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  1. Haha
    richinspain got a reaction from Anon in Phil Bardsley   
    108 quid? If I'd known I probably would have chucked it in the pot.
  2. Haha
    richinspain got a reaction from Carl Sagan in Any Rams in the Middle East?   
    Don't go giving too much detail. You'll have groupies camped out on your front lawn!
  3. Like
    richinspain reacted to angieram in Phil Bardsley   
    It wasn't a policy, we were under transfer embargo.
    Firstly,  we won't have money to bring in  players on transfer fees.
    Secondly, I think Rooney has done pretty well with the players he has been able to bring in, limited as he was.
  4. Like
    richinspain reacted to Ghost of Clough in Relegation rivals watch   
    Couldn't disagree more. Rooney turned a relegation bound side (20/21) into a mistable side under some of the tightest transfer restrictions the Championship has ever seen - max wages equivalent to the average in L1! I have no doubt we would have been top 6 if we weren't under embargo.
    In League 1, without restrictions being as tight as the were this season, Rooney will build a very good side next season. This squad have so much faith in Rooney, if he tells them we'll be playing in the PL after two more seasons they will believe him.
  5. Haha
    richinspain reacted to strawhillram in The Administration Thread   
    Is she after the &£*% the efl one or Gibson is a *%#$
  6. Sad
    richinspain reacted to Boycie in Any Rams in the Middle East?   
    He’s got a front lawn that could accommodate a few tents no problem.
  7. Haha
    richinspain reacted to AndyinLiverpool in what footballers should be brought to trial (crimes against football)   
    And ... this is no ordinary chopper...
  8. Clap
  9. Clap
    richinspain got a reaction from admira in A new daily game. Name the ex-Ram from his playing career   
    Alberto Bueno
  10. Haha
  11. Clap
    richinspain reacted to Mick Harford in Academy Thread 21/22   
    Hopefully the EFL are sat rubbing their hands with glee at how much they have been able to destabilise the whole club.
  12. Clap
    richinspain reacted to SirBrian in The Administration Thread   
    Ashley if he wanted the club he could have come in with £50 million and still have had a competative team in place with minimal additions and the club could have had a good chance of staying in the championship, with Jags, Shinne and others still here, instead he wants the club on the cheap, how much will a rebuild cost more than £20 million? sure it will
    If he had bought in January or earlier he would have been able to retain all the acadamey players which we had to sell for peanuts, if they had been retained and played for the team they would have been worth way more than £20 million, blinkered view from Ashley and others with their false economic views of the club.
    CK is the man along with Rooney, Rosinor and Darren Wassel of the acadamey fame are the ones to take our club forward, it maybe a slow journey but it will be done the right way, no more poo or bust for our club again.
  13. Like
    richinspain reacted to Oldben in Wayne Rooney   
  14. Like
    richinspain reacted to angieram in Derby County Daily Updates - TAKEOVER COMPLETED   
  15. Haha
  16. Clap
    richinspain got a reaction from Ghost of Clough in POLL: Stephen Pearce - Do you sack him? (ask him to resign)   
    Does anyone know whether he did or not?
  17. Like
    richinspain reacted to CornwallRam in POLL: Stephen Pearce - Do you sack him? (ask him to resign)   
    Agree with GoC. Pearce was an employee tasked with making Mel's plans work. He nearly succeeded.
    There are two main issues here, FFP/P&S and administration
    On FFP, Pearce needed to try to level the playing field disastrously tilted against us by parachute payments. He nearly did it too - we were promotion candidates for most of Mel's tenure. My argument has always been that our level of spending wasn't the problem, it was what we spent the money on. If instead of buying Bradley Johnson, we'd have bought a different player for £6m and sold him two years later for £5m, FFP would have been fine - same with Anya, Butterfield, Blackman, Malone etc. But we bought badly - and that is probably nothing to do with Pearce. Yet he had to find a way to mitigate this and came up with the stadium sale and residual value amortisation. The first was shown to be legitimate and the second took several hearings and is still debatable. I think our FFP problems are caused by the Premier League and Mel's poor choice of managers/recruitment teams, rather than Pearce.
    Then there's the administration. We went into administration because Mel Morris built a club which relied on a wealthy benefactor putting regular money into it and then stopped putting money in. I'd suggest that there was nothing that Pearce could do about that situation. Mel Morris is 100% to blame - either he spent too much and ran out of cash, or simply got bored of his plaything. To blame an employee for his boss's actions is pretty dubious.
    I can't see how Pearce can remain at the club once we exit admin, but we should remember that he is just the monkey - it's the organ grinder who nearly killed us.
  18. Like
    richinspain got a reaction from Ghost of Clough in POLL: Stephen Pearce - Do you sack him? (ask him to resign)   
    I voted (reluctantly) that he should go. I did however vote that he should walk himself. He's been heavily involved in probably the worst financial period of the club's history, however we don't know how much say he had with regards actual amounts to spend. As @Ghost of Clough says, although stretching the limits with the accounts would be down to him there is strong evidence that there was nothing actually wrong with them. He should however walk so as to not have a sacking on his CV.
  19. Clap
    richinspain got a reaction from bcnram in POLL: Stephen Pearce - Do you sack him? (ask him to resign)   
    I voted (reluctantly) that he should go. I did however vote that he should walk himself. He's been heavily involved in probably the worst financial period of the club's history, however we don't know how much say he had with regards actual amounts to spend. As @Ghost of Clough says, although stretching the limits with the accounts would be down to him there is strong evidence that there was nothing actually wrong with them. He should however walk so as to not have a sacking on his CV.
  20. Haha
    richinspain reacted to i-Ram in The Administration Thread   
  21. Haha
    richinspain reacted to one_chop in The Administration Thread   
    I still have my doubts about CK, he's too loud for my liking and comes across unprofessional with his comments on social media. It's just not the British way of doing things, you wouldn't see the Queen leaning out of the window at Buck House telling the tourists to keep the noise down would you ?
     love him or loath him at least Mel has kept a dignified silence whilst simultaneously running the club to near extinction. Will we survive?. I still don't think we will.
  22. Like
    richinspain got a reaction from therealhantsram in The Administration Thread   
    We could get Niall Horan and Joey Greener to sing some songs, and perhaps Jack O'Connell and George Clooney could do some footlights type performances. Perhaps even Simon Groom could go along with Shep (is he still around, Shep I mean not Simon?) ?
  23. Like
    richinspain got a reaction from Dordogne-Ram in The Administration Thread   
    I've no idea if CK is really loaded or just loaded. I've no idea if he can take us flying up the leagues and on to the Champion's League, or have us scratting around in the lower leagues. However what I would assume is that if the takeover does go through he will have removed our debt. So long as he doesn't run the club as it now appears MM did then hopefully at worst he can sell it as a going concern further down the line. At the moment we need a saviour. If it's not CK we will be in even more serious trouble than currently. I for one will thank him if he does come in, and after that it's his to do as he will and we should judge him on that.
  24. Clap
    richinspain reacted to CBRammette in The Administration Thread   
    Yes exactly and he probably just really liked everything about the first car and finding the price had been lowered a little or the previous owner was out of the picture so he could buy the dream car was straight back in there.  

    I dont mean you at all with these questions FBM but I am not blindly in favour of him, after Mel probably will never trust an owner again really, but why are some of our fans trying so hard to undermine him and get him to withdraw as PB? At least give him a chance. Remember the opinion of Wayne as manager initially? Remember the opinion of Mel as owner initially? How right we were!! Or are some so hellbent on another buyer who could have become PB at any point between December and now if they had actually wanted to, that they will not accept the only one who seems to want to actively take us on? It may be a disaster but it might not
  25. Clap
    richinspain reacted to Carl Sagan in What is your favourite song of all time?   
    We could live for a thousand years, but age wouldn't forgive...
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