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Ebou Adams

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6 hours ago, Foreveram said:

You’re confusing me, you say you are concerned that we are signing players for league one and then enthuse about a 28 year old who has only ever played 11 championship games and who will cost a fee.

You confuse me, you attack negative posters for being negative and the moment they post something positive you pick the bones out of it 😆

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27 minutes ago, MackworthRamIsGod said:

You confuse me, you attack negative posters for being negative and the moment they post something positive you pick the bones out of it 😆

I actually thought it was a forum for grown up debate, the poster said they were worried we were signing league one players when they have played most of their careers above that level and then said it would be a great signing to pay money for someone that has only played 11 games in the championship ( discuss).

As for attacking negative posters, apart from the one that wanted the manager sacked all last season and has already had little digs before a ball has been kicked I don’t know what you mean.

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