Jake Rooney   
  14. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to Millenniumram in Is expectation too high .   
    No, if anything they’re too low from some fans. When did losing at home to teams like Oxford become acceptable?
    We have the best team in this league, and we should be getting promoted. So far this season has not been up to standard.
  15. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to Jayram in Is expectation too high .   
    For me it’s not about expectations or being patient as such. I wouldn’t really care if we were mid table if the football was good and I could see where we were going with it, but it’s the utterly awful style we are playing, the mind numbing intransigence of trying to force a system on players regardless of the fact that when we play four at the back we are much better and get better results. It’s maddening and he isn’t going to change; he clearly only wants to play his system and that’s that. This squad playing for a competent manager who plays actual football would be a massive contender for the autos or playoffs and most of us Rams fans know it, hence the expectations and frustrations on here.
  16. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to Ghost of Clough in Is expectation too high .   
    I guess I need to adjust my expectations and consider midtable in L1 playing awful football to be acceptable.
  17. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to RoyMac5 in Is expectation too high .   
    Why is our expectation too high? 
    "Full minutes - SCG Meeting with David Clowes and Stephen Pearce 22.09.22
    ...Paul Warne brings experience and now is his time for a big job at a big club. Other clubs were after him, both those with and those without a manager currently. David Clowes liked how he treats players, and journalists, encouraging everyone to get the best out of themselves."
    We have a budget good enough for promotion from this league and a squad with lots of Warnes chosen players in it. Although (again from those minutes) "With regards to the players we signed and his style, Paul is adaptable, but he was after some of our players in the summer. His teams are running teams and he is happy with the players he has."
    So Warne was signed for his experience in League 1 promotion, we are a 'big club' and he has a squad he was/is happy with, that he has added to. He also has a good budget from the Clubs owner.
    Why shouldn't our expectation be high?
  18. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to IlsonDerby in The Paul Warne Poll   
    But the reason that we get sucker punched is because despite playing teams we’re better than we are not in control of the game so as soon as the energy dips were vulnerable. That’s what happened last season. We gung-ho stormed at teams, it didn’t work, we ran out of gas and then paid for it. We have to be able to control a game at any level to be successful and based on comments from Rotherham fans about his teams falling away at the end of the seasons I worry we won’t ever control the games which means we will burn out. 
    Yeah I don’t agree with petty insults. The bloke is clearly working hard and has had success previously but I just cannot see it working here. He’s got a ‘club punching above’ mentality when we aren’t punching above when we are near the top of the division. I don’t care about his interview quips or his hats or owt like that. I care about him saying yesterday wasn’t a bad game and that we just needed a bit more energy. We wouldn’t need half as much energy if we could keep the ball for longer than 5 seconds. 
  19. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to IlsonDerby in Match Thread: vs Bolton (A)   
    I think we could all get on board with a long term project but you’d hope to be seeing movements in the right direction. I dunno how anyone can look at what we’ve delivered this season and say it’s improved from what he walked into last season. 
    Put it this way, we looked more solid last season with a back 4 of Smith, Foz, Cash and Sibley than we do this season. We don’t look any more energetic than last season or any more dangerous going forwards than last year either. For balance we do look better at set pieces than last season but is that enough of an upward trajectory to satisfy the long term vision? 
  20. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to SK47 in Jake Rooney   
    I done my ACL when I was 24 playing football and it gave me flash backs. Definitely an ACL injury from what I saw, Definite season ender unfortunately. Real shame because he's a real handy player with a good future. He was just finding his feet with confidence and above all, he seems like a real nice lad. 
    Wishing him a speedy recovery ❤️
  21. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to Bald Eagle's Barmy Army in Match Thread: vs Bolton (A)   
    The guy hasn't a clue.
  22. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in The Paul Warne Poll   
    Get him gone. The football is bad, the team can't do the basics and despite all the noise in pre-season about getting everyone fit the squad is already on life-support and looking shattered.
    Warne and Derby are just not a good fit. He needs a different type of club,we need a different type of manager.
  23. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to IlsonDerby in Match Thread: vs Bolton (A)   
    Oh move on you sanctimonious git. 
    We had a freak 20 minutes where everything we did resulted in a goal after 25 minutes of being taught a footballing lesson. I celebrated everyone of those goals as I would normally. I was buzzing watching that period from goal 1 to halftime. I enjoyed that period of the match. 
    I celebrated and enjoyed our goal today. 
    That doesn’t mean you can’t recognise that performances have been bad. Really bad. The life was sucked out of this thread by our inability to pass to our own players, aimless balls Down the channel and a Bolton side who look a division better than us. 
  24. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to Big Trav in Summer Rumour Mill   
    I would like to say I’ve proven myself to be pretty spot on a lot of times this summer. It’s your choice to listen or not but all these snarky comments that I’m receiving are not really needed when all I’m doing is passing on information that I’m told. 
  25. Haha
    Wsm-ram reacted to Rammeister in Elliot Embleton - signed on a season-long-loan - cancelled   
    Just watched his interview.
    He looks and sounds delighted to be here.
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