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  1. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to Derby blood in Melvyn Morris fan club   
    Will never be part of the Mels fan club, he has made far to many bad decisions, will not go over them again, as i have been banging this drum to long, i love DCFC, and all i want is some new owners to support our manager and get this great club back off its knees, and start having postive press again, and lets start talking about on field matters again, fed up with all the off field stuff now. Once A Ram Always A Ram, are you listening Mel. 
  2. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to Spanish in Melvyn Morris fan club   
  3. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to Ramos in Melvyn Morris fan club   
    I see this has become a house of LIES too. 
  4. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to Tyler Durden in Melvyn Morris fan club   
    I profess not to understand this cult of Mel Morris like is some kind of dictator you dare not criticise in public.
    Am just waiting for Year Zero so all of the history books are rewritten during his ownership to reflect that actually he did a marvelous job at the club. 
  5. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to hintonsboots in Melvyn Morris fan club   
    A life long  Rams fan, who made himself a fortune with his entrepreneurial skills, doing what we all dream of, buying the club they love.
    He has invested a large part of his wealth into our club and until this season has maintained us as a stable Championship club capable of challenging for the top 6, personally I will always be grateful to Mel for that.
    The sad part for me is how his ownership is ending, with the failure of the AbuDerby takeover, being a major catalyst in our journey towards league 1. If the takeover had completed the January window alone would have put us in mid table.
    Mel’s biggest mistake though is on manager recruitment, where he has almost experimented, and chopped and changed , with some bizarre rookie managers and coaches who are not suited to building a squad to get promoted.
    I may be unpopular with this view, but if an experienced manager like Warnock, had been appointed early in his ownership, we would now be an established Premier League side and flourishing. It maybe that Colin would have been replaced once promoted.
    I really hope we stay up, and Mel can then sit back and watch us storm the league next season........dream on.
  6. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to Yani P in Melvyn Morris fan club   
    Do personal insults about our current manager get taken down as well?
  7. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to cannable in Melvyn Morris fan club   
    Like Lionel Pickering, best owner you could ask for. 
    Terrible chairman though. 
  8. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to Charlie George in Melvyn Morris fan club   
    Is that what it is on here ?
    Seems that any post that's critical of Melvyn's tenureship is deleted. 6 years of shambolic management and ego boosting vanity projects now coming home to roost.
    If it means relegation and admin to move forward so be it.
  9. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to Keepyuppy in Embargo.   
    Seeing as the Transfer window is closed till Jan, I’d be inclined to take the case to court ASAP and let an independent Legal Panel decide our fate - surely it should be resolved in the next 3 months and we’ll just carry on as best we can till then. 
  10. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to B4ev6is in Embargo.   
    If I was mel I be taking it to court as we did nrothing wrong even dc and ps both said efl had no grounds to ask for points dudction that's why fined us 100k. Even that should not be given to us I think it should gone to boro.
  11. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to hintonsboots in Two season transfer ban.   
    Anymore info from Al Nixon, he has blocked me so can’t read his ramblings.
  12. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to TuffLuff in Two season transfer ban.   
    I have no idea whether a two year ban has any truth to it, I have no idea whether the clubs owing us money has any truth to it either.
    But I am fed up of the games being played, Im fed up of the silence that fans get which breeds contempt, Im also fed up of the position our local press outlets constantly find themselves in. As a fan, I can accept honesty and transparency even if it’s not great news, but I can’t accept what’s happened off the pitch these last two years as the can has been kicked down the road and the lack of info as to why. The latest headline is another eye roll in a long list of eye roll moments that I’m afraid make more and more people tune out. Thing is I like the team, they aren’t good enough but atleast they work hard and give 100% and I can’t ask for anymore, but this behind them doesn’t help with the relationship with fans to the club and therefore that set of players.
    Time to talk to the local press and provide some honest answers, don’t forget times ticking on a season ticket deadline this week. 
  13. Haha
    RAM1966 reacted to Rammeister in You shall not pass   
    Will have a job getting the ball in the oppositions net if they don’t pass.
  14. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to vonwright in Club comms   
    Exactly. They all seem completely fair questions (as does 'Have the accounts been filed?'). They all could be answered without 'prejudicing' any discussions with the EFL (whatever that is supposed to mean), or more to the point annoying the EFL. They are all things fans really, and not unreasonably, want to know. The club could quite easily have released notes from the meeting after thinking about their wording, and even running it by the EFL. I find it really hard to believe that the EFL have said 'Don't tell fans ANYTHING about ANY financial aspects of your operation or we will give you a harsher punishment than the facts of the case deserve'. That would be ridiculous, and probably illegal, and if they have said that then all football fans (and the government) should know. 
  15. Haha
    RAM1966 reacted to Dean (hick) Saunders in The end   
    MM successfully applies for Derby County to join the MLS as UK franchise and then sells club to Yeehar Stetson who renames the club Derby Oilers with logo a black puddle.
  16. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to Tyler Durden in The end   
    Probably at the point when Mel realises he isn't going to find a buyer until he starts trying to run the club as a going concern again and whatever the outcome of the EFL decision he starts subsiding the club again from his own pocket to make the club more attractive to potential buyers.
  17. Haha
    RAM1966 reacted to Grumpy Git in Club comms   
    I recon if we could just persude Boris to put a ha'penny on income tax to support DCFC we'd be sorted?
  18. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to Tamworthram in Club comms   
    I wonder why they’ve avoided the other pertinent question: have the accounts and P&S statements now been submitted to the EFL and when they likely to be approved?
  19. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to Foreveram in Club comms   
    Tickets for the game against Stoke in eleven days time not on sale yet but you can ring  DCFC and book you Christmas party in December on the website 
  20. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to Bubbles in Club comms   
    Nice one Rams Trust.
    Keep pushing for answers, there’s only so much pushing back that they can do.
  21. Haha
    RAM1966 reacted to hintonsboots in Club comms   
    I’ve heard Mel has received the letter, but has accidentally spilled his coffee all over it.
  22. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to Rev in Club comms   
    I think the point of his intervention is that it's not good enough to communicate with a tiny portion of the fans, it needs to be all of us.
    The recent meeting was a terrible idea, but the blame lies on the club, not the attendees. I'd imagine several of those present would love to just spill what was said, and damn the consequences, but fear doing so could put the entire future of DCFC in the balance.
    That's not a burden that should have been placed on their shoulders, all the meeting has achieved is division and suspicion amongst the fan base, and increased speculation to fill the vacuum of silence.
  23. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to Tombo in Club comms   
    RamsTrust are a complete joke. Their words are not my words, and they don't really say anything of value anyway.
    Ego driven posturing with no real purpose.
    For all this talk of fan ownership, has anyone actually even attempted to put together the means? Or do they just write strongly-worded letters like a bunch of pensioners writing in to Channel 4?
  24. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to Leeds Ram in Club comms   
    The letter is perfectly fine for me, it asks the right questions and it's an honest attempt at open communication which is more than we've had from the club. I'm not sure what the other options are open to ramstrust besides staging a protest which I can't see doing anyone any good. Mel can sit and ignore this if he wants but the sooner he actually communicates with us in a concrete way the more support he'll get from a lot of people deciding they've had enough. 
  25. Haha
    RAM1966 reacted to Barney1991 in Club comms   
    Rama trusts letter to Mel as follows 
    Dear Mel, I wrote you but still ain't callin'
    I left my cell, my pager, and my home phone at the bottom
    I sent two letters back in autumn, you must not-a got 'em
    There probably was a problem at the post office or somethin'
    Sometimes I scribble addresses too sloppy when I jot 'em
    But anyways, duck it, what's been up? Man how's your nda is there still a problem with finances why can’t you sort them? ?
    I’m in the car right now I’m doing 90 on Brian clough way 
    Dear Mister "I'm Too Good To Call Or Write Rams Fans"
    This will be the last season ticket cash I ever send your ass
    It's been six weeks and still no word, We don't deserve it
    will the real shady Morris please stand up we’re gonna have a problem here?
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