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Posts posted by NottsRam77

  1. On 28/07/2024 at 16:40, Stive Pesley said:

    Slightly disingenuous. If BTC was so utterly transparent, it wouldn't be so heavily used by the criminal underworld.

    Yes the block chain is visible, but the addresses are anonymous, so it's very difficult to link a specific transaction to a specific individual

    Add to that the increasing popularity of decentralized tumblers which deliberately mix up transactions to make it almost impossible to trace the original transaction path.

    Whatever form currency takes, FIAT or crypto - those with power have a vested interest in making it untraceable


    Again - not the whole story. Yes anyone can buy it but not at the level of the finco whales. To own one bitcoin Joe Public needs to have ~$60k sloshing around his change jar. Compare that to Blackrock buying 200,000 BTC or the link above about the US wanting to buy a reserve of a million BTC. And once they have that much, they can manipulate away

    And it literally is a closed shop when there is a finite number of BTC! Once they are all being held. What then?

    You bitcoin holding will be measured in sats … and theres plenty of them to go around

  2. On 28/07/2024 at 16:40, Stive Pesley said:

    Slightly disingenuous. If BTC was so utterly transparent, it wouldn't be so heavily used by the criminal underworld.

    Yes the block chain is visible, but the addresses are anonymous, so it's very difficult to link a specific transaction to a specific individual

    Add to that the increasing popularity of decentralized tumblers which deliberately mix up transactions to make it almost impossible to trace the original transaction path.

    Whatever form currency takes, FIAT or crypto - those with power have a vested interest in making it untraceable


    Again - not the whole story. Yes anyone can buy it but not at the level of the finco whales. To own one bitcoin Joe Public needs to have ~$60k sloshing around his change jar. Compare that to Blackrock buying 200,000 BTC or the link above about the US wanting to buy a reserve of a million BTC. And once they have that much, they can manipulate away

    And it literally is a closed shop when there is a finite number of BTC! Once they are all being held. What then?

    It was less than 1/3 of the current price when i started this topic.

    the price is irrelevent short term and the beauty is its all relative to what an individual can afford

    i dont own a whole bitcoin… no where near

    but the money i have invested in it over the last few years has increased in its value v nicely. 

    there will become a time when people dont talk about their stack in relation to a bitcoin it will be denominated in sats 

  3. 7 minutes ago, cstand said:

    In the 2008 stock market collapse nearly every asset lost value including gold, don’t think for one minute that BTC will be immune to any stock market collapse.

    Peter Schiff predicted Celsius scam 7 months before it imploded.




    No ones saying it is invincible to a crash like every other market

    its only a 16 yo asset and is still being adopted.

    celcius was a company? Not your keys not your bitcoin right? Nothing to do with the fundamentals of bitcoin.

    Bitcoin crashed but i bet ur bottom dollar it came back the strongest too? 

    not that iv checked.. just an educational guess. 

  4. 26 minutes ago, cstand said:

    Promising that it will happen to drive up the price of Bitcoin is market manipulation since Bitcoin is now an ETF , I would say that’s illegal, if not it should be.

    Although I am invested in gold. PAT gold mining company up 45% on Friday, I would be more happy if I was not forced into this position.
    I would rather have governments get money printing, spending and debt under control even if it means lots of difficult of spending cuts, then I would be able to put my retirement money in some boring dividend paying ETF and not have to worry about the future.


  5. 32 minutes ago, cstand said:

    So if elected he will continue to devalue the dollar with more money printing, more government borrowing and more government spending creating inflation to drive up the price of Bitcoin which the government owns. 😳

    So if you own Bitcoin you will fine but everyone else will be drowning in a sea rampant inflation to the point where some people will not be able to afford to eat.



    Yep lol

    The money printing, government borrowing and the sea of inflation is built in forever though regardless of who gets in 🤷lol

  6. IF this guy gets in… 65k will be like a piss drop in the ocean…..

    and u dont think trump will want to get left behind now do u 🤷

    cos theyre printing fiat to oblivion 

    They know it ….. i know it

    hedge .. against … inflation 

    end of fricking story 


  7. 11 minutes ago, Jourdan said:

    We still have time to get things right but Warne and the coaches can’t afford to sleepwalk into the season thinking the players will suddenly click.

    We need to put down some building blocks so any further incomings can just slot in rather than having to experiment even further.

    Looking at the squad, logically we should be playing a 4-3-3 or 4-2-3-1 with Cashin and Nelson at centre back, Wilson/Nyambe and Elder/Osborn at full back, Adams, Goudmijn and Ozoh in midfield and Mendez Laing, Collins and Jackson up front.

    Start from there and then make tweaks. This continued fixation on three at the back and trying to get players to fit is just eating up precious time.

    I think having been relegated several times from this league the last thing Warne and co will he doing is sleepwalking into the season lol

  8. On 25/07/2024 at 17:55, Stive Pesley said:

    See my comment above about huge quantities of FIAT money being created and it all sliding down the table into the pockets of the already super rich. Nothing we've seen so far suggests that BTC will be any different. We already have all the mega financial corps hoovering up as much as they can get. It's the new game in town. And of course then you have the huge amounts of BTC held by the criminal underworld. I know that the model is supposed to solve all the "old problems" (and on paper it does), but where money is concerned, it's just a matter of time before people work out how to exploit the model to benefit themselves and sod everyone else

    I mean, just because the heavyweight corps are hoovering it up .. doesnt mean that joe public cant either.. its open source 

    we can buy as much as we want / can afford its not a closed shop .. u like some loopholes and money schemes 

  9. On 25/07/2024 at 17:55, Stive Pesley said:

    See my comment above about huge quantities of FIAT money being created and it all sliding down the table into the pockets of the already super rich. Nothing we've seen so far suggests that BTC will be any different. We already have all the mega financial corps hoovering up as much as they can get. It's the new game in town. And of course then you have the huge amounts of BTC held by the criminal underworld. I know that the model is supposed to solve all the "old problems" (and on paper it does), but where money is concerned, it's just a matter of time before people work out how to exploit the model to benefit themselves and sod everyone else

    Bitcoin is an open source public ledger…. Anyone anywhere on the planet who has a phone can view what moves where 

    Cash is as shady as hell and until it hits bank account has zero tracability

    Not sure where im Going with that, but u see what i mean


  10. 1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

    National debt percentages vary massively over time. For half of the last century, UK national debt was at a far higher % than it is now. 

    It’s reduced by a combination of reducing government deficits, economic growth and inflation. 

    What happens to bitcoin inflation protection if / when the price next collapses?

    If u study bitcoin the answers awaits lol

    (im not explaining it again for everyones sanity 😂😂😂🙌

    in summary bitcoin price does collapse from prev ATH every cycle … but in the time frames ur probably speaking of re national debt and inflation then look at btc in the same time frame and u have ur answer 🙌

  11. 4 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

    Depends on how you look at it. We control the money supply. The US has created trillions of dollars in the past 5 years. Where is it all? Money doesn't just disappear. It's just ends up in the hands of the wrong people 

    Well yes, totally 

    to us the tax payer ….. its disappearing and were seeing less and less for it and paying for it in ever increasing ways 

  12. 4 hours ago, Wolfie said:

    That tweet is alarmist and misleading, if I'm reading it right.

    It says 76% of all income tax - which is itself only about 45% of total government revenue.

    It's a big number, don't get me wrong, but it doesn't mean that they're spending 76% of total funds.

    Think what its saying is that the recorded amount collected in taxes when measured against the national debt for US is 76% 

    either way … deliberate or not it is alarming

    its no secret countries like the US and UK are in massive debt and theres no money left .. other than what we borrow off the national credit card 

    which as we know needs to be inflated away … bitcoin .. protection against inflation bla bla bla etc lol

  13. On 23/07/2024 at 17:39, GboroRam said:

    How is national debt down to incompetence? 

    Every pound spent on public services is raised by taxation. When governments want to spend faster than tax allows, they'll borrow against future tax income. 

    I think the idea is, we overspend 10%, invest it wisely, and it returns 20%. But the reality is different. We're spending faster than income will pay for it, and relying on population growth to support future debt payments. 

    The billions, trillions aren't incompetence (well, there's plenty of that, but that's another story). They are major projects on infrastructure, funding for schools and hospitals, for all initiatives designed to keep the UK running. Public spending hoe's into public sector workers' pockets, who then spend it on rents and mortgages, food and drink, etc. And the restaurants, shops, supermarkets, landlords etc. pay staff, buy stock and pay their creditors. 

    Public spending isn't the enemy. We need it for roads not full of potholes, for hospitals with staff inside, for schools that can teach our children. 

    Moving to a new kind of economic platform that prevents elastic borrowing just means governments hands are tied. 

    What we need is to raise taxes to pay for the stuff we use, not continual elastic debt. 

    See article below 

    Running out of tax left to tax people though arnt we

    without wanting to go all political … agree public spending on the things u listed is essential and totally correct

    the problem for me is where money is being stolen, syphoned off by people in places of power,

    The list is endless globally nevermind just this country


  14. 1 hour ago, cstand said:

    76% of all income tax will go to just to pay the interest payments on the US debt this year.

    The predictions by a Peter Schiff that it will be 100% by 2035 look to be on track so unable to pay Medicare or social security payments. 😳

    Its either cut government spending or tax rates going to extortionate levels.

    Gold  $2,400 near ATH.

    BTC $ 67,000 14% from ATH.

    Newmont mining up 50% since early 2024 lows. 

    Other commodities worth looking at as well.

    I am Currently 100% up MSMN and 50% up HEX both Helium stocks.

    Pick your store of value and hope for the best because I very much doubt there will be political solution.


    The the level of irresponsibility from those in power is truly astonishing. 

    im so fearful for my kids and the world theyre going into 

  15. 59 minutes ago, KBB said:

    I've got an idea/thought/project which involves £1 a day.

    The cost of a paper or coffee or whatever. The type of money we "throw away" on a daily basis with nothing if anything to show for it, bit doesn't impact on my finances at all.

    Sonic going to stop that £1 being thrown away and am going to do something with £1 every day

    I contemplated £1 a day in a jar as physical cash, scratch card a day, then I thought about shares or crypto.

    Before I carry on I want to say that I can afford £1 to never see it again as I already pretty much do that anyway.

    I'm contemplating using some sort of platform or app to basically buy £1 of crypto or shares every day to see what happens after a year.

    Talk me in or out of it.


    Interesting and good idea….

    the only issue i could foresee with purchasing say bitcoin, stocks, shares, gold, bonds, anything is ur going to lose a chunk of that £1 if ur doing it every day to transaction fees 

    i would suggest lob it into a bottle then when theres say … and i dont know say £30 quid buy whatever u choose As a little dont look at again for a long time nest egg perhaps 

    trading 212 is good as it has a cash isa option u can buy stocks and shares with, is tax free up to 20k but i have no idea about transaction fees as not used it Myself yet. I dont think u can buy btc on it. 
    i use nexo and revolute myself for buying btc .. nexo where i can as has a better tighter spread and smaller fees 

    but as with anything do ur own research etc etc 





  16. 12 hours ago, i-Ram said:

    Says Bitcoin Billy 😂

    😂🙌.. well played sir

    I hope for his sake hes being paid at least half of his salary in bitcoin otherwise ….insert large lengthly ramble about inflation, a broken global monetary system and the value of the pound in your pocket 😉🤣🤣🙌

  17. On 09/07/2024 at 14:55, Gabby'sThighs said:

    I thought he might go to Wrexham as a wild-card move, or back to Wednesday as first-choice. The Barnsley link was strange.

    This certainly makes sense financially, but it seems odd given Palmer won the Golden Glove last season. Maybe he backs himself to get into the starting line-up. Or, as suggested elsewhere, Palmer may be moving onwards & upwards, which would leave a lovely slot open for Wildsmith.

    His exit was somewhat mysterious. We may find out in the future why he left us, but I hope he does well either way!

    Money.. end of

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