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Posts posted by Boycie

  1. On 03/12/2022 at 18:09, Eddie said:

    We'll probably go to Bruges or Ostend during early summer. Our usual trip to Mevagissey, staying at the Little Cornisb B&B, is no more. Andy and Howie have closed for good and retired.

    Bad news about Andy n Howie, it’ll be a big loss.

    Where’s everyone else going?

  2. Just now, sage said:

    I thought that, but apparently not any more

    Really, they won’t like that?  The Supporters Club representatives seemed to have a lot of involvement when I was doing the charter meetings.

    But, why should they get first dibs? I agree, they aren’t any different to people making there own way there, and I even think use there own coach companies so the club don’t benefit at all?

    I stand to be corrected though, I was wrong once.

  3. 5 hours ago, sage said:

    Because it's a little disingenuous bearing in mind the amount of tickets available to Derby this year. 

    Would you sell as many as possible? Not everyone goes to every away game who’s a member.

    I think every little helps with finances at the moment.

    But, charging membership is a rip off, what’s wrong with just purchase history?

    But, it’s money we need at the moment.

  4. I feel let down because Mel thought he was too clever for the EFL.  He ought to have known they wouldn’t have allowed his alternative method of amortisation.

    He’d have stood more chance if he’d asked the whole league representatives about maybe doing it before doing it.  Then clubs couldn’t feel aggrieved about his club having an unfair advantage.  But, it seems he thought he could actually get them on strings, but it backfired spectacularly.

    But, maybe he had no other choice but to chance it as we’d be fined heavily and given points (which ultimately happened) anyway.

    Theres a tiny part of me that thinks he knew the EFL wouldn’t allow Derby to be liquidated.  I agree with that too tbh.

  5. 1 hour ago, Rammy03 said:

    What happened to this guy. Got a move to Derby, scored against Leeds in the playoffs and been downhill ever since

    Show Me The Money GIF
    banked his derby contract and can’t be arsed now I’d expect

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