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Posts posted by NottsRam77

  1. 39 minutes ago, cstand said:

    So when do you plan to take profit from Bitcoin?

    Genuinely … not 100% sure as i keep changing my mind based on personal circumstances and my btc mindset lol. 

    i have a young family, me and partner both work long hours and i want to change this. If btc hits a price this cycle … im guessing based on previous that the high will be back end of 2025, if that high hits a figure that allows me to take a serious chunk of our mortgage off, which would allow us to reduce hours in exchange for time with the kids then im selling.

    if it doesnt i might sell a small portion or just none at all and ride it through to the next bull run.

    Bascially come mid to end of next year i think im going to have some big decisions to make.

    bull runs are hard, u want to get out and make profit, but its knowing when and at what point ur prepared to let the btc go as u may never be able to buy it back at that price… it certainly can play on ur mind

    bear markets are much easier lol , the asset u firmly believe in and know will go up keeps getting cheaper and cheaper lol .. much less stressful  

    going back to my prev post and joking aside 👍

    this cycle could be different, obviously we have the nft inflows and institutional adoption… which is massive

    never before has btc surpassed its previous ath pre halving.

    this does raise a lot of questions.. some good some maybe bad.. has the much talked about retail investment and hype already arrived via the etfs, can the etfs control the market (no) but its a thought.

    what it might mean is the rises are bigger but so to are the draw downs as people cash out 🤷

    but then.. your only going to have half as much available to buy on a daily basis 🤷

    its going to be an interesting cycle conclusion, my gut feeling is post halving when otc desks start drying up (already at record lows) things could go crackers.

    but im merely speculating and know no more about what the future holds than anyone else

    either way.. its going to be interesting 

  2. 23 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

    Out of interest (genuine question) - what happens to someone's BTC when they die? Assuming that they kept their private key...um private

    If they keep it to themselves … well its gone.

    if they share it then obviously whoever is privy takes control.

    Interestingly though there is something called multi sig storage that is designed for such an event. It involves a little bit of pre planning, but no more so than a will.

    my mate has just done exactly that as while he holds some for his semi immediate future he also holds some that is intended for his kids. The process is v clever have to say. 


  3. 2 hours ago, Comrade 86 said:

    Anyone over the age of 17 you mean?

    And Bitcoin is not at an all time high. It's not even at a 7 day high. 

    And the much-vaunted (by you at least) halving actually resulted in a dip in price.

    Apart from that, you've absolutely nailed it 👽

    oh jesus,,Whos taken the jam out of your doughnut… lol

    Yes anyone over the age of 17 … does that invalidate my point? No .. not in the slightest.. we should all be able to remember it then and start to think actually the pound is losing its value when measured against the dollar

    jesus… Ok 🤦 for the pedantic amongst us… reletively speaking we are back at ath levels…. having broken previous high of 69k by reaching 73k we are now channeling between 64/5 and 72k which many expect us to do up u til the event and up to 6 months after the halving … happy? 

    At no point have i ever said the halving provides an immediate price spike… its common knoweldge to anyone who has taken any time in this space that the subsequent bull run historically follows some 6 months after the halving event

    but being the clever dick u are im sure u know why that is and why possibly things might be slightly different this time round😜😉

  4. ok…. So watch this … the 2nd half when saylor talks about strong assets going up against weak assets. 

    now think about this … as another take a step back and realise whats happening to our very own gbp.

    last time bitcoin was at its all time high was 69k in november 2021 i believe.

    Our pound was at 1.37 against the dollar…. Today bitcoin sits back at its all time high 3 years later and the pound is down to 1.27 against the dollar.

    so by just holding bitcoin you would have protected and actually grown your wealth by 8% when measured against the currency we use purely cos its losing its lost value (wtf🤯)

    anyone old enough to remember when the pound was 2 to 1 against the dollar circa late 90s early 2000s ?

    this is an example of a weaker  currency going down against a strongest currency on the planet 

    now if only there was an asset u could put your money into that has out performed the strongest currency on the planet 🤔🧐🤪

    just thank your lucky stars your not in argentina 


  5. 14 hours ago, Stive Pesley said:

    Absolutely not, but the reasons for that are nothing to do with bitcoin are they?

    Nor would Bitcoin solve the problem. What would the above clipping look like if the example date was 2014 and he paid for his house in Bitcoin?

    The answer to this is a deep conversation that i dont think any of us have the energy for 😂😂

    Shorthand version

    inflation, moving off the gold standard, greedy governments, reckless spending and borrowing, limited supply, deflationary etc etc etc lol

  6. 1 hour ago, Tamworthram said:

    Who sets the puzzles to be solved by the miners and how much time and energy does that take? At a time when climate change is one the biggest threats to humanity in general, who on earth thought it would be a good idea to issue something of value for solving a puzzle (not even creating anything) that uses such vast amounts of energy (until/unless they only use renewable sources)? 

    Sorry to answer ur original question.. the bitcoin protocol/ program sets the puzzles/equations 

  7. 56 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

    Who sets the puzzles to be solved by the miners and how much time and energy does that take? At a time when climate change is one the biggest threats to humanity in general, who on earth thought it would be a good idea to issue something of value for solving a puzzle (not even creating anything) that uses such vast amounts of energy (until/unless they only use renewable sources)? 

    Its creating a fair and transparent monetary system thats accessible to anyone on the planet. 

    Agree though it needs to become more environmentally friendly .. which it is .. v slowly  

    but u liked the cartoon right? Lol 

    can anyone remember the gold standard… seemed a more logical way of doing things until those in power got greedy and started properly f****** us over 

  8. 5 hours ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    Yep, he’s out of contract in the summer alongside Jamie Lindsay and Hakeem Odoffin, wouldn’t surprise me to see any of them join us, also wouldn’t concern me if it was to bolster the ranks alongside some better options.

    Agree 👍

  9. 13 hours ago, cstand said:

    That’s a great reply thanks for the time and effort.

    Still invested in KR1 who should be invested in quality alt coins they are founders in the crypto space.

    Its trades at a 30% discount to its NAV 

    What I like about proof of stake is the guaranteed revenue it generates every year.

    This could become a takeover target in the future as I expect investment companies will eventually want to start this sort of fund.


    My pleasure any time.

    tbh im Kinda intrigued about this KR1 thing…

    i wont lie coming at it as a total skeptic about altcoins im kinda intrigued, i want to be open minded about them .. i know some have good utility.. eth for eg.. i just think theres so many scammy ones our there i stay well clear no matter the price

    certainly open to hearing about them though 

  10. 12 hours ago, Stive Pesley said:

    Read an interesting take on the fears that now Blackrock are hoovering up as much BTC as they can, that (based on the way that they operate in every other market) they simply won't stop until they own almost all of it. Leaving the supply and demand of the currency largely in their hands

    I don't think this is the future that the evangelists hoped for

    I think they would do very well to hoover it all up 

    70% of coins haven't moved in a year

    and 50% havent in since the last bull run.

    there are a lot of long term holders that believe it will go to 1million who wont sell just cos it gets to 100k, 200k etc etc.

    i agree that blackrock are .. well theyre blackrock and your right they are a concern but if they keep buying the price is going to keep going up and up.

    And remember the amount of coins being minted per day is about to be halved (circa 14 days)  .. which on its own has seen exponential growth years gone by. Nevermind when u have some of the biggest hedgfunds in the world hoovering up as much as they can. 

    its going to be an interesting ride lol

  11. 2 hours ago, alram said:

    may be unpopular amongst some but the reality is they try to overcomplicate with jargon and tedious explanations because if it was all simplified people would see through it and know its all built on a house of cards


    yes it can generate returns that not many things can so quickly which is its appeal especially for those that dont have time or money for long term investment but there isnt much logic as to why it is a wise investment other than fear of missing out and the main reason its propped up is due to criminal activity and unregulation

    Can i ask are u refering to bitcoin , altcoins/ memecoins/tokens or all of it ? 

    what exactly is complicated about it? ... genuine question 🙂 

    u know more criminal transactions take place with that thing called cash… and unlike bitcoin isnt traceable or viewable by anyone , at any time from any place on the planet with any device that can connect to the internet

  12. 11 hours ago, cstand said:

    What is the difference between crypto coins and tokens?

    Solana has risen about 400 % in the last year mainly because tokens  can be easily released by using Solana?

    I have seen a lot crap about the tokens on Solana which I really want to avoid. 


    Why don’t people create their own crypto coin instead of creating a tokens on Solana? 

    Is this why Bitcoin is different to alt coins apart from proof of stake.?


    Ok … here we go.. please remember im saying this in good faith and non of it is meant to sound condescending 👍

    If have read any of my previous ramblings.

    the reason bitcoin is different to every other altcoin is that no one person or entity can control bitcoin.

    no one can decide to mine more that the current limit of coins per day (900) .. soon to be 450. 
    no one can shut it down, no one can change the rules on how it works it is totally and utterly decentralised.

    altcoins arent… 

    alt coins are created by individuals, collaborations, companys or anyone who knows how to. 

    they are centralised, they are controlled by said creators. They make the rules, they can change the rules, the can print 1million coins today… then 10 million coins tomorrow. They can tuen their network on, off and shake it all about if they wanted to. 
    examples of these are solana, celo, ethereum, xrp, ada etc etc 

    now within these chains u have developments .. aka meme coins.. that are the s*** of the s***.

    from experience… i used to mess about on the celo network.. cos it had the same utility as ethereum but its gas fees were buttons.. unlike ethereum.

    i found with celo loads of “projects” that i could earn 10, 20, 25 and at one point 50% on my stablecoins (usdc, usdt .. stablecoins are a 1-1 representation of a digital dollar).

    I thought well thats winning .. wont get that in the bank.  
    so i loaded up a load of usdc (celo digital dollar) and went onto a load of these “projects”. 
    sure they paid out… mobius (mob) , immortal (immo) pinniata (pinn) and god knows what else.

    all these sites had their own tokens which if u held offer u governance on their sites and higher interest rates… so u could vote on the path the project took.. all a big scam.

    These tokens .. are literally worthless,

    they are held in their millions by the developers who are sat waiting to dump onto jo public. But they pay influencers to shill their tokens to try and convince people this is the next big thing.

    fortunately i quickly realised this and got out with my monies in tact.

    but non of those projects lasted more than a year or so.. and shock horror those developers wrapped it up and moved onto the next “project” .. meme coins are basically scamland.. my advise is to stay well clear.

    so in summary u have



    s*** of the s*** meme coin tokens

    And its up to u how tolerant to risk u are as to where u put ur cash.

    s*** of the s*** meme coin tokens.. u may as well go down the casino and put ur money on red or black

    altcoins, some have good utility.. but imo end of the day ur investing in something controlled by someone else. They can print as many coins one day as they want. they could shut it down tomorrow. They could get hacked tomorrow.

    can u make money from them, yes of course if u buy in at the right time.. i just see them as a risk as theyre controlled by a third party

    bitcoin is everything these things arnt and is a totally different animal 

    hope this helps a little 

    feel free to ask anything iv missed 

  13. 2 hours ago, cstand said:

    What is the difference between crypto coins and tokens?

    Solana has risen about 400 % in the last year mainly because tokens  can be easily released by using Solana?

    I have seen a lot crap about the tokens on Solana which I really want to avoid. 


    Why don’t people create their own crypto coin instead of creating a tokens on Solana? 

    Is this why Bitcoin is different to alt coins apart from proof of stake.?


    Great question… will explain in the morning when i havent had a few sherberts to get over todays s*** show 

    im glad you have asked though as this is half the reason i created this topic as i knew there would be people asking this sort of question .. and rightly so as the bull market started… and as fellow rams i dont want to see anyone get burnt by buying into a shitcoin that u may lose everything from

    will explain in due course 

  14. Just now, Kernow said:

    It's a confidence boost to them, yes. But momentum? I wouldn't say so. Bolton have won 2 in their last 7, Barnsley 1 in their last 4, Peterborough lost their last game. Peterborough possibly have "momentum" in their form before losing to Portsmouth, but the form of the other two is hardly brilliant.

    It would be a massive up-turn in form for any side to win all of their remaining games. For Bolton that's 7 in a row and for Posh/Barnsley it's 8 in a row. They haven't done that all season, it'll take a massive effort to pull that out of the bag now. For example, Bolton have won 7 league games this year. They've played 16. If they go on to win 7 in a row now then fair enough, they deserve it.

    It's really frustrating that we haven't taken this opportunity, but we haven't thrown anything away yet. We still have it in our hands, and whilst we still may bottle it, turning on the players and the manager at this stage, would just ruin any remaining chance we do have.

    Great level headed post 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  15. 4 minutes ago, Millenniumram said:

    We now likely have to beat Portsmouth to go up. Our chances of promotion have taken a huge dent.

    One of Bolton, Peterborough or Barnsley will win all their remaining games. We now have to win all of ours. To lose that game today, with the chance to go 7 points clear, can be described as nothing else than bottling it.

    Same Barnsley that got trounced by 5 was it at home to lincoln. ?
    these teams are in the chasing pack cos they cant win 7 games on the spin.

    its a crap performance , result and everything else today but lets retain an element of sense here.

    weve given ourselves a task now which was totally avoidable.. but lets be honest its derby we know its gonna be hard work

  16. 13 minutes ago, S8TY said:

    He played two fantastic crosses that you expect someone to be on the end of it wasn’t like the box was empty 

    Think its called hitting a space 

    if hes told to put it in the 6 yard box.. or around the peno spot and he does hes done his bit.. if no f***** is attacking that ball despite having plenty in there thats not on him

    Sorry @S8TY quoted u by mistake 👍

  17. 1 minute ago, Kernow said:

    We haven't bottled anything. Our points per game is still better than 22 other sides in our league, the three sides behind us all have to win their games in hand to get to within 1 result of us.

    We can probably forget about Portsmouth now, but I don't really care whether we finish 1st or 2nd.

    It's a massive missed opportunity, but it's still in our hands. The constant negativity gets really tiresome sometimes.

    Well said 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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