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Posts posted by ilkleyram

  1. 4 hours ago, OwenB87 said:

    As it stands, it's a worldwide stream.

    But we'll do our best to make it available to UK viewers, too. Might be a late decision but keep your fingers crossed . . . !

    Thanks @OwenB87 but I'm now confused. For league games I thought that every Rams week day match was available via RamsTV unless it was a main match on Sky. I appreciate that this is a rearranged game but why will it be a 'late decision'? 

  2. 11 hours ago, Paul71 said:

    Just seen litter pickers in heanor. They are fetching the litter out the bushes near tesco. The piles of rubbish is astonishing

    We really do have some scumbags about (those dropping the litter not the litter pickers).  

    There are 4 of them.

    They should make anyone caught dropping litter do a few hundred hours litter picking, maybe they wouldn't be so keen to drop litter if they had to be up early on a cold Saturday morning doing it.

    We are far too soft with people.


    There was a video doing the rounds a couple of months back, it may have been Greece or some such country, where a guy had been caught fly tipping his fridge down a deep ravine. His punishment from the judge was to get the fridge back to the top and dispose of it properly. 

    So what’s to stop us from doing something similar with fly tippers and litterers generally other than political will and public service organisation - and a willingness from us all ie the general public, to face down all the Twitter backlash when someone actually has to do it? 

  3. I wonder if it's worth RamsTV doing a feature on RamsTV match day - to explain the issues about putting matches on (especially for away games), the different options that you may or may not have for taking the coverage/camera positions etc, what the rules are about covering certain matches and not others, a bit about the different commentators, which clubs are doing what in relation to developing their own channels, whether there's evidence that midweek coverage has reduced ticket sales, where it might go in the future.

    Given that this is in it's infancy my view is that Rams TV as a whole is very, very good

  4. On Friday we had to make the same decision about our 11 year old Cocker Spaniel @dog. Many tears have been shed. The younger one misses his mate, I'm looking around for him on walks and force of habit nearly made me put his tea out tonight. I've just spent an hour reliving memories via photographs of walks taken over the years, particularly since I retired. And I have a new screensaver.

    I share your pain. But if there's a small piece of comfort it is that I know it was the correct decision for him.  Not for me perhaps, but certainly for him.  And the memories that he leaves behind are all happy ones not only for me but for the missus and the kids and grand kids for whom he was a significant part of their formative years.  He is remembered with love, joy and laughter as I'm sure your girl will be, and what more could any of us ask?

  5. 12 hours ago, TommyPowel said:

    I am 79 but even i know the unshaven look is the modern trend


    Then, like me, you'll remember Sir Brian's standards. He was correct and the modern trend is wrong. Beards are fine. Just not shaving is lazy.

  6. 3 hours ago, David said:

    You know you’re doing something right when the only criticism is your phone is too big in your pocket ?

    As I said, the show was "excellent" so he is doing a lot right.  But to my eye anyway the large phone in one pocket and the mic pack in another, in a pair of skinny jeans, was distracting at best. @OwenB87 could ask the camera person just to shoot him 'head and shoulders' would equally get around the issue.

    If you want another comment (and perhaps you don't) then someone ought to tell Darren Wassell to have a shave before he gets interviewed on Rams TV, unless he's growing a beard.  It looks more professional.


  7. 3 hours ago, OwenB87 said:

    One was a phone, the other was a mic pack, and unfortunately there isn’t really anywhere else to put that! 

    Whenever I did pieces to camera I used to have the mic pack in a jacket pocket or clipped to the back of my trouser waist band.  Or wear baggier trousers ?

  8. 1 minute ago, David said:

    The blue theme has been replaced with a black and grey theme, if you’re seeing blue it’s time to throw your computer in the bin or try clearing your cache

    I like the blue. And I can't afford another computer after renewing two season tickets 

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