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Posts posted by NottsRam77

  1. 11 hours ago, Stive Pesley said:

    Yeah @GboroRam made the same point.

    As things stand  the value of BTC only has any meaning in relation to how much it is worth in exchange for currency you can actually spend

    Plus good luck to any country adopting it as an actual currency, trying to navigate the volatility

    If you look at the last 5 years chart of GBP vs USD, it has varied but the difference between the high and the low is only like 30 cents

    If you look at the last 5 years of BTC vs USD it's also been up and down the difference between the high and the low is about 60,000 dollars!


    You’re debating which dirty shirt to get out of the laundry lol
    The message is clear. If you SAVE in ANY fiat currency over time, you’re getting slowly destroy. It is literally a mathematic certainty. The debt based system is designed to expand ad Infinitum. 

    The points you make are about the ability to spend the currency is not a new one. I’ve bought drinks and food numerous times using Bitcoin. The vendor/recipient receives whatever currency they choose to. It doesn’t stop me holding bitcoin in favour of any other fiat. 

    Do I hold a small amount of fiat? Absolutely I do. There are things I have to buy in fiat and there’s no method yet for me to use direct debits etc. 

    Bitcoin is currently maturing into the store of value phase of adoption. 

    Next, timeframe 10-20 years, will be the ‘unit of exchange’ , following that, the unit of account phase. 

    However, by the time it’s obvious, the opportunity will be greatly reduced compared to what it is today. 

    It you’re likely to need the money in the coming 1-2 years, then I’d advise caution, and your scepticism may be well advised and well placed. 

    However, if you’re in a position where you can afford to lock a little up and forget about it for 4 years or more, then it’s insanity to hold something that is mathematically certain to be debased.

    Here’s a link. When the number on the top left, starts going down. Please let me know, as I’ll be holding Bitcoin whilst you’re all asking yourselves why your bank card doesn’t work. Lol


    and now watch this

    this is why im so passionate about bitcoin


  2. 12 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

    Might be being thick here but surely they would have been better saving in dollars?

    Quite simply if u sit and hold in dollars, pounds or whatever fiat currency u want you are losing that moneys buying power to inflation.

    A slightly over the top example, although not with recent inflation. Buy say u saved £1000 4 years ago when a loaf of bread could be bought for £1… 3 years later, 1 horrendous government mini budget and some even worse inflation and those 1000 loaves u could buy and now costing u 1200-1300 pounds

    so your losing your buying power

    to protect your wealth against inflation you need to keep in assets that will appreciate over time at a faster rate

    some try to do it through stocks and shares, some try to do it through gold, some try to do it through property.

    i choose to do it through bitcoin because historically its out performed all the others over any sensible time frame.

    Property u have maintenance costs, agents fees potentially and having to deal with tenants and its supply is constantly being diluted as more are being built all the time

    stocks and shares your investing in companies and hoping their operators and owners make the best decsions that are right for share price. 

    gold meh…. Buy it, store it… its still being diluated as more is being mined

    bitcoin, known supply, easily stored, cant be manipulated by gov policy , no shareholders to pay, etc etc 

    and it kicks the ass of inflation lol





  3. On 04/06/2024 at 17:17, cstand said:

    Mexico stock market dropped 11% after electing a leftwing president.

    Bitcoin now over $70,000 up 2% Gold down 1% 

    All a bit bizarre but if you live in a country with high inflation, corruption and high death rate Bitcoin might make sense.

    It totally makes sense, u have control of ur own money and no one can freeze or confiscate it if u keep it in cold storage. U could cross a border with ur ledger holding millions and millions of dollars and no one would have a clue. Try doing that with gold or hard fiat when escaping conflict or tyranny  

  4. 21 hours ago, GboroRam said:

    Or dollars. 

    Yes … but while the value of the peso is being inflated to oblivion against the dollar ….. the value of the dollar is also being inflated away too 

    the only way to protect your wealth against inflation is to put it into inflation beating assets and historically theres one obvious winner.

    also i wouldnt trust a Mexican bank/ gov as far as i could throw it 

    much rather have self custody of my owm money if i was in a latin american country 



  5. 8 hours ago, cstand said:

    If you live in an unstable country like Mexico where drug cartels, and corruption is part of every day life it would be very risky to buy Silver or Gold without the drug cartels finding out. 

    Buying crypto would be more secretive unless you brag about, so would be a safer option in a country with a high murder rate.

    Obviously there is no guarantee but it is a factor I had never thought about before when considering why people would want to buy crypto instead of PMs




    Also If u live in mexico or any south american country your being absolutely shafted by inflation as ur local currency continues to go to absolute s*** against the dollar

    saving in bitcoin in these countries for that store of wealth / and security of that wealth is an absolute no brainer 

    The argentinian peso used to trade at 1 : 1 against the dollar

    as of this minute is trading just shy of 900 peso to the dollar

    Thats why u (they should) save in bitcoin 

  6. Managed to pick up tickets last night for catfish and the bottlemen in cardiff in july …. Cant blinking wait 

    after a 10 year absence from gigging for several reasons, cant wait to get back on it.

    blossoms supported by shed seven also booked for later in the year in manchestaaaaar 🥳🥳 

  7. On 21/05/2024 at 20:12, YouRams said:

    I can't say I disagree with this article. I commented in a thread a while ago when people were saying PW couldn't attract players that moving to Derby city isn't the most attractive place for a young lad to move his life to.


    Its such a shame our city is in major decline, can/will anything be done about it? It has a great football club, great people it deserves some investment.



    Good job we’re derby county then isnt it

    derbyshire is bloody stunning

  8. 1 hour ago, uttoxram75 said:

    The heads of the water boards have a legal obligation to make money for shareholders. They are simply doing capitalism. Without regulation this is what corporations do.

    The politicians who have weakened the environmental regulations and allowed them to poison our rivers, lakes and seas should be prosecuted for treason. If a foreign power deliberately polluted our country it would be an act of war.

    They do .. but its blatantly obvious that privatised water does not get the best deal / end product for the paying consumer

    the idea of privatisation is that it creates competition in the market place which in turn gives the consumer the best possible options and service

    ermm.. how can i say it without going off on one.

    it doesnt work with water, public money is being syphoned off into private hands aka shareholders, investment in infrastructure is non existent.. cos . Why would they .. that effects profit right.

    and ur left with a water system thats negelected to buggery, companies in huge debt, v happy shareholders and public having to boil their water and decide if its worth a swim in the local river next to a floating turd 


  9. 1 hour ago, Carl Sagan said:

    Hope a lot of the senior staff go to jail for what they've done. Crocodile tears again at the hearing today. Of course it will never happen but I would love to see it, and for it to be a sign that we will not put up with this as a country any longer. Heads of the water boards should come next.


    the worst thing about the PO thing is that all 3 political parties had a chance to do something about it and none did. Which says as much about the system we live in tbh

    the waterboards are totally fleecing us… and our gov let it happen…energy companys and their record breaking profits.. all while we sit in our onsies and extra blankets cos the heatings so expensive  .. i mean wtf? 

    im not going to make this political but lets just say i for one will be up that thursaday night with a big fat bottle of champers on ice 

  10. The financial monetary system we live in is one big ponzi scheme that will implode eventually (see 2008) 

    Great Britain is no longer great and i genuinely worry about what it will be like for my kids when theyre my age

    Paul warne knows what hes doing, playoff  rams in 3 seasons (maybe 2)if we give him that long.

    flavoured chocolate sucks and is the work of the devil.

    pimms is lush… just no need for all the fruit and stuff with it 



  11. 4 hours ago, IlsonDerby said:

    Before his injury he was in a purple spell where he looked like the only forward who could put ball in the back of the net. I think he’s someone who’d look better around better players. He’s got technical ability and pace. 

    Im not disagreeing with u on look better with better around him and he for shee had a magic little purple patch. I just think we can get a lot better and im certainly not suggesting we do that by spending loads.
    but hey what do i know, happy to be proved wrong and worst case we own him, warne knows how to get the best out of him

    i have faith in warne  

  12. 2 hours ago, IlsonDerby said:

    Other than his time with us his career since 2016 has been spent in the championship? 

    not bad for league 1 at best!!! 

    Hardly ripped up trees though has he.. at the tail end of his career now to.. given the position he plays 

    at best hes a v willing runner who isnt afraid to break past the last man… an underrated trait. 

    but his end product is average at best, hes brain dead when it comes to getting caught offside and whilst mobile hes not exactly putting the fear of god into a back line in that respect

    there will be quicker and better available to us 


  13. 10 minutes ago, Magicman said:

    Don't agree with Korey Smith being released as that leaves us without anyone in midfield other than Tomo. 

    But we know we need to be better in midfield , heck most on here vilified CH and early part of the season smith.

    think both have their best days behind them, thank them both for what they did for us and we move on to hungrier younger and fitter at what is now a higher level 

  14. On 10/05/2024 at 14:21, Magicman said:

    We got enough LBs in Sibley, Elder & Foz. 

    Id argue none of them are good enough for a serious championship side

    foz.. love him.. bit part sure, but wouldnt want to rely on him over a season. Sibley … unpopular opinion im sure but id be worried about him against a semi decent champ winger, plus positionally he still has a lot to learn. But he is still young and learning himself and the role

    elder.. meh… again wouldnt want to rely on him.

    just depends on budget really in an ideal world id much rather see us with a proper wide outlet with a bit of an engine on them.

    but lets see what happens  

  15. 12 hours ago, Jourdan said:

    People will get bogged down with individuals, when we have to think about the team as a whole.

    We don’t necessarily need 11 outstanding individuals to prosper, but we do need individuals that complement the players around them and make the sum of the parts that much better.

    As mentioned before, look at the current Ipswich squad. On an individual basis, very few of them if any would have been considered a top Championship player last summer and probably still aren’t now.

    However with good coaching and man-management, as a unit, they look fantastic and have carried confidence and momentum through into this season and they are very much deserving of their place in the promotion picture.

    The beauty of next season is everyone starts on zero and if we start our preparations today, we have a head start on over a third of the division.

    I think thats warnes strength tbh , coaching, man management getting the best out of players

    look at didzy last year.. best career scoring season ever at the age he was.

    nelson… i wager thats one of his best seasons to boot. 

    cashin… looks a bloody star destined for the prem tbh.

    collins, kept out the side for large chunks last year cos of didzys form but he still managed to squeez another what 17-18 goals out of a guy at the tail end of his career.

    nml… again, probably one of his best or most productive seasons 

    it aint by chance 

  16. 6 hours ago, Nuwtfly said:

    There's so many you can name where you watch them play for years and think "he's bang average"

    And then he joins a side, plays under a manager whose system just suits him perfectly, and wow! Whole new player.

    How many of ours players completely transformed under McClaren? 

    I think Ebou just works here. But, as the pundits said on sportscene last night, Ebou needs to have a controller next to him.

    Ebou can disrupt the opposition and get us the ball back, but he's going to need someone who can pass the ball and drive forward with it next to him. 

    Agree completely

    look at that leicester side that won the title 

    robert huth, marc albrighto… danny simpson was it (someone simpson) all total cast offs and ud never in a million years have them as title winning players but they played a system that suited them to a tee 

  17. 5 hours ago, ck- said:

    Best example of this in my opinion was Geraint Williams. 
    He was just a bit better than the opposing midfielders when we played bottom of the table 3rd division teams. 
    He was just a bit better than the opposing midfielders when we played top of the table 3rd division teams. 
    He was just a bit better than the opposing midfielders when we played 2nd division teams. 
    And then he was just a bit better than the opposing midfielders when we made it to the top flight and played 1st division teams. 

    He never appeared truly a class above the level he was playing at, yet he clearly was. 

    Couldnt agree more, great example 

  18. 2 hours ago, Nuwtfly said:

    I would have said the same about the likes of Sam Morsy, but he's flying high at the top of with Ipswich!

    Great point, i was watching Ipswich the other day and thought exactly this 

    players surprise u sometimes. 

  19. 2 hours ago, Archied said:

    Personally I would think around Christmas time would be about right for considering whether contract extensions are in order both for the club and for warne , it’s easy to forget that we as a club might not meet his ambition s in terms of being able to get the players he wants to give him a real shot at seeing how far he can go , anybody looking at his record over the last few years can see there’s obviously something there ,

    the last two seasons have not really been about building anything other than a culture and spirit of togetherness amongst a squad and the club and the value of that should not be underestimated, the job was to get promoted asap , the other parts of the building job starts now and is shared between warne , scouting/recruitment staff and the club , I think this is where a lot of disagreement on this forum has come from ,

    I see no reason why warne can’t thrive at championship level given the right backing and I hope he does , he deserves it far more than a lampard or Rooney trading on they’re names as top players 

    Great post 👏🏻👏🏻

  20. I think we give him time in the same way as if he was a new manager.

    this is a new era for the club now, first time in what 2 years plus that we havent operated under an embargo or a strict business plan.

    a lot of players still here were signed at the v end of a transfer window where were still waiting to find out if we have a club.

    there will be a lot of changes due to out of contracts and quite simply a step up in league quality.

    so as i said at the start of this season, we … as a fanbase would be best placed to exercise patience … not go off on one after 6 games, 12 games or even before xmas.

    if there is wholesale changes no matter who u are it takes time for those players to gel and hit a rhythm… hopefully people will have seen this last year and will be more prepared to exercise some retraint be calling for the manager to go or slashing wrists after 30 minutes of the first home game that doesnt go our way 

  21. 2 hours ago, bcnram said:

    Most important improvement Warne has made is Warne himself. 
    Still much to do in that department now back in Championship where his previous record is not so good. 

    Hes managing a totally different animal now in the championship.

    rotherham have the pulling power of me after 10 pints

    derby county could pull in a nunery in comparison

    hes going to be offering players to come and play for one of the biggest clubs outside the premiership.. at a proper level of football that could offer players a gateway to the premiership if they perform.

    we may be being more sensible and not be able to compete with the parachute brigade but i think we give him the time he deserves to fashion his idea of a side. Still to operate without restriction.. im quietly confident tbh 

    with time ( being key) 

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