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Posts posted by Boycie

  1. 5 hours ago, Sparkle said:

    Do they still owe us money for Bogle and Lowe - that’s the main thing? 

    Anyway wigan failed to pay their players on 3 separate occasions and have received a 3 point penalty suspended - totally different from how we were treated yet again it seems 

    We had 3 points hanging over us last season if we didn’t pay players on time.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Elwood P Dowd said:

    I see Derby has won £20 million to knock down the Assembly rooms and build a new theatre. After the fire in the Assembly rooms the Council did say the fire did damaged the plant room and it would be repaired in 6 weeks, this was 12/13 years ago.

    I have very little confidence that anything will ever be built, the Assembly Rooms may be demolished but Derby Council will not have the money to build anything by then as the money will have all been spent on Consultants and Legal Fees.

    I am always amazed by the council’s consistency, how do they always manage to put in such a poor performance, it probably takes practice and dedication???

    What has become of that world class recycling plant they built in Sinfin Lane, it never worked and has cost the Council millions.


    Are you going political ?

  3. 2 hours ago, Reggie Greenwood said:

    Shouldn’t Palarse pay for him first before being able to loan him out ? Perhaps we should get the loan fee ? ?

    Expect some movement in incoming players to us now. ??

  4. 1 hour ago, Ram@Lincoln said:

    I've paid £6 to park in the club carpark, there's absolutely no chance I'm trusting the locals and street parking. Hopefully it's a quick getaway onto the motorway.

    Book here if anyone is wanting to do similar; https://portvaleparking.co.uk/
    Onsite parking has now increased to £7, obviously some sort of surge pricing. 

    Let’s get the car park sold out. How many tickets are left?

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