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Posts posted by Boycie

  1. 20 hours ago, B4ev6is said:

    I am feeling down and fed up now god that hurt today were has that fight gone sigh I left feel really really dead low I am in pain and makes feel even worse. I felt for old man on the way out some said broken his foot. I offered get him some help even through he had his family with him.

    Maybe it’s time to rest your foot properly and give yourself time to heal mate.  The football will take care of itself and you can watch online.

    When you’re all sorted you can start to enjoy the matches again pain free.

    Watching in agony is what we all do tbh, but not with a broken toe too. Rest up.

  2. 2 hours ago, B4ev6is said:

    And some of it my neve dammage and my foot gives way on me. And does not help trying walk about is a effort and broken big toe not helping eathier but at least got my arms and hands out in time this time to break the fall but still back all my knees.

    But nobody and nrothing stop me seeing my love of derby county they will have tie me down. Even then I use my teeth get to pp.

    Are you sure they won’t let you go back to work with your special boot on? Show them that determination that you use for following the mighty rams.  Tell the doctor your ok to work mate, he’ll just keep signing you off if you tell him it hurts all the time.


  3. 1 hour ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:


    To be fair, there were several pitch invasion incidents a few months ago that went beyond just celebrating goals. 

    It wasn’t just at Derby, either. There were a load of articles on how it was happening across English football. Seems to have calmed down now.

    Are we talking about one idiot or a village full?

  4. You don’t realise how bad the language is until you take a child to the ground. 
    All you can do is tell the child to ignore the rude words.

    You won’t get it stopped so don’t get over anxious about it.  Or if you can’t ignore it, keep away, kids understand it’s wrong if you explain it to them.  They’ll hear the same language in the playground at school at some time and you won’t be there to sort that out.

  5. 1 hour ago, Mucker1884 said:

    The only game I recall "All of the East Stand were standing", we were all standing for The Tin Man!  One game!


    Singing stand, yes.
    We are not allowed to stand.  The club may turn a blind eye to standing, but that is most definitely not the same as it "Being allowed".


    Sorry mate, but no club at this level has permission for standing in seated areas.  (Forget dedicated Safe Standing areas for this conversation... that's a separate topic).
    If the club announced it would allow fans to stand, The FA (Or EFL... or someone in authority?) would fine us, and the HSE (Or whoever is in charge of stadium safety?) would revoke our safety certificate, which would mean closures (Either for that individual stand, or the stadium in full). 
    Standing IS NOT ALLOWED.  There has been no official statement from the club to say "Standing is allowed"!

    Just like if the club announced we could drink alcohol in view of the pitch.  They would be breaking the law, and get into trouble. 
    Yes, people may sneak it in.  Yes, the stewards may turn a blind eye if they spot you... Even I have been known to do it (Every time we are at home on Boxing Day), and I rarely drink alcohol, and less so on matchdays... but that doesn't mean drinking alcohol at your seat is allowed!

    I still love yer, mate... but you are talking twaddle!  

    Yeah but…

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