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  1. Haha
    Rammeister reacted to Carnero in The Administration Thread   
    Piss off and do it then ?
  2. Haha
    Rammeister reacted to Millenniumram in Fulham game   
    I’m in Cyprus so this works out brilliantly for me. duck the rest of you lot
  3. Like
    Rammeister reacted to Curtains in The Administration Thread   
    I tried but failed because he made me mad. Here is part of the call 
    “The former Crystal Palace owner has said the grievances felt by the Rams faithful are “not helping” the club’s situation.”
    What is helping Simon 
    Duck all 
    PS Why did Trevor Birch leave DCFC !
  4. Haha
    Rammeister reacted to hintonsboots in The Administration Thread   
    We are still in crunch negotiations with interested parties and hope to move forward in due course. We appreciate we are not moving as fast as promised but it’s difficult carrying a shell and moving through slime.
  5. Clap
    Rammeister reacted to 24Charlie in What might have been....   
    If only we hadn't employed Tommy Doherty...
  6. Like
    Rammeister reacted to HuddersRam in Groundwork   
    Morning squad. I've been radio silence on here the last few months for two reasons:
    I can't add anything on the situation between just sorrow I've been working on something new For those who don't know and for those who don't care (understandable, no complaints from me) I produced a book called Pride in 2020, which went into the last 20 or so years of the club. That was nice, but the issue is that for those 20 years we were pretty awful. So I wanted to work on something new and a bit more feel good. And so...
    I'm really, really pleased to say that my next book will go live in Autumn of this year and it's titled: Groundwork: The Inside Story Behind Jim Smith's Derby County. 
    Just like Pride, it's told from the behind the scenes perspective of those incredible few years and includes insight from around 60 former players, coaches and staff members at the club. From Igor, Eranio and Sturridge, through to Steve's McClaren and Round, it delves into what made that time so special. But more than this it focuses on the work of Jim as a manager and crucially, as a man. I've spoken with the creators of Prozone, the first sports psychologist in British football, the first fitness coach in the game, to evaluate how pivotal Derby (yes, Derby) were in the evolution of football in this country. And there is also a section remembering Jim himself, including thoughts from his family, as well as close friends like Harry Redknapp and Howard Wilkinson. There's even a Graham Richards cameo or two. 
    I know there's a lot of continuing nightmares around us at the minute, but hopefully this brings a bit of joy and memories of what this club can be. ?

  7. Clap
    Rammeister reacted to Dimmu in The Administration Thread   
    Sure everyone who has followed the problems in recent years are fully aware that Morris, Keogh and David are the reasons we are in this mess....
    Seriously though, stay classy and above them @David which I'm sure you'll do.
    There's a reason why my ignored users list is enormous and I haven't even noticed some of the crappy posters disappearing... 
  8. Like
    Rammeister reacted to Day in The Administration Thread   
    Doesn't surprise me. There are a number of people that believe they can say and do as they please online without consequence. 
    It's that mindset which saw the DET forum closed down, sadly for those I have a desire to see this forum stay online.
    We have a small percentage of fans that want to spout unfounded accusations. This forum will never give the platform for those voices. They can bitch and whine on social media as much as they like, I know we have a large number of fans that appreciate this platform and the law of the land.
  9. Haha
    Rammeister reacted to angieram in The Administration Thread   
    Especially this time of year! 

  10. Like
    Rammeister reacted to Ram-Alf in The Administration Thread   
    I was a avid poster on a forum that sounds like terracing at the old BBG, I found it a place where if you had a certain perspective on political matters you'd be hounded off the board or ganged up on, Lots of posters left over the years, Not sure what it's like now, But I feel a damn site more comfortable on here.
    There is no Politics thread, Which is maybe a good thing as both Politics and Religion can be a hornets nest, I joined after being a lurker for a few months, I dipped my toe in to see what it was like, It took a while for posters and myself to get used to one another, There's always suspicion with a new poster if they have a different modus operandi.
    Just a thank you to the 100s and 100s of personel messages I get every week from you lovely posters...I love you all ?
  11. Clap
    Rammeister reacted to BondJovi in The Administration Thread   
    Been on this forum a long time. Never once have I felt that there was any influence on my views from yourself or others here. I find it somewhat disrespectful to even imply such a thing.
    You have acted on good faith and been severely let down, we as a fan base need to stick together not try and score cheap points. 
  12. Like
    Rammeister reacted to duncanjwitham in The Administration Thread   
    @David I can only speak for myself, but being a Derby fan honestly wouldn't quite the same without this place.  You only have to look at the forums other clubs have, to realise how lucky we are that you are willing to put the effort and resources into keeping it running so well.  As far as I'm concerned, anybody questioning your motives can just GFTO.
    And I say that as someone who has posted *plenty* of messages critical of Mel, which have all (to my knowledge anyway) been allowed to stay up on here.
  13. Haha
    Rammeister reacted to Derbados in The Administration Thread   
    Another crazy busy day and long hours for Quantuma as they desperately try to thrash a deal out for the future of our football club.

  14. Haha
    Rammeister reacted to Tyler Durden in The Administration Thread   
    Yer buyers just aren't interested in us, we're like a 10 to 2 bird at the local disco. 
  15. Like
    Rammeister reacted to BobdeBilder in The Administration Thread   
    I can remember Chelsea getting gates of 10,000 or so and being one of the worst clubs in London. We were a much bigger club than them, and most others in the country for a number of years. At least I was there for the trophies and 35,000 average attendances. Being a sad old bar steward comes in handy sometimes.
  16. Like
    Rammeister got a reaction from Dimmu in Can us fans do anything to help right now   
    I played as a striker in my youth.
  17. Like
    Rammeister got a reaction from Rammy03 in Can us fans do anything to help right now   
    I played as a striker in my youth.
  18. Haha
    Rammeister reacted to i-Ram in Do the prospective new owners want us to go down?   
    DCFC Fans Profanity Filter
    dcfcfans.uk has a filter in place for a reason, this is not intended as a creative challenge to use profanity. Posts found to be containing creative profanity including the use of numbers or symbols will be edited/removed from the forum.
  19. Like
    Rammeister reacted to Ram-Alf in Can us fans do anything to help right now   
    Other than supporting on match days there's little to nothing else we can do, Supporters groups are treated as mushrooms, Fans are seen as cash cows, MPs release twitter feeds of no concequence.
    The EFL haven't beaten us, They've certainly written our death throws, The nails in the Coffin were all lined up, Jagielka unable to re-sign, Shinnie moved on were 2 huge nails that were knocked into our Coffin.
    I'm a realist with a little optimism thrown in, Until mathmatically impossible that we can't stay in the Championship then there's hope, I believe the EFL will have a party if we are relegated, It was their plan from the start, Parry, Birch et al have gone above and beyond in their efforts to put road blocks in our way, Once we were looking to make a fist of it things they seemed to have changed, Boro/Wycombe dragged on, Referees conspiracy I don't believe, EFL encouraging the Cheating Mantra imo has had the biggest effect on all in the Championship, We're the boogey man who lives under the bed, We're seen as a club that will get what they believe we deserve.
    It rankles with me and has most of my adult life that oragisations will, Can and do have a very negative impact on peoples lives, Football for many 100s of 1000s of people is an escape from the humdrum of ordinary life...for what ever ordinary life is, There's no tub thumping from me, It's all been down to one person, That one person who gave Hope, Enjoyment, Excitement, Sadness and eventually Despair as this great club of ours is being lead away to the scaffold, Our only escape...24 points to be played for, Untill it's impossible to stay up...then there's hope.
  20. Like
    Rammeister reacted to IslandExile in Last night   
    The problem is all his B4, not yours. He is the uneducated fool.
    I have two kids with autism and learning difficulties, so I know what you have to go through.
  21. Haha
    Rammeister reacted to jed27 in Blackburn Away Match Thread   
    If Derby County was my girlfriend she’d promise a night of unbelievable sex (and would absolutely be capable of it) but also be a chronic migraine sufferer.
  22. Haha
    Rammeister got a reaction from Dordogne-Ram in House Party in Chadd, and memories of the Hardmen of the area.   
    Looks like a serious meeting- not a party.
    Al Jazeera reported on it 4 hours ago.

  23. Haha
    Rammeister got a reaction from EtoileSportiveDeDerby in House Party in Chadd, and memories of the Hardmen of the area.   
    Looks like a serious meeting- not a party.
    Al Jazeera reported on it 4 hours ago.

  24. Haha
    Rammeister got a reaction from Mostyn6 in House Party in Chadd, and memories of the Hardmen of the area.   
    Looks like a serious meeting- not a party.
    Al Jazeera reported on it 4 hours ago.

  25. Haha
    Rammeister got a reaction from Mucker1884 in House Party in Chadd, and memories of the Hardmen of the area.   
    Looks like a serious meeting- not a party.
    Al Jazeera reported on it 4 hours ago.

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