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  1. Clap
    GboroRam got a reaction from Miggins in Shamima Begum bid to regain UK citizenship rejected   
    I recall one interview with a deradicalisation expert who had interviewed her. 
    He spoke at the optimism there was that she could be deradicalised, she was a very good candidate for the program and felt her language and outlook was very much the kind of fit for someone who would respond well to the program. 
    Put in context she still was part of a violent, extremist organisation who exert a lot of influence over her and similar positioned people, yet she was prepared to hint that she wanted a way out. She obviously was very cautious about speaking her mind, because she knew those same people were listening to her words. 
    So when people are very critical about her current threat level, the experts seemed to be of a different opinion entirely. 
  2. Sad
    GboroRam reacted to TuffLuff in John Motson Has Died   
    Bit gutted about this one, always spoke well about Derby because of his connection through his son. 
  3. Like
    GboroRam reacted to Bob The Badger in Shamima Begum bid to regain UK citizenship rejected   
    Heard a guy/expert say on Nicky Campbells show today  that we're one of only 3 countries in the world that will strip citizenship away. Nicaragua do it and I *think* he said Bahrain was the third. Not great company to keep  
    Rapists and murderers don't have it happen so bring her home and charge her. 
    And apparently, you can go if your own volition and still be trafficked. 
  4. Clap
    GboroRam reacted to DarkFruitsRam7 in Shamima Begum bid to regain UK citizenship rejected   
    Born in Britain, raised in Britain, citizen of Britain, until one bloke decided she wasn't anymore.
    Regardless of what you think of her and her actions, she's our responsibility and shouldn't be fobbed off to Bangladesh. I can only imagine the uproar if they tried to do the same to us.
  5. Clap
    GboroRam reacted to sage in Shamima Begum bid to regain UK citizenship rejected   
    It's a tricky one.
    She was 15 when she joined, trafficked to Syria, lost 3 kids. However, she would have been aware what ISIS was and could she have left earlier?
    On balance, she is a British citizen and should come back if she wants. If she has broken the law, then arrest and charge her. 
  6. Haha
    GboroRam got a reaction from SuffolkRam in Genuine question. Am I being a prude???   
    I'd approach a steward who would look uninterested, and I'd go sit down and quietly fume. 
  7. Like
    GboroRam reacted to B4ev6is in Looks like a Derby version 2- Birmingham city   
    Well they were ones loving it when it is was us I am not sorry for there fans now they know what it feels like.
  8. Clap
    GboroRam got a reaction from Carl Sagan in Chat GPT   
    Well, bing chat AI has got previous. 
  9. Haha
    GboroRam reacted to BodminRam in Looks like a Derby version 2- Birmingham city   
    I doubt anyone will want Bielik now, the mans a jinx
  10. Clap
    GboroRam reacted to Mr. P in Looks like a Derby version 2- Birmingham city   
  11. Haha
    GboroRam reacted to DerbyRevolution in Looks like a Derby version 2- Birmingham city   
    We’re all having a party
    When Birmingham go bust! 
  12. Haha
    GboroRam reacted to Gritstone Ram in Looks like a Derby version 2- Birmingham city   
    I’m not sure what the charges are. It sounds like someone wasn’t fit and proper. Did Chris Kirchner put a bid in for them too? 
  13. Clap
  14. Haha
  15. Like
    GboroRam reacted to ossieram in Looks like a Derby version 2- Birmingham city   
  16. Haha
  17. Clap
  18. Like
    GboroRam reacted to Ram-Alf in Looks like a Derby version 2- Birmingham city   
  19. Like
    GboroRam reacted to Andicis in Looks like a Derby version 2- Birmingham city   
    I know some on here will say we need to rise above it. But I am not one of those people. Hope they liquidate. 
  20. Haha
    GboroRam reacted to richinspain in Chat GPT   
    Brilliant. It's got the colour of the numbers right. Just needs to get a mention of blue shorts in there somewhere and it's perfect 
  21. Like
    GboroRam reacted to uttoxram75 in Is "woke" confusing kids   
    Netflix are owned by the big institutional investors. They do not do anything that doesn't improve their profits so I guess they think there is money to be made out of it.
    No such thing as bad publicity and all that.
  22. Haha
    GboroRam got a reaction from Grimbeard in Genuine question. Am I being a prude???   
    I'd approach a steward who would look uninterested, and I'd go sit down and quietly fume. 
  23. Haha
    GboroRam got a reaction from SKRam in RIP Dickie Davies.   
    As I remember, all the boys think he's a spy. 
  24. Like
    GboroRam got a reaction from TigerTedd in Genuine question. Am I being a prude???   
    I'd approach a steward who would look uninterested, and I'd go sit down and quietly fume. 
  25. Clap
    GboroRam reacted to Tamworthram in Unsung NHS Heroes (potentially polical depending on how you read it)   
    Not at all. You do know there is a place for supporting local and National charities/organisations voluntarily (I am actually a trustee of a charity near me so I know a bit about the financial challenges they face) as well as funding massive organisations such as the NHS through tax and National Insurance? I don’t know why you assume  I think otherwise (you do seem to have very quickly demonstrated an ability to make assumptions though) To expect the NHS shortfall to be funded through voluntary contributions is ludicrous.
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