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  1. COYR
    derbydaz22 reacted to The Scarlet Pimpernel in V Shrewsbury Town (H) 4th March 15.00   
    Just add it looks like a near 30,,000 crowd. Remarkable support. What a fan base. 
  2. Haha
    derbydaz22 reacted to Old Spalding Ram in V Shrewsbury Town (H) 4th March 15.00   
    Just had a look, 8 pages on the Derby thread, nothing about the game!
    8 pages of, can I sit where I want, can I stand where I want, allocated seats, fireworks, flares, drums, turning up late, blocking the aisles, fireworks again, police dogs, will I be able to see anything, sit down, stand up, Derbys a sh***ole I want to go home, stand up, sit down, you’re in my seat pal.
    just a wild guess ………………but, I reckon it’s a big day out for them!
  3. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to cannable in Craig Forsyth - served 10 years   
    Still think he was vastly under-appreciated as a left-back for us. 
    In his first two seasons he was the best arguably the best left-back in the division, only Charlie Daniels really would also be in contention.
    He came back from his first two ACL injuries to win his place back from Olsson who had been Blackburn’s POTS before joining us.
    He then fought off £3,000,000 signing Scott Malone, who himself was coming off of being named in the league TOTS and a season in the Prem to keep his starting place before his third ACL.
    I never got it. He’s one of those players that when he has a stinker he has a STINKER but they were always only ever once or twice a season.
  4. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to sage in Craig Forsyth - served 10 years   
    I do wish the 2 knoobheads who used to sit in front of me belittling Forsyth all game had stayed on another season. It would have killed them to see him play so well and celebrate 10 years at the club as captain. 
  5. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to IslandExile in Craig Forsyth - served 10 years   
    (Murderers have served less ?)
    Anyhow, well done to a magnificent servant to the club, a great ambassador and a decent player. Thank you.
    ?...Mendez-Lang...? Ah herm.
  6. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to DavesaRam in Reading FC   
    They were allowed to blow their embargo into the water because their owner hadn’t upset the efl several years earlier.
  7. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to Gee SCREAMER !! in Reading FC   
    I look forward to Peterborough causing a stink as too there relegation having finished 4 points behind  and Derby asking why they could bring in Tom Ince and two others players on loan and pay off a manager under embargo, whilst we couldn't renew a players contract for 4 months who was already here and being paid under there agreed remit.  
  8. Clap
    derbydaz22 got a reaction from Ram-Alf in Barnsley (A), Saturday 25th February 3pm.   
    Daylight ? Some have been yards off the standard of all the officials is shocking.
  9. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to angieram in Barnsley (A), Saturday 25th February 3pm.   
    What about offsides, though? There have been some shocking ones let go this season.
    I'm not talking about the big toe or little ginger scenarios, but those where there's clear daylight! 
  10. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to Archied in Barnsley (A), Saturday 25th February 3pm.   
    Last few games we seem to have become the early season liam team again , where’s the press gone ? Where’s the energetic closing down ? We are not defending from the front anymore ,we are not winning second balls , we are not winning battles , interesting the stats say we had more possession but lost 4-1 , Barnsley had more energy all over the park 
    it’s a long hard season and we have a small aging squad , make the play offs and see what happens , not going to slag off warne or the players , they don’t deserve that , dust down lads and on to the next game
  11. Clap
    derbydaz22 got a reaction from Zag zig in Barnsley (A), Saturday 25th February 3pm.   
    I don’t think White is a patch on Bird he looked lightweight and lost at times yesterday and we lost the midfield battle it was to easy for Barnsley.
  12. Like
    derbydaz22 got a reaction from Ramarena in Barnsley (A), Saturday 25th February 3pm.   
    I don’t think White is a patch on Bird he looked lightweight and lost at times yesterday and we lost the midfield battle it was to easy for Barnsley.
  13. COYR
    derbydaz22 reacted to OssieEnd in Signs you're too DCFC obsessed   
    I dont go a day in my life without thinking of Derby County. 
    Signs I'm obsessed ?
    Derby losing wrecks my weekend. 
  14. Haha
    derbydaz22 reacted to Hans Datdo-Dishes in Signs you're too DCFC obsessed   
    Yes, but my daughter has never forgiven me. I quite like the name, Derek.
  15. Haha
    derbydaz22 reacted to sheffieldram in Signs you're too DCFC obsessed   
    Back in the day before mobile phones my wife was in hospital giving birth to our second son. It was August 1991 and the first game of the season ( we drew at Sunderland 1-1). I was armed with money to ring all the family from the public phone box once he had been born.
    He duly arrived at 3.40 in the afternoon just before half time. I went down to ring everyone to give them the news but decided to ring the club call line first. ( still remember the number 0898 121187). By the time I had finished I had used all my money before even ringing any of the family.
    I pretended that all the public phones near the hospital had been vandalised when the family questioned why it was late in the evening when I rang everyone.
    When my first son was born, October 1989, we were playing Cambridge in the League Cup ( we won 5-0). My wife was due at any time and against advice I went to the game and left her the phone number of the Baseball Ground so they could put out an announcement if there were  any developments.
    We live in Sheffield and he arrived the next morning. I still get grief even now for going to the game. They still know nothing about the Sunderland game.
  16. Haha
    derbydaz22 reacted to Millenniumram in Signs you're too DCFC obsessed   
    When I signed up to this ducking place
  17. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to Rich84 in Barnsley (A), Saturday 25th February 3pm.   
    Not read everything in here but here's my take on today from the stands.
    We were too predictable in possession,  looking for the ball down the channel or big diagonal pass, which clearly they were prepared for, the biggest problem was we had no midfield 1st half, so no other options out of defence,  missing Bird.
    They were stronger, quicker, more energetic and looked the better team from the start, we were way too passive,  especially in the absent midfield,  hence the defence got overrun at times. The 3rd goal a perfect example, it started from our throw at the half way line, lost the ball too easily and barely an attempt at a challenge. 
    As for the offside goal, my opinion which I said to those around me at the time, I thought he was in an offside position,  but the ball came to him from an attempt to clear which came back off a Derby player (Knight?) it was shambolic defending caused by their intensity, it was indecisiveness by the lino, presume he spoke to ref on the earpiece and that's why there was so much confusion and the ref correctly spoke to the lino and came to that conclusion that the ball got to Cole via a Derby touch, therefore not offside. 
    All in all, I don't think we've played well, apart from after Morecombe gave up at 45 mins, for weeks, we look tired, bereft of ideas and lacking all over the pitch, which against 2 good teams away from home has been exposed.
    But yesterday was a new level of poor, summarised by the 4th goal imo.
    On to Tuesday and go again,  put this to bed and move on, we are lucky to be in this position after the last 18 months, still in the driving seat to reach the PO's. Then let's hope we have a plan to deal with the better teams and the small squad we have aren't too jaded. 
  18. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to Rampant in Barnsley (A), Saturday 25th February 3pm.   
    Might be time for Jake Rooney in a DM role away from home. 
  19. Like
    derbydaz22 got a reaction from Ramarena in Barnsley (A), Saturday 25th February 3pm.   
    Totally agree we are missing Bird especially away from home.
  20. Cheers
    derbydaz22 got a reaction from lrm14 in Barnsley (A), Saturday 25th February 3pm.   
    Totally agree we are missing Bird especially away from home.
  21. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to lrm14 in Barnsley (A), Saturday 25th February 3pm.   
    Missing Bird massively in these away games. I don't know whether we're going into these away games planning to play kick and rush or if we're being forced into it by the other team but it's incredibly frustrating to watch, especially when you consider how good we are on the ball in our home games.
    The concerning thing for me is that the highest placed team we've beaten away from home is Port Vale who are 16th, so while our away form has improved under Warne it's only been a marginal improvement. I think you can safely write off the Plymouth, Peterborough and Wednesday away games but hopefully our home form will hopefully carry us through to the playoffs.
  22. Haha
    derbydaz22 reacted to hintonsboots in Genuine question. Am I being a prude???   
    Only if aimed at the EFL.
  23. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to Ram-Alf in RIP Dennis Cross   
    DC was a "football hooligan" that's for sure, So was I and 1000s of others, Maybe you could say It was a product of Thatcherism for organised football hooliganism in the 80s...But then it all started in the 30s in the London Docks with Millwall and West Ham, So Thatcher only takes a little credit.
    Maybe you've been lucky enough not to get cornered in a bar where other fans want to kick the living shyte out of you, Then walks in DC and a few more and the cavalry are here, He wasn't a bully(not that I'm aware of)he's done some damn stupid things of which he paid for, But one things for sure I'd sooner DC at my side than the official football hooligans that were the Police. 
    Enjoy your Xmas
  24. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Lincoln City (H), 7.45pm Tuesday 14th February.   
    Would prefer 3 in midfield with White playing the role Bird used to as that’s been our most successful tactic but in Warne we trust and all that….unless we lose this one then it’ll be pitchfork sharpening time! 
  25. COYR
    derbydaz22 reacted to Day in Lincoln City (H), 7.45pm Tuesday 14th February.   
    Don't ever let it be said I don't know how to treat a lady.
    She bagged a good'un when she married me.

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