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Hector was the best

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  1. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Yani P in Stoke at home   
    Having 4 up front when we sweep forward makes such a difference and Stoke have no idea what to do with Morrison..
  2. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to lukedcfc in Stoke at home   
    Baldock is worse than Sammon, he’s got to score that. 
  3. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to cosmic in Stoke at home   
    Should be 3! Baldock had a great chance there. 
  4. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Parsnip in Stoke at home   
    3 points off play offs... I have a good feeling about this season.
  5. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in Stoke at home   
    Proud of the squad, management and fans so far today. Could have sulked and let our heads drop. We haven't.
  6. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Woodley Ram in Notice to appoint administrators   
    So some intresting facts and a lot still left unsaid.
    I cannot see why Derby would be excluded from funds that were given due to Covid, Could the £8.5m held Administration at Bay?
    It is true that in the Championship Derby would have been affected more than most due to their fanbase hence bigger losses, £20m is no suprise.
    I dont think that we can blame the EFL for challenging us over the valuation (not the sale) of PP  as it was larger than everyone elses. So if we lost a new owner over it then .........  
    I think Gibson's role in this and the pressure he was able to bring needs looking at. No one should be able to interfere with the workings of the EFL.
    We are likely to have a 12 point deduction but we can show that it was exceptional circumstances so the EFL can be forgiving due to the circumstances that they had a part in.  
    You can tell that the EFL feared this would happen, they have asked Mel to committ for the year and sked for a business plan.
    Onto other clubs, the likes of Stoke and Reading have enourmous overspends and that cannot be all due to Covid. They must be waiting for a 12+ point deductions. Others must be struggling so I dont think we will be alone on minus points. 
    I do feel that the EFL have things to answer here and it would not suprise me if that was in court. We well overspent for a couple of years but they (EFL) have not acted in an honourable and acceptable manner.
    I dont think this is over yet  
  7. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Ewe Ram in How's everyone feeling this morning?   
    No he doesn’t. He deserves for people to be upset or disappointed but abuse is not right. If you can’t convey your feelings without abuse then it’s a poor show for an adult really. 
  8. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Anag Ram in How's everyone feeling this morning?   
    We should have gone down last season. We were saved by Marlon Pack.We have the record lowest points total in the premier league and now we’re going for the championship record too!
    But TBH I’m bored of watching us play Middlesboro and Cardiff every blooming year. Maybe it will be refreshing to watch Lincoln and Shrewsbury for a change? Maybe that’s what our youngsters need to build confidence?
    As fans (and that’s if we’re real fans) we owe it to ourselves to go and watch our team. I appreciate that’s not always financially possible, but we all want our team to enjoy success. Let’s get the stadium full and shout our team back to its former glories.
    Those who choose this moment to walk away are no better than Mel Morris.
  9. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to DavesaRam in How's everyone feeling this morning?   
    Strangely I felt worse on the day that Clough and Taylor walked out. We were on the verge pf besting the world at that moment, and our chairman chucked it all away for issues of pride and ego.
    So this is nowhere near as bad, even though our loss as fans will he huge
  10. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to Day in How's everyone feeling this morning?   
    I'm not convinced we will receive the full -21 deduction. -12 is a given, but with Mel out the picture, will the EFL drop all previous charges as we secure new ownership?
    Reading the EFL's recent statement on Swindon Town:
    An EFL Spokesperson said: “Whilst this decision relates to a period when the Club was under different ownership, the EFL has a responsibility to treat all cases of misconduct equally and has taken the appropriate course of action in line with its Regulations. 
    This does for once make sense from the EFL, and whilst I admit to not reading through the pages of regulations, it's something I am holding on to as whilst -12 will be no easy feat to survive given the state of the squad, -21 would be simply impossible.
    Having been under embargo for the best part of a year and a -12 points deduction, has the club not been punished enough now.
    The clubs statement last night ended with what sounded like a plea to leave us be now, Mel's going, let the club rebuild.
  11. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to CornwallRam in Notice to appoint administrators   
    A few thoughts from a fitful night's sleep:
    Mel wanted to push FFP/P&S to the limit. He also spent significantly on items that were FFP exempt, like the academy and the infrastructure. It seemed that he wanted to use his vast wealth to drive the club into the Premier League.
    That was fair enough; it was his money and his train set. Now he's walking away from the club he loves and putting its very existence in jeopardy, because he's having to put £1.5 million per month in? That is a very large u-turn. Why?
    Assuming the MSD thing comes to nothing and we go into administration, we get a 12 point penalty. I believe that's fair enough. It stops clubs from using it as a relatively easy way to walk away from debts, as has happened in the past.
    What I'm struggling to see the point of is a two year transfer embargo. You can't argue against an embargo whilst in administration; a club without the cash to pay its way can't be allowed to increase its costs. However, the key for the club to survive is that a buyer is found quickly. An ongoing embargo is going to make selling the club as a going concern far more difficult. Surely the embargo should be lifted as soon as the football and hmrc debts are paid and the CVA is in place? It seems to me that this EFL rule is one which could easily drive a founder member to extinction. 
    Finally, what we need now is a buyer. As fans, we need buyers to see our potential. Everyone knows that Rooney and the players are blameless here and deserve our support. I suspect that today's atmosphere will be excellent.  
    What I think would help secure the future of Derby County would be big home gates over the next couple of months. The administrators will need cash to pay the bills, otherwise the doors slam shut. But if we can pack the stadium,  it will also send a message that we are a club worth buying. So please, everyone who can, get yourselves to the next few games.
  12. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to S8TY in Notice to appoint administrators   
    An actual owner and so called fan taking our club into administration.....still can't quite believe it.....no one will change or stop my love for this club but agree with a few on here that football itself seems broken and am losing interest generally in the game....its not about football anymore it seems .....i grew up loving the game when it just seemed so much more in touch with the average working class fan ....now its about money and greed and what people can take out of the game....preferred the old days with no agents no bosman ruling where clubs got a fee for a player if he was valued and more honesty in the game .....sad times for our club and hardly slept a wink last night...._?
  13. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to LeedsCityRam in Notice to appoint administrators   
    Nothing especially original to add but just open-mouthed at this decision. I never liked the big spending but I did respect Mel at the time for seemingly funding it - never foresaw a situation where 'one of our own' would stick us into administration though & the decisions he took then are now seen through a very different perspective.
    Pretty telling the club statement mentions June 2019 as being the point where he was looking for a buyer. Smacks very much of 18/19 being a 'death or glory' punt after which he wanted out - very poor behaviour indeed as no proper investor/buyer was going to be interested in the club after such an expensive season with no legacy & plenty of FFP strain. He then exacerbated this by bringing in Rooney, making a mess of the Keogh dismissal & like many poorly run businesses, was vulnerable to a major event like Covid to bring everything to a head.
    Obviously a lot of anger quite rightly aimed at Mel but my disdain for the EFL just dropped to the floor - a disgrace to the traditions of the world's oldest professional league & utterly unfit for purpose. Its high time the Government's Department for Culture, Media & Sport opened an inquiry into their management of the League & their suitability for continuing in that role - not just our experience but their already disgusting track record as evidenced by Wigan, Bury & Macclesfield. Their weasel statement about us 'not meeting the criteria' for an emergency loan facility that every other club in our division was given access to was utterly contemptable & entirely predictable.
    What next? Well, I would imagine Rooney will be leaving at some point in the next 7 days - either in disgust or in agreement with the administrators. Then a zombie season knowing what our fate on the field is going to be whilst desperately scrambling for a new owner before January - will a new owner want to buy now or towards the back end of the season knowing there's no point funding a loss making club destined to go down? From a cold, calculating perspective I think buyers may keep their powder dry for a few months
    And what of us, the fans? Firstly, lets show our defiance by continuing the vocal support we've enjoyed this season - whatever we suffer off the field, they can't silence us at the matches. Secondly, there may be some talk of Supporters Trust looking to buy out the club - please don't close minds to this. I've got no experience of dealing with Ramstrust but now is the time to put aside historical differences & consider how we can move out of these cycles of boom & bust. I'm convinced its a viable option.
    Finally, its been a terrible evening but we will come back from this. In whatever form, whenever it is - keep the faith. COYR ?
  14. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Ellafella in Notice to appoint administrators   
    And that is how I feel. Football has been trashed by the greedy. It’s now a broken mess. 
  15. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Angry Ram in Notice to appoint administrators   
    What can I say… So disappointed in the hierarchy at DCFC. 
    As people have said, some of my best days following this club have been in the old 3rd tier.. Different times I know but still great away days.  There are some BIG clubs in League 2, it could be good for us fans.
    We are in a mess, we’ve been in a mes before.. Hopefully we can survive and put Morris well behind us.. No more, he’s local, he’s one of our own bollx.. Means nothing, absolutely nothing.. 
    Ive said before, my love for football is declining quickly. Not just because of our situation but the PL, Champions League, money oriented bull poo. It’s not about us anymore, it’s about money. I suppose that is the world nowadays but to be honest, you can keep it.. Players kiss the badge, owners show up when time are good and disappear when it gets tough.. No honesty in pro football now.. It’s all false and I hate it..
    I read this forum and feel for those who are starting out, those who it still means a lot to.. Even David, who runs a great forum but still has to make a living from it.. I see the DCFC adds have gone now, I hope it’s not too much of a hit for him. B4, absolutely gutted for him. It’s not the end mate, just a new chapter.. I know you will keep the faith but this is going to hit him hard. It’s not so much the EFLs fault fella (although they have stuck the knife in), it’s Morris, end of. 
    60 years old and been through most things with this club. I wish I could say I’m numb, I have been through most of his reign but to be honest… I’m absolutely gutted for the staff, the fans, the creditors and anyone else who truly love this poxy club.. 
  16. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to ollycutts1982 in Embargo.   
    If only we had a local journalist to look at it rationally and investigate what is actually happening. Maybe just maybe the situation we are in may gather some reputable momentum. The problem is the all just want to tow the line. 
  17. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to B4ev6is in Embargo.   
    Looks guys what have lads proved they will fight and fight and thing is the lads will be thinking if efl going play like this we shall do everything in our power to stay in the champership I do think start from saturday we shall get 3 huge points depanding when or if this point taken away we could still remain the black.
  18. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to Steve Buckley’s Dog in Embargo.   
    Maybe Harry Redknapp left a few quid down the back of the sofa when he left. His emergency transfer deadline day brown envelopes.  The system is broken. We all know it. 
  19. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to Gee SCREAMER !! in Embargo.   
    For selling 57 million quid's worth of players in 5 years in an attempt to break the rules, while Bournemouth with an average attendance of about 9,000 can have 20 million pound players and a wage bill of 70 million a season.  

  20. Haha
    Hector was the best reacted to Mr. P in Embargo.   
    Well if this is true we can kiss goodbye to finishing 2nd in the league.
  21. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to DCFC1388 in Embargo.   
    Not very good at negotiating if we have agreed what they originally wanted a coule of weeks ago
  22. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to ossieram in WBA Away   
    If they are allowed to take time to dry the ball and take 2 minutes for every throw in, I don't see why we should rush with the goal kicks. 
  23. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to angieram in WBA Away   
  24. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Derby blood in WBA Away   
    Just got back in, wow my voice has gone, what great vocal support from the away end, and what a team effort to keep it at 0-0, a great point, we never gave up to night, a point deffo gained tonight, 3 points now on saturday. 
    Great to be in the away end tonight, will deffo be making the trip to Sheffield United, the supporters, players and coaches all are in this together, and we are staying up. Once A Ram Always A Ram. 
  25. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to angieram in WBA Away   
    In with us fans away end. She was at Hull too. Seen her a few times, always on her own.
    God, some of the tripe she has to listen to from some of our so called fans but tonight it must have been music to her ears!
    I don't think they're married, btw - just an expression. 
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