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Posts posted by Boycie

  1. Just now, RoyMac5 said:

    Topics about Chrissy never die down naturally, a new one always springs up! ?

    I’d rather talk about the Legend that is Chrissy rather than the old black n white tv days of Clough n Dave tbh.  He was a much better footballer than Francis Lee. 

  2. 4 minutes ago, David said:

    You can only try.

    My nephew also has autism and completely resistant to change. He has to know exactly what is happening the next day, if you throw any curveballs in there like an unscheduled shower, it does not go down well at all shall we say. 

    That’s not to say we stop trying with him, trying to explain why things sometimes may have to change.

    So yeah, not here to take the piss at all, just hoping that one day these words may encourage willingness to be open to change as it will happen.

    We’ve raised two kids with exactly the same, and letting them stick religiously to routines or beliefs that are irrational doesn’t help in later life.

    Words of advice doesn’t always get listened too, but I do think some are stored away for later use.

  3. 3 minutes ago, David said:

    I know you’re resistant to change B4, but this is cobblers. 

    As technology advances and people get older that have used mobile phones most of their life, paper tickets will be a thing of the past be it at football grounds, cinemas, festivals, airports, you name it.

    Tickets even print at home are a waste of paper, as are plastic season ticket cards. Not even allowed a plastic straw now in McDonald’s so it’s only a matter of time.

    Sometimes change isn’t a bad thing, you just need to be a little more open to it and willing to try something new, otherwise you will be left behind.

    Good luck.

  4. 4 hours ago, Archied said:

    Jeez ,, I was kinda comming up with really expensive answers but thought i must be getting it wrong , I gave up when it seemed I would need about ten solar panels, thanks though?

    Do what I did with our hot tub to make it more efficient to run.

    Turn the shocker off and drain it.

    Then meet me in the Winchester until all this energy crisis blows over.

  5. If I’m not mistaken, I think PP has a supplementary generator set to help with demand on match days.

    I think that’s what failed way back on our first home game and the lights went out.

    I have been wrong once before.

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