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Posts posted by ilkleyram

  1. 6 hours ago, sage said:

    My picture won't load so i will describe it.

    Lay on a day bed seeking shade from the 28c sun, next to a private pool overlooking paddy fields while a lovely Balinese lady sweeps the veramdah. A butterfly has just landed on my foot.

    Best Butlins ive been to.

    Are you in Minehead or Skeggy, Sage?

  2. 1 hour ago, AmericanRam said:

    Happened last night and way too much in general:

    People behind me on the road who insist on leaving their high beams on; some of these country roads I often drive on are hard enough to see as is, your not helping matters. ******.

    You weren't driving back from Blackburn towards Ilkley were you American? Some idiot was doing that to me too

  3. 19 minutes ago, Norman said:

    Ok, here we go. 

    I've typed this out a few times, then subsequently deleted it. 

    I'm 29. From the outside I'm a strong, independent, fit, happy person. 

    I'm not. 

    I have everything. A brilliant, and I me a brilliant missus. A supportive family, a brilliant Dad, and a decent job. I go to the gym, I have friends etc.

    However, when I wake up, I don't want to get up. I don't want to brush my teeth, again. I dont want to drive to work. I sit in my car and think about the awful 8 hours I have to endure. Its only Tuesday, how am I ever going to get through to Friday?  The same thing over and over again. The repetitve, pointless nature of life saps all energy from me. 

    It's the pointlessness of life that gets to me the most. Everything seems so tedious, so painfully boring. 

    I've been doing the gym for the last 5 years, and got jacked. But the pointless, repetitive lifting is not what I enjoy. I enjoy going to my garage, on my own, and being with myself in silence for 2 hours. No music, No noise. Just my thoughts. And It is then I find solace in my head. The questions of life disappear, the annoyance of other's actions and decisions become insignificant. But it will all be back in the morning.

    I over-analyse, I over-think, and I struggle with day-to-day life. And only you lot know.  Which makes me wonder if this is a plea for help, or me deciding that this is the way I think, and I need to change it from now on. 

    I'm not suicidal, but I know I feel deep, intense feelings of sadness. But they've gone by dinner time, because life isnt as bad as my head makes it out to be in the morning, at times.

    Now to decide to hit the post button or not?

    Hi Norman

    I'm just over twice your age but just like you I am hesitating about whether to press the send button or not because I am in no way qualified to express an opinion about you or what you describe - I don't know you or your circumstances or the people around you. I do know however how courageous you and Loughborough and Tony and everyone else is on this thread who are sharing their innermost feelings to a bunch of strangers on a forum. I come from a generation and a family who largely don't do that. So thank you for pressing send. Your way is much better than my way.

     The bad news is that one of the things that I have learnt over the years is that life is repetitive and routine. Each of us take the same journeys, do the same jobs, follow the same football team, go to the same way to matches, eat the same food, go to the same pub, drink the same beer, shop in the same shops, listen to the same music, watch the same films, develop particular interests, do similar things day in day out. Every day, every week, every month and at certain times, every year. Life is routine whether you are the most glamorous person you can think of, or whether you're me. That's life.


    Life is not pointless. You have a brilliant missus and a great dad. They probably think the same about you. That's not pointless, that's important. You have a decent job. That's not pointless. Whatever it is that you do you will be interacting with others - colleagues, customers, suppliers - people you affect through whatever it is you do. People who will be grateful for what you do and how you do it. That's not pointless, that's important. You have friends. They're friends because they care about you. That's not pointless, that's something to be valued and nurtured. It's important.

    And, it seems to me that you have some of the answers that you might be looking for. What's wrong with being in your garage for two hours in silence? I walk on Ilkley Moor every day with my dogs. I talk to them but mainly I talk to myself. I don't want anyone else with me. I want to be on my own. What's wrong with that? It does me good. Be kind to yourself and do what makes you feel good, never mind what you think anyone else might think. It has taken me many years to realise that I'm important to me.

    But you also say that you struggle with day to day life and that you feel intense feelings of sadness and we are the only ones who know, and you hit the send button. I'm not qualified to help you, but you know what, if one of my friends said those things to me I would say find some help, someone who is qualified to assist - a GP, a counsellor, a friend. Not because what you are feeling and doing is pointless or wrong, but because you are important.

    Good luck.

  4. On 15/01/2017 at 02:02, StringOfBeads said:

    it doesn't matter about the last few seasons (although theyve done us too) simply the fact that their ground was rocking last night in a way that you don't get that with artificial flag waving. They were louder than anyone I've heard this season we just can't compete with that. Since when have our fans been as loud as that through the whole game. Actually I remember playing them in the cup when they were in L1 when Delph ran the show and they were loud through out even though they were losing. Think they might have Austrian blood ha ha 

    They might have been loud but they were singing about being Champions of Europe - they didn't make clear whether it was the 70/71 or the 67/68 Inter city Fairs Cup that they were referring to.

    On that basis the South Stand should be singing loud and proud about us being champions in 74/75. It's more recent.

  5. 9 hours ago, Tony Le Mesmer said:

    Agree. I'd like to be super fit, irresistable to women, have a big house by the sea, loads of money and a high powered job.

    Surprisingly i have none of these and that doesn't make me a worse person than someone who has.

    Accept and be grateful for what you have or you'll never be happy. Even if what you have is relatively nothing. Embrace it and don't waste time procrastinating and doing yourself down about what you think you should have.

    Live your life and don't try and live the life of someone else is what I say.

    Decluttering is good and therapeutic. I got rid of pretty much all of my possessions. They were just stuff. Didn't need them, wasn't using most of them and got rid. I now spend my money on experiences and visiting places, live events and the like rather than material items that just aren't important.

    I've got a phone, telly, laptop and a car that works. What else does a person need?

    Well, I've always found a bed and chair/settee to be useful. Pots and pans and a cooker too. Mrs Ilkley has her moments; I like having the kids and dogs but I would accept that I don't necessarily need them in a purist sense.

    otherwise I think I'm with you Tony.

    oh, and a season ticket of course

  6. 38 minutes ago, reveldevil said:

    I'd guess they'll be selling Buster soft toys soon enough!

    Did at least make me laugh.

    You can already buy soft toy versions of all the animals with 10% going to charity apparently.

    I'm not a marketing guy but I suspect that as they have got you and millions of others talking about the adverts and therefore aware of John Lewis and Sainsburys, thereby building 'brand awareness', they will consider it job done. Marketing these days is not only about selling more stuff however daft that may appear to be.

  7. 12 hours ago, WhiteHorseRam said:

    When he's about 55 his face will look like laddered tights as everything heads south

    Serious questions: how do you tattoo eyelids? And why on earth would you want your eyelids tattoo'd even to have a chessboard on your face?

  8. 4 hours ago, jono said:

    I think it is just a mask to cover their basic insecurity as a people and as a place that has been invaded or visited by more people than anywhere also. Scots, Angles, Saxons Jutes, Vikings, Norsemen, Indians, Pakistanis and Mancunians. Nowhere else in the UK has been so prone to different influences. They are a melting pot and have yet to find their identity hence their overt regionalism and lack of a decent Football club.

    ;) :ph34r:

    Oi jono. What about the Romans?

  9. 5 hours ago, Paul71 said:

    Only if you break the speed limit, i never quite get when people say speed cameras are stealth taxation, dont break the law and it wont cost you a penny.

    And, of course, you're correct, Paul.

    Except sometimes the law is an ass and sometimes roads, speed cameras and so called smart motorways are set up to trap motorists, whether deliberately or not, into a situation where obeying the stated limit is plain stupid.

    I drove about 400 miles on the M1 yesterday, to London and back. Most of the roadworks have gone and are now 'smart' motorways with four lane/hardshoulder running - one of the most sensible policies the coalition government adopted. 30 odd% more road for relatively little expense.

    What they've also done is add a series of 'hidden' speed cameras attached to the sides of gantries rather than over the lanes where temporary speed restrictions can apply - about 30 of them between Leeds and London. Two of them only are now housed in yellow boxes, the rest are grey - to trap the unwary.

    And the temporary speed limits are ridiculous. On three occasions yesterday gantry 1 showed 50mph, the next one 40mph and then the third 60mph, with no incident or traffic congestion to justify the changes. Yet fail to observe the limits and you risk a fine. Result? People jamming their brakes on to prevent just that. The number of times the gantry speed limits and signs are just wrong is frequent - no one trusts them any more. These are not smart motorways, they're thick.

    Set that against at least three drivers in three different circumstances driving at 60mph in lanes 2 and 3 causing people to back up, undertake (eventually), drive too close and queue and become frustrated. Which is the more dangerous? Where are the cameras to address that problem; what camera stops tailgating? Those are far more dangerous behaviours than speed.

    I drive thousands of miles a year on motorways. Accepting that for most people the speed limit is 80mph, actually the huge majority are around that speed, and drive sensibly. The police now largely ignore motorways because they know that the roads are generally pretty safe. But the cameras that replace the police can only measure speed, not the really dangerous behaviour - distance and lane discipline - and therefore they will continue to be accused, accurately, of being tax raisers because they have no effect on genuinely dangerous driving behaviour, which is little to do with speed.

  10. On 25 July 2016 at 00:00, BondJovi said:

    This one is for @Alpha

    Driving from Sheffield along Baslow road, I saw sprayed on the road.. "BMWs are ****". I can't help but feel they mean the drivers of such cars rather than the vehicles themselves.

    People who start to change lanes, pull in front of you and decide to signal after nearly completing the maneuver when you have no choice but stop or slow down for them. Indicators...to indicate your intentions not to confirm the crap I just saw!

    Why did they write that BMWs are four stars?   Everyone knows they are 5 star cars    :ph34r:

  11. On 9 May 2016 at 17:10, EastHertsRam said:

    Radio 2.... I have that on at work, mainly because we're in different motors everyday and I can't be arsed to set up my DAB radio on a daily basis. My gripe is being a bit of a rock orientated fan, which they play fairly often, they will follow LedZeppelin with Little Mix.

    Now, I'm sure Little Mix fans are as keen on Led Zeppelin as I am on LM but surely them and your 1D's are radio 1 material. 

    I can listen to a lot of current stuff no problem if it's well written and performed but draw the line at Little Mix, it's music for little girls to spend their pocket money on isn't it ?

    If they cut down on the pish, it would be an alright station, no adverts is great.

    That's what really irritates me about the BBC.  They ramble on about no adverts.  They obviously don't listen to themselves.  There is tons of advertising on BBC TV and radio but it's all about themselves and their frequently crap programmes.  

  12. On 9 May 2016 at 20:12, ketteringram said:

    Many years ago, I gave a lift home to a lad of about 18. He'd been out with one of my daughters, on a first date. When they got back, I offered him a lift back to his place.  

    He got into the car, and without saying a word, ejected the cassette from the player (it was a long time ago!), and replaced it with one from his jacket pocket. Then pressed play. 

    There wasn't a second date. 

    I'm more surprised that he got home............

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