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No midfield control again…


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8 hours ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

To my mind some players look like they've declined when asked too play a certain way that they haven't in 13 years and he's the only midfielder we have who'll get 10 goals. Almost got us an undeserved point tonight. I always thought Hughes looked too lightweight and awkward when asked to do more defensive work he wasn't physically suited too. We aren't playing people to their strengths.  Bradley up top, Sibley at full back, Thompson as a 10 still automatically harrying and going out of position.  Wilson neither out wide or defending but dancing between positions.   It's all adding to a more luck than judgement mess in the last third of games and a slow 20 minutes at the start where no-one knows what they're doing.  

This is all.

Warne decides we don't want to play to Readings strengths by only wanting 'two passes' in midfield - what about OUR strengths?!!!

The manager has only ever got us playing well as a team by default.

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7 hours ago, Jourdan said:

This is a fair point, but how much of that is down to tactics and fluidity of position and how much of that is down to injuries, readiness, and availability?

For me, it’s the latter. I think when the squad is stretched, this is when we start to lose sense tactically and take too many risks.

Nyambe and Forsyth would improve the defence if they were available. Wildsmith too if he was reinstated. There’s no-one viable to come in and displace Bird and Hourihane, so we take the rough and the smooth. Then of course you have Collins who is shouldering the burden of the attack because Waghorn, Washington and John Jules are long term injured.

We signed another winger what more do you want? Play the players to their strengths not the formation you want to play - I see we went 3 at the back again to get Bradley on the pitch and Ward as a wingback. Why? There had been plenty of wide players on the pitch. The manager is limited and tactically poor. Stop blaming players who are told to take 'two touches' in midfield and get it wide! 

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4 minutes ago, Jram said:

This is the sort of dramatic post we were seeing a lot in October. These sorts of reactions blew my mind then and they blow my mind now. Sorry to pick on you, you’re clearly not the only one, but haven’t you learned anything from almost ousting Warne earlier in the season only for him to win ten of the next twelve?

We were always going to have poor performances. We weren’t great last night but let’s have a little perspective. We lost 1-0. They weren’t great. We weren’t great. Could have drawn, could have nicked it, the chips didn’t fall unfortunately. 

If I were the players I would be understandably fuming after the season they’ve had so far reading posts like this 

I think you’re right to a degree and I don’t think Warne should be overly criticised for last night.

The players however did not look like a team determined to get to the top of the league. Anyone can have an off day on which it doesn’t quite work but last night was an insipid performance, devoid of spirit.

They have a chance to regroup, have a chat and show against Cheltenham that they haven’t become a bad side overnight.


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17 minutes ago, Anag Ram said:

I think you’re right to a degree and I don’t think Warne should be overly criticised for last night.

The players however did not look like a team determined to get to the top of the league. Anyone can have an off day on which it doesn’t quite work but last night was an insipid performance, devoid of spirit.

They have a chance to regroup, have a chat and show against Cheltenham that they haven’t become a bad side overnight.


We've had good wins and scored good goals, but I'm not sure we've ever looked a 'good side'? It's not like we've stormed up the league. I think the players are dispirited because (like it or not) when Hourihane came over to the fans and said 'we are trying' he was being truthful. The problem is it's not working.

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24 minutes ago, Srg said:

Not going to chance until Hourihane doesn't play. Out of possession, we are a man down in most possessions. 


Would say this gif is an accurate representation, but he often doesn't even get that close.

Relaxed Security GIF

What’s Birds excuse then? much younger yet runs like his feet are in treacle 

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2 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

Being asked to play a system that doesn't suit him? I don't suppose we'll have to worry about Bird for too much longer though.

Remember how good Warne made Knighty look?

Does this excuse for poor permanence apply to Hourihane too? 

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9 minutes ago, S8TY said:

What’s Birds excuse then? much younger yet runs like his feet are in treacle 

He could be better, for sure, but he's out of position to allow for our beloved Hourihane to play.

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32 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

We signed another winger what more do you want? Play the players to their strengths not the formation you want to play - I see we went 3 at the back again to get Bradley on the pitch and Ward as a wingback. Why? There had been plenty of wide players on the pitch. The manager is limited and tactically poor. Stop blaming players who are told to take 'two touches' in midfield and get it wide! 

Exactly this!

This thread feels like we’re placing blame on the midfield (admittedly I don’t think bird or Hourihane have been good enough this year) when in reality most of the problem is tactical. We flat out don’t use the midfield effectively.

Warne outright said last night that they’d tried to bypass the midfield. Why after that clearly hadn’t worked all game we decided to throw on 2 more wide players and try it again baffles me.

If it’s not getting the ball up the field outwide quickly, Warne doesn’t have any other ideas. 
I don’t recall a single attack going through the centre of the pitch last night. 

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40 minutes ago, Jram said:

This is the sort of dramatic post we were seeing a lot in October. These sorts of reactions blew my mind then and they blow my mind now. Sorry to pick on you, you’re clearly not the only one, but haven’t you learned anything from almost ousting Warne earlier in the season only for him to win ten of the next twelve?

We were always going to have poor performances. We weren’t great last night but let’s have a little perspective. We lost 1-0. They weren’t great. We weren’t great. Could have drawn, could have nicked it, the chips didn’t fall unfortunately. 

If I were the players I would be understandably fuming after the season they’ve had so far reading posts like this 

Don't worry, I can take it. It's just an online forum after all - you've not insulted my mother or anything like that.

You will note I haven't suggest 'Warne out' or that we need to go and buy Chris Martin. I'm saying that we have obvious failings in our team and they are the same issues we had last year. Our midfield lacks bite, the ability to out think other teams is not there.

And as for comments on the squad - of course Nyambe, Elder, Nelson and Wilson are good, you would expect them to be. We are one of the big draws in the lower leagues and we should have the ability to attract better players. But they are not better than Knight, Roberts, Davies, McGoldrick, Ebosele or Kazim-Richards. They just aren't.

And that is the point - our manager is here to turn us around, to improve us as a club and he isn't doing that at the moment. And the signings he has been allowed to bring in haven't done that. And he still doesn't see that our midfield is powder puff. And he still doesn't see that Hourihane is a scandal to be an automatic name on that team sheet.

Should he go? No, not now. But if we don't go up this season he should.

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9 hours ago, kevinhectoring said:

The issue is not the squad. Elder was good tonight. Wilson has been strong for weeks, Nelson excellent imo. Nyambe has looked good too. I also think Ward will do well if used properly. 
The problem is not the players 

See above

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I dont comment much on here any more, but i read... everyone is entitled to their opinion. Here's mine.  I live in London, and went last night, i wont be going again and wasting my money while Warne is still our Manager. He is so stuck in his ways and thinking, last night was the worst performance ive seen from a Derby side in years. People said to give him time and the chance to bring in his type of player, he's had that, and i hate his brand of football, game after game get it wide, and  cross after cross to players like Collins who's strength is balls to feet in channels !! I cant be too arsed to debate the whys and wherefores, its pointless as Warne wont change, he isnt able to because of catch 22...Warne had some success with his 'brand' of football at Rotherham and the Saint who owns us knew we had limited resources and obviously thought that Warnes type of football was our best chance, and i hope he is correct for the sake of the club i love.

Yes, i was a Rosenior fan, and wish he had been given time, despite people saying 'You cant play tippy tappy Pep football in league 1...' i didn't want him gone, thats not why im against Warne, i Just dont like his 'brand'.

See you in the crowd again when Warne has gone....

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10 hours ago, RoyMac5 said:

This makes me laugh. He's a fullback, Sky have just shown two of Readings attacks, one the goal. Both times Elder was nowhere in defence. There were other times too. But because he went forward a bit and made a pass or two he was MoM? 😄

It's who Warne plays and where. 

The encouraging thing was Elder was loads better than he has been. 
And it’s inevitable wing backs will every so often be out of position. In a well organised team, others cover 

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When, apart from his prolonged stint at left back, has Sibley had a long run in a single position? I agree with everybody who says he hasn't developed as we thought. however, we should also look at why and, IMO, Sibs isn't the problem. For him to push on I believe he needs to move and get a club with a manager who will play him in just the one role over a run of games. 

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37 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

Hourihane said when Warne came in that if he wanted to play he had to play how Warne wanted him to play - what does that tell you?

The fact you've been so active on this thread today after a long period of quiet is laughably predictable 😂

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5 minutes ago, YorkshireRam said:

The fact you've been so active on this thread today after a long period of quiet is laughably predictable 😂

As predictable as Warne. Did you enjoy last nights game then?

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2 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

As predictable as Warne. Did you enjoy last nights game then?

Ambivalent really. The players were well off their individual games, incredibly sloppy in possession, and lacked concentration at times. I agreed with the substitutions when they were made, and a shame we couldn't wrestle something back from the game, although not sure our performance merited anything. 

We need to address the midfield balance, but the double pivot has worked at times this season so it's not an outlandish mistake Warne made fielding the team he did. I think the players have to take the brunt of the blame for the complete lethargy we witnessed last night. 

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