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  1. Like
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from TimRam in Highlight of the Season   
    Coming around the corner at The Cockpitt, or whatever that junction is called nowadays, and looking up over the flyover...

    Brought a tear to my eye.
    No photo will ever give justice to that mental image I have etched on the top shelf of my memory bank.
  2. Like
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from 1977 Ram Raider in Highlight of the Season   
    Coming around the corner at The Cockpitt, or whatever that junction is called nowadays, and looking up over the flyover...

    Brought a tear to my eye.
    No photo will ever give justice to that mental image I have etched on the top shelf of my memory bank.
  3. Like
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from IslandExile in Highlight of the Season   
    Coming around the corner at The Cockpitt, or whatever that junction is called nowadays, and looking up over the flyover...

    Brought a tear to my eye.
    No photo will ever give justice to that mental image I have etched on the top shelf of my memory bank.
  4. Haha
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Animal is a Ram in The Administration Thread   
    Live from EFL's back garden...

  5. Clap
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Dordogne-Ram in Highlight of the Season   
    Coming around the corner at The Cockpitt, or whatever that junction is called nowadays, and looking up over the flyover...

    Brought a tear to my eye.
    No photo will ever give justice to that mental image I have etched on the top shelf of my memory bank.
  6. Clap
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Derby4Me in Highlight of the Season   
    Coming around the corner at The Cockpitt, or whatever that junction is called nowadays, and looking up over the flyover...

    Brought a tear to my eye.
    No photo will ever give justice to that mental image I have etched on the top shelf of my memory bank.
  7. Haha
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Mick Brolly in Concerned two fans today   
    If they ban flares, I will just be stood in my underpants!  ?
  8. Clap
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Bald Eagle's Barmy Army in Highlight of the Season   
    Coming around the corner at The Cockpitt, or whatever that junction is called nowadays, and looking up over the flyover...

    Brought a tear to my eye.
    No photo will ever give justice to that mental image I have etched on the top shelf of my memory bank.
  9. COYR
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from dcfc the 1 4me in Highlight of the Season   
    Coming around the corner at The Cockpitt, or whatever that junction is called nowadays, and looking up over the flyover...

    Brought a tear to my eye.
    No photo will ever give justice to that mental image I have etched on the top shelf of my memory bank.
  10. Clap
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Ram-Alf in The whole squad wants to stay.   
    How about "The class of minus 21"?
    Eh?  Eh? 
  11. Clap
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Nookiebear1 in The whole squad wants to stay.   
    How about "The class of minus 21"?
    Eh?  Eh? 
  12. Like
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Animal is a Ram in Highlight of the Season   
    Coming around the corner at The Cockpitt, or whatever that junction is called nowadays, and looking up over the flyover...

    Brought a tear to my eye.
    No photo will ever give justice to that mental image I have etched on the top shelf of my memory bank.
  13. Haha
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Concerned two fans today   
    If they ban flares, I will just be stood in my underpants!  ?
  14. Like
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Adslegend in Highlight of the Season   
    Coming around the corner at The Cockpitt, or whatever that junction is called nowadays, and looking up over the flyover...

    Brought a tear to my eye.
    No photo will ever give justice to that mental image I have etched on the top shelf of my memory bank.
  15. COYR
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from RoyMac5 in Highlight of the Season   
    Coming around the corner at The Cockpitt, or whatever that junction is called nowadays, and looking up over the flyover...

    Brought a tear to my eye.
    No photo will ever give justice to that mental image I have etched on the top shelf of my memory bank.
  16. Sad
    Mucker1884 reacted to sage in Surviving on £1 a day for food and drink   
    Still on £847. Stalled for 2.5 days now. 
  17. Haha
    Mucker1884 reacted to Van der MoodHoover in A Bald Man Got Married Today   
    I hope you're as happy as I thought I was going to be ?
  18. Haha
    Mucker1884 reacted to Comrade 86 in A Bald Man Got Married Today   
    Fair play to DFR, here he is, as good as his word...

  19. Like
    Mucker1884 reacted to Gee SCREAMER !! in Concerned two fans today   
    Remember it well.  Found myself on the front of a football hooligan book in Waterstones about 10 years ago because of that.  Bloke beside me was 'remonstrating' with some Sunderland fan who'd thrown a pie at him by throwing some punches in return. I believe that was an instigator for the whole thing.  Proper s*** storm that day. They should ban pies instead of flares they cause all manner of problems. Don't bully meh !!
  20. COYR
    Mucker1884 reacted to Ellafella in Sombrero Day - v Cardiff at Home - 7th May   
    I’m wearing a sombrero too
  21. Haha
    Mucker1884 reacted to Inverurie Ram in Sombrero Day - v Cardiff at Home - 7th May   
    I ordered 3 from Asda..........I was so excited..................
    FFS nearest item you had in stock!, my bald head's going to go orange and be all sticky!

  22. Like
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Nishfan in Matchday Thread v Blackpool Away (3pm Sat 30th April)   
    Gotta say, we had a wonderful day out* for my/our first Rams away trip for a good while...
    Early rise, away on time (That's a first for Muckerette, I hasten to add), and pulled up on our pre-booked rent-a-drive in the shadow of The Big One, bang on 10am.
    Colours on full show, we took in a leisurely arm-in-arm promenade along the...erm... well, promenade, and feasted on Breakfast Baps (They're just cobs really, but with a fancy name!) and coffee, back-street side, before re-emerging seafront'ards and eventually joining the jet-set by about 12:30 at a hotel make-believe patio just a few yards down from The Manchester.  Sat in glorious sunshine, surrounded by the less energetic Rams (so, perfect company, I hasten to add v2!) supping a well deserved pint... a full one, I hasten to add v.3! ?
    Arrived at the correct end of the ground(!) (How many didn't check their turnstile numbers on their tickets! Eh?  Own up!) around 14:25, horrified to see the extent of the turnstile queue!  Relief in the end however, as we reached our seats in good time, so a big up for the stewards.
    From our vantage point towards the back of the nearest block to their North Stand, we fully witnessed (and appreciated) the camaraderie throughout the match, so another big up to both sets of fans.  The two way banter and respect, was a delight.
    Portaloos at our end though... a bit tin pot that, in 2022!  (I can only assume they had proper ceramics for the Southern end of the away stand? ?‍♂️)
    Missed the peno incident (See previous comment re portaloos!) but heard the obvious crowd interaction, and returned in time to see the save.
    And if it wasn't clearly evident before, I now officially have a boy-crush on young Master Cashin.  He gets immenserer with every game, and if that isn't a real word, then it should be... and Cashin should patent it!  
    The bouncing was a joy, and gave a whole new found appreciation of going down!
    Was in no rush to leave, and was kind of great (in a respectful way) to see our own post-whistle celebrations somewhat dampen the Homer's attempt at an end-of-season-on-pitch awards ceremony!
    Yet another leisurely stroll around, before returning to the car, a drive along the coast over to Lytham, Fish & Chips in the car, by the Windmill, and a steady cruise home... BUMP... REWIND...

    *As we literally unwrapped our supper in the car, looking out to sea, the 'phone rang.
    90 year old (91 on Thursday) F-I-L had gone awol on his mob-scoot!  He's not been particularly well of late, and has spent the equivalent of 85% of his time in either The Derby Royal, or a Heanor Care home, since the week before Christmas!  It's been a stressful and tiring few months for us all, in all honesty!
    He was eventually found safe-ish and well-ish around 19:30, by two strangers on his local park, who had the sense and decency to rifle his pockets, and start ringing contacts.  It was getting later and cooler, and he was a tad confused!  Local Family went to rescue him, and eventually made the decision to call an ambulance at around 8pm.  Upon being told help would be with him "in around 6 hours", they took it upon themselves to drag him home, to a little more comfort.
    Meanwhile, we departed Lytham with haste, By-passed Derby, and headed straight to his Ilson home, arriving around 22:40.  The ambulance arrived swiftly at 06:05 this morning!  I nodded for maybe an hour on his sofa, which is the extent of my sleep since my alarm went off at 5am yesterday!
    His stats weren't great, but neither was he about to keel over (yet!).  The medics would have much preferred to take him in... obvs... but for once (and totally out of character) he was adamant and insistent that he (understandably) disn't want to spend any more time in hospital... particularly as it's his birthday week... and he's already missed Xmas, New Year, and Easter due to being stuck in there with just Muckerette as his sole allowed official visitor! (Big up to covid regulations... still!)
    I suspect he'll be sleeping in his fancy recliner chair for the foreseeable, as there ain't no way he's making it up them stairs for at least a day or two... at best!   
    We, on the other hand, arrived home from Blackpool at around 08:30 this morning... 25.5 hours after setting off!
    Long days, these away days.  We may not be making a habit of them, despite the joy they can bring!
    The Derby Muckers
    (Not to be confused with the Blackpool Muckers, who were... and may even still be?... very, very naughty people!)
  23. COYR
    Mucker1884 reacted to Ram Logan Josh in Sombrero Day - v Cardiff at Home - 7th May   
    We are too!
  24. COYR
    Mucker1884 reacted to Gladram in Sombrero Day - v Cardiff at Home - 7th May   
    And us. Don't think we'll get away with wearing it during the game. 4 or 5 rows behind us won't be able to see the pitch
  25. COYR
    Mucker1884 reacted to angieram in Sombrero Day - v Cardiff at Home - 7th May   
    Yep, we are.
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