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Posts posted by Boycie

  1. 2 minutes ago, Chellaston Ram said:

    I think it was coyote wild and now a Pole dancing club (not that I’ve been) ?

    Flamingo and firkin? Or was that next to Berlins?

    Knotted snake?

  2. 15 minutes ago, Gerry Daly said:

    So, how were we able to sign the likes of Hourihane and Mendez Laing in the summer? You’re not telling me we weren’t up against the same clubs for them? Not only clubs in our league but Championship clubs too? I think we can could have signed Flint if we had really wanted to

    My take on Flint.  He’s only interested in the highest bid, (fair enough) he doesn’t want a project (it’s just a job to him) he’s probably a Florest fan (would explain why we’ve missed out twice)

  3. 4 hours ago, WystonRam said:

    Most companies now are moving to non binary toilets, it won’t be long until it is the same at football, just toilets. 

    I don’t mind, but having worked as an electrician and having to go into ladies toilets (when they’re empty) to change lights etc, they’re animals! Richard the thirds on the floor next to the pans, paper all over the floor.  

    Too much hovering I think.

  4. 2 hours ago, angieram said:

    I don't like this comment. 

    "Looks like buying tickets for the home end is easy peasy"

    We had this last time we played Man Utd. Some coked up glory boys in their chav suits, pissing in the Ladies with the doors open because they couldn't be bothered to queue for the Gents. ?

    Not much we can do about it when our own fans aren't interested in buying tickets. I'm just trusting all the West Ham fans will be authentic East End diamond geezers and much better behaved. ?

    I’ve been at do’s in the Toyota suite and had women come in the toilet while I was there.

    Read that how you like.  Either way it’s unacceptable.

  5. 11 hours ago, Yoxoram said:

    I am no fan of VAR but Surridge was offside. It's possible that if VAR was not around the linesman might have put his flag up. I agree with you RedDawn that I'd like to see the back of VAR but sadly that won't happen.

    I was shouting for you last night but sadly it wasn't to be. Despite being a Ram season ticket holder in 40 of the last 42 seasons I genuinely wish you the best for the rest of the season.

    Is u on glue though?

  6. 1 hour ago, B4ev6is said:

    Year he does but will sit down if others do. And like I said before I did at burton I sat down and at tarquary untied.

    My point was this,

    how would you feel if your dad couldn’t stand up for 45 mins and people in front of him were standing.  How would you feel if your dad couldn’t see the game?

    My guess is he wouldn’t go anymore, I know I wouldn’t.  Not that I do go anymore init.

  7. 11 minutes ago, B4ev6is said:

    But as I said seats down the side just in home section but no fans in them that could easily been used if stewards use common sence that could asked disabled or families with small kids if they like come in that section to sit down. I saw on youtube I do agree on derby fans going on the pitch needs to stop or it will spoil for fans who behave our selfs. But my dad tried go some were he throught he would not jumped on wrong but he found it funny but we was limps every were.

    One lad in his 20s i thought he got pushed  over I held on to him but actully he drop his phone or fell out his pocket I said sorry to him he said it is alright he was just trying get to his phone.

    Yeah, just send them to sit with the home fans because you won’t sit down.  Great idea. ?



    Does your dad like standing? There might come a time when he won’t be able to manage to stand for 45 mins on a hard concrete floor, what will you do then?

    Not that you’ll answer my point, but you never know.

  8. 11 minutes ago, Betty Swollocks said:

    Correct, it isn`t a guitar lesson, its a group who claim to have the best interests of DCFC at heart, which in itself is fine, and something that I`m sure 99%-100% of DCFC supporters want. However, it seems, that unless you agree completely with their mantra, and have a certain political viewpoint, you wont be welcome.

    This surely is bordering on authoritarian and discriminatory?

    Up to them obviously if they want to make it like that, but equally they cant complain when sections of supporters criticise?


    Be like me, don’t care what they’re doing, it’s doesn’t effect me.


  9. 9 minutes ago, Betty Swollocks said:

    Correct, it isn`t a guitar lesson, its a group who claim to have the best interests of DCFC at heart, which in itself is fine, and something that I`m sure 99%-100% of DCFC supporters want. However, it seems, that unless you agree completely with their mantra, and have a certain political viewpoint, you wont be welcome.

    This surely is bordering on authoritarian and discriminatory?

    Up to them obviously if they want to make it like that, but equally they cant complain when sections of supporters criticise?


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