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  1. Haha
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from cstand in New joke thread (trigger alert, may offend if you want it to)   
    ? Poo stand up comic, you're jester poo stand up comic...
  2. Haha
    Mucker1884 reacted to Archied in No transfer fees ?   
    A centre half not a reich back
  3. Haha
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Stagtime in What did Santa bring.   
    If Santa ain't signed it himself, I call fake post!  
  4. Haha
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from 48 hours in No transfer fees ?   
    Can you not just show us a pic of his current team shirt, from behind?  ?
  5. COYR
    Mucker1884 reacted to Stagtime in What did Santa bring.   
    Santa has long gone from our shores and he left me this. Merry Christmas to all.

  6. Sad
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from sheeponacid in George Cohen... RIP   
    England World Cup winner George Cohen has died, aged 83.
    The right-back played every minute of the six matches in the 1966 tournament and was vice-captain for the 4-2 win over West Germany in the Wembley final.
    Manchester United's legendary winger George Best described him as "the best full back I ever played against”.
    He is survived by just two of the '66 final starting 11... Bobby Charlton and Geoff Hurst.
    RIP, Sir.
  7. Sad
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in George Cohen... RIP   
    England World Cup winner George Cohen has died, aged 83.
    The right-back played every minute of the six matches in the 1966 tournament and was vice-captain for the 4-2 win over West Germany in the Wembley final.
    Manchester United's legendary winger George Best described him as "the best full back I ever played against”.
    He is survived by just two of the '66 final starting 11... Bobby Charlton and Geoff Hurst.
    RIP, Sir.
  8. Haha
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Tamworthram in Christmas traditions   
    Didn’t know that was even a thing!

  9. Haha
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Ramslad1992 in No transfer fees ?   
    Can you not just show us a pic of his current team shirt, from behind?  ?
  10. Clap
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Reggie Greenwood in Things that annoy me that should annoy me   
    Nationwide takeaway delivery overlords, who appear not to care/to turn a blind eye/openly encourage their public-facing representatives to break highway laws, and c*** a snook at decency, morality... and the safety of others.

    Reg-plated motorised scooters on pedestrian walkways.
    Pedal cycles without lights... after dark/before daylight... ridden by deliverers without any visible clothing beyond the black spectrum.
    RLJ's by the daily dozen.
    On the phone whilst driving/riding.
    All emblazoned by the very names and logos of said takeaway delivery overlords.  Advertising the very worst... and in some cases, potentially the most likely to result in severe injury/death... of highway safety and consideration to others.
    Oh... and give those back boxes a wash will yer... yer filthy b*******!  
  11. Clap
    Mucker1884 reacted to AndyinLiverpool in Things that annoy me that should annoy me   
    I nearly hit one the other day. No lights, dark clothes. Pulled across me to turn right just as I pulled away at traffic lights.
    Also one nearly hit pedestrian me as he ploughed through a red at a pelican crossing. He then stopped to give me a hard time for not watching where I was going.
    Won't ever use them. Or their taxis.
  12. Like
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from 48 hours in Christmas day 1956   
    I'd say you have a great deal to be happy about... and it's soooo much better than the alternative, of course!
    Whether you want it or not, you have my best birthday wishes for tomorrow!
    Have a great day, sir.
  13. Sad
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from IslandExile in George Cohen... RIP   
    England World Cup winner George Cohen has died, aged 83.
    The right-back played every minute of the six matches in the 1966 tournament and was vice-captain for the 4-2 win over West Germany in the Wembley final.
    Manchester United's legendary winger George Best described him as "the best full back I ever played against”.
    He is survived by just two of the '66 final starting 11... Bobby Charlton and Geoff Hurst.
    RIP, Sir.
  14. Like
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Reggie Greenwood in George Cohen... RIP   
    England World Cup winner George Cohen has died, aged 83.
    The right-back played every minute of the six matches in the 1966 tournament and was vice-captain for the 4-2 win over West Germany in the Wembley final.
    Manchester United's legendary winger George Best described him as "the best full back I ever played against”.
    He is survived by just two of the '66 final starting 11... Bobby Charlton and Geoff Hurst.
    RIP, Sir.
  15. Like
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from archram in Merry Christmas   
    I've got what I wanted already... and I'll be raising my celebratory schooner to Mr Clowes, to show my utmost gratitude for it!  
    Have a good 'un, one and all.

  16. Like
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Crewton in Things that annoy me that should annoy me   
    Nationwide takeaway delivery overlords, who appear not to care/to turn a blind eye/openly encourage their public-facing representatives to break highway laws, and c*** a snook at decency, morality... and the safety of others.

    Reg-plated motorised scooters on pedestrian walkways.
    Pedal cycles without lights... after dark/before daylight... ridden by deliverers without any visible clothing beyond the black spectrum.
    RLJ's by the daily dozen.
    On the phone whilst driving/riding.
    All emblazoned by the very names and logos of said takeaway delivery overlords.  Advertising the very worst... and in some cases, potentially the most likely to result in severe injury/death... of highway safety and consideration to others.
    Oh... and give those back boxes a wash will yer... yer filthy b*******!  
  17. COYR
    Mucker1884 reacted to angieram in Merry Christmas   
    Merry Christmas and my wish for 2023 is to get some of that noise back into the home crowd as we had last season.
    @uttoxram75 is right - it was very special.
    Thank you, David Clowes, but our work as fans is not yet done. COYR! 
  18. Cheers
    Mucker1884 reacted to RamuelLJackson in Paul Warne appointed as Head Coach   
    I agree. They really aren't.
  19. Clap
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Paul Warne appointed as Head Coach   
    I guess we all have a personal choice, on that one?  ?‍♂️
    I for one will no doubt be whooping with delight, and quite possibly partaking in a little dad dance.  But I won't be chastising anyone who doesn't join me.
    I also won't be claiming that Mr Warne has done better than our previous play off managers.  Maybe next season... fingers crossed!  ?
  20. Clap
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Paul Warne appointed as Head Coach   
    If Mr Warne does manage to get us through the play offs... which in itself would be bloody fantastic, of course... I hope folk remember that he still wouldn't have bettered what "the likes of McClaren" failed to achieve, purely given the level of the play offs we'd be in, this time around!  
  21. Haha
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from uttoxram75 in New joke thread (trigger alert, may offend if you want it to)   
    ? Poo stand up comic, you're jester poo stand up comic...
  22. Like
    Mucker1884 reacted to uttoxram75 in Merry Christmas   
    2022 eh?
    It was the worst of years and the best of years.
    I may have nicked that from somewhere!
    We nearly died, it seemed half the football world wanted us to, from the hierarchy of the EFL to absolute chancers and grifters like Steve Gibson. I will always despise Rick Parry and Gibson. Despicable human beings who represent pretty much everything that is wrong with this world. Grubby, greedy little men who think they are above everyone else with no empathy for ordinary people.
    We fought. Our support was unprecedented, unbelievable, superb, every game until the end of the season was the best I've ever seen. There were games toward the end where I just stood in the middle of the South Stand and marvelled at every stand singing as one, it was emotional, uplifting, it made me proud to be a Derby fan, proud to be from this beautiful, wonderful, part of the country.
    The march on the day of the Birmingham match. Those of us who were there will never forget it. Looking back from the flyover near the station and seeing the road full all the way back to Traffic Street......its a wide road!
    We've had our Christmas present, our club survived thanks to our unconditional support which I believe convinced David Clowes to step in and do what most of us would have done if we could.
    Merry Christmas to all of you, keep the faith and get behind the Rams at every game you can get to.
  23. Clap
    Mucker1884 reacted to Ewe Ram in Things that annoy me that should annoy me   
    People who go to work sneezing and snotted up to the eyeballs. I’ve got news for you, you’re not so important that you can’t take some time out. 
    I’m now infected and not left the house in 4 days when I’ve got loads to do. 
    ps yes, I know some don’t get paid. 
  24. Haha
    Mucker1884 reacted to richinspain in Things that annoy me that should annoy me   
    Any time 
  25. Like
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Elgin_Ram in World Cup Prediction League   
    Big up for @Jourdan for their time and effort, a round of applause to the attendees, and a Bravo to the joint winners.
    On a personal level, I'm feeling rather smug that had I not missed two rounds, I would have easily won, so there!  ?  ?
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