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Posts posted by Boycie

  1. 7 hours ago, B4ev6is said:

    You should be going not matter weather or tempures it is.

    If it’s too cold to work selling the food in the concourse then it’s too cold to sit watching football.

    You can’t have it both ways, it’s as if you don’t care about me and my chilblains.

  2. 44 minutes ago, Ram@Lincoln said:

    His family had moved back home and he'd spoken about struggling without them for the last year. He's now got the move back home to be with his family. Derby isn't and will never be his "home" as you refer to. I worked on a lovely French farm in my youth for a few summers, yet I'd never move back. I'm very happy raising a family in my hometown with both sets of grandparents here for the kids. I'm sure when you have a family, your current priorities in life will drastically shift, it's just natural.

    Yeah but he scored that goal against Coventry and really celebrated hard.

  3. On 14/01/2023 at 11:16, David said:

    Stop it!

    I like the lad, if he could finish he wouldn’t be in League one. 

    One player I’d love to see us get back next season, try and work something out with Everton, free transfer but a huge sell on or something. Do us a favour Frank ?

    Excuse me, he finished his chance yesterday.

  4. 1 hour ago, B4ev6is said:

    Could clows maybe have talks with the away clubs maybe help disabled derby fans like at bolton game we had home fans in lower area but there vip bit could he maybe suggest that they could go in there so if they want sit in there they go inside or outside and sit in peace and quite.

    Maybe he could ask that our disabled fans don’t have to sit near the cavemen?

  5. 1 hour ago, Highgate said:

    Actually, I'd argue that it's pile of sentimental vapid garbage.  He seems to be claiming that the only way for the developing world to increase living standards is to burn fossil fuels, which is patently untrue.  Even the World Bank recognizes that renewables are the best energy option for most developing countries, even economically speaking.  He insists that he is in favour of technological breakthroughs that will provide clean energy in the future.  Has he been living under a rock?  The technology already exists and is ready to go. 

    Obviously the developing world needs to prioritize their own prosperity, therefore the Developed World needs to help them build up their clean energy infrastructure. That will benefit everyone and it's part of the latest plans discussed at COP27, and hopefully will be fully agreed by COP28.

    He can deliver a speech, pity the content was so inane and misinformed.  I might have the wrong thread entirely ...but as speeches go, I'd give this a ...... Claude Davis / 10  rating.  

    I think he’s saying that the majority don’t give a damn, so what we do makes no difference.  A sad fact if true.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Addingham Ram said:

    Close knit group you say.

    I find it quite remarkable that a group, predominantly thrown together in a very short space of time, and so very recently, have become such a close knit group.

    Last season our predicament surely forged the group of players that we had together.

    But this season is different. We have no such predicament.

    So is it the small nature of the current group, or simply down to the culture created by PW and his team that has brought them together so well?

    Whatever it is, I believe that if PW brings in anybody in, they'll probably fit in nicely.

    And if we don't bring anybody in, then I think the current group can get us up.

    My biggest fear is should we lose a key player, what effect that might have on the group.

    I think it’s the mugs for scoring.  We all like a free mug, and I think these mugs have a lady in underwear on them which disappears when hot liquid is poured into them.

    Simple, but very effective.

  7. Hull want Ebiowi on loan from Palace.

    We want our tribunal money for said player.

    Hull player supposedly being paid off from his contract early to come here?

    I wonder if anything is connected?  Surely not, but Palace and Hull are taking their time in getting the deal done.

    We ought to be on to the EFL complaining that Palace are making a loan fee on a player who they’ve not paid for yet?

  8. 10 hours ago, B4ev6is said:

    I want to know who are these players he is lining up for derby.

    You’ll know as soon as all of us.

    No need to worry, maybe we won’t get anyone in the end?  This teams got togetherness, I’m not worried if we don’t end up signing anyone.

    But, we can’t spend any money, he must be the right age and must be the right type of person who can fit in our close knit group of friends.  It’ll be difficult to find.

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