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Posts posted by admira

  1. On 03/01/2022 at 11:56, leamram said:


    Leamington non league, Coventry football league

    Born in Belper into a Derby fan household and taken along to the BBG from an early age, this is my school picture from whatever year this kit was in case no one believes me ?



    Mine is even worse as:

    A) It was before there was any such thing as replica shirts so my Mum attached a Rams badge on a plain white shirt with poppers

    B) My hair clashed with the Trophy football and the curtains

    C) It was my 10th birthday and my cake only had a measly three candles.


  2. 1. Just covered my shoes in Bubble Wrap....... now popping to the shops. 

    2. I could go on forever about how I change the colour of certain herbs............ but I dye cress
    3. Highlight pens will be the next big craze.............mark my words!
    4. I was so ugly when I was young my nickname was "Seaweed" cos not even the tide would take me out. 

    5. My dad was a Siamese twin.........his brother was my uncle on my father's side, once removed.

    6. Last time I went to Blackpool I rode on a donkey......…..took me two weeks to get there! 

    7. They say that women prefer the strong silent type......….apparently this doesn't apply to farts though. 

    8. My girlfriend accused me of cheating on her...................... I told her she was starting to sound just like my wife. 

    9. It's 10 years today that my mate Dave came running down the corridor with tears streaming down his face, screaming "Its a boy, It's a boy!"............We haven't been back to Thailand since! 

    10. I'm secretary of the Time Stealing Society.......I take the minutes. 

    11. Did my first nude painting early this evening. The neighbours weren't happy, but the front door looks great!

    12. I bought a book entitled “How To Scam People Online” about three months ago............. it still hasn’t arrived. 

    13. Boris Jonson met with the cabinet today, he also spoke to the wardrobe and argued with a chest of drawers.

    14. At school we were all a bit concerned about Sex Ed..........he was the Caretaker. 

    15. This homeless bloke threatened to shove his newspaper up my arse........ I gave him £10 not to force the issue. 

    16. Was in the pub the other night with my mates when these 4 huge thugs started threatening us. "Pretend we're the Police" my mate said. Well I'd only got halfway through the first verse of "Roxanne" before they kicked the poo out of us. 

    17. Bought one of those Memory Foam pillows last week.....it's rubbish, I can't remember where I put it. 

    18. A bloke stopped me in the street and asked why I was carrying an 8ft book.........I said “It's a long story.” 

    19. Went to the doctors this morning with severe flatulence. As I sat in his room, he went and got a long pole with a hook on the end."Blimey, what's that for Doc'" I asked nervously. "Nothing to worry about" he said, "Just thought I'd open a window."
    20. I had to dump my girlfriend, Lyndsey Doyle..........she smelt like a cricket bat

  3. On 29/12/2021 at 13:16, EastAnglianRam said:

    That’d be fantastic. Would the Peterborough game work (19/2)? How many of you would come do you think as I seem to remember a few of you going along when I saw you at Millwall the other season?


    Yes, if we can get it there then I’ll ring round all the companies and see what quotes I can get. Ultimately it has to be worth doing for us all in terms of cost.

    I can't make that one unfortunately as already signed up to take the Mrs away for a surprise weekend away. Peterborough at home would indeed be a surprise but not quite what she is expecting!

    I know one Ipswich based fan on here who is a ST holder with his family but unfortunately it'll work out cheaper for the four of them to drive in one car than the price you've been quoted per person for the bus. I think the cost could be the issue here.

  4. 5 minutes ago, SirBrian said:

    Brian Clough still is the greatest manager Derby County ever had his team won 2 titles at the highest level, no other Derby manager comes close, stats are a waste of time, winning titles is the name of the game.

    Derby's major mistake letting him go.

    He only won one with us of course, but I'm sure you know that given your user name!

  5. There was a letter in When Saturday Comes magazine this month about players that went on to manage the same club.

    Since the war there have been 13 Managers or Caretaker Managers that also had a playing career with Derby

    Stuart McMillan

    Jack Barker

    Harry Storer Jr

    Tim Ward

    Dave Mackay

    Roy McFarland

    John Gregory

    Mark Lillis

    Darren Wassall

    Steve McClaren

    Chris Powell

    Gary Rowett

    Wayne Rooney


    I wonder if any of the current squad will one day manager us? Curtis Davies perhaps?



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