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Ex/Reformed Football Hooligan wanted for Case Study


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1 hour ago, angieram said:

I got punched on the side of the head once by an Everton fan on the Popside (back when it was mixed).

No other injuries but being put in a cage away at Norwich and witnessing a Norwich fan do a running dropkick into the back of an older female Derby supporter as we were being "escorted" back to the station, were what stopped me attending matches for about 25 years.

I had a group of Everton fans trying to start a fight with me outside Goodison park when I was with my 10 year old daughter ( brave duckers ) to be fair it was other everton fans that rounded on them though🤷🏻‍♂️
my gripe with England fans was they just had so so many that were extremely happy to pick on and intimidate ordinary folk going about they’re business 

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1 hour ago, angieram said:

I got punched on the side of the head once by an Everton fan on the Popside (back when it was mixed).

No other injuries but being put in a cage away at Norwich and witnessing a Norwich fan do a running dropkick into the back of an older female Derby supporter as we were being "escorted" back to the station, were what stopped me attending matches for about 25 years.

Terrible Angie

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1 hour ago, angieram said:

I got punched on the side of the head once by an Everton fan on the Popside (back when it was mixed).

No other injuries but being put in a cage away at Norwich and witnessing a Norwich fan do a running dropkick into the back of an older female Derby supporter as we were being "escorted" back to the station, were what stopped me attending matches for about 25 years.

I stopped going after the 1st div titles. Wasnt because of the violence, but had a young family and couldnt afford to go. Started going again in late 80's so missed the more violent years. Things have got a lot better lets hope those times dont come back. Taken my youngest son and granchildren since they were really small, would never have done if all the fighting was going on now.

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Any of the oldun's on here go to QPR September 67? That was a nightmare. They were flying top of the 2nd division and had Rodney Marsh playing a blinder every week. We rocked up and played them off the park, winning with a goal from the King. Anyway, the coaches had been parked right outside Loftus Road and when we got back to them there was a battle going on. Bricks, bottles, anything to hand was raining down on the coaches. Managed to dodge across the road and board a coach, ( wrong one but by this time no one gave a crap. Eventually plod arrived an managed to get some kind of order when two big b****** QPR fans got on dripping with blood demanding to know who threw bricks at them. We pointed out that the coach had no opening windows and that their own fans had done it. Our coach made it home but two or three others didn't. I was 15 and just about s******* myself, but it was fun, sort of. 

Sorry it's so long.

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6 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

You and thousands and thousands of other people who stopped going to football matches. But that story isn't very exciting or cool.

Well, it's all I have to offer.

Other than telling King Kev to "f off" when I thought he was eyeing me up in our local. (I hadn't got my glasses on or I'd have been a bit more polite!) 😅 

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9 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

Yeah, I didn't really think the violence was handbags. This then suggests that plenty of people would receive life changing injuries.

When this happened, did everyone accept it as collateral damage. Or did people stop and think if it was really worth it?

I always remember that series about old football violence with Danny Dyer, when they were basically gloryfing Birmingham hooligans who had black fans in their ranks and all listened to cool reggae music. They also stabbed a 12 year old Leeds fan to death, but that part is quickly brushed over as talking about the real impacts is not cool.

So among all the war stories about the old days, are there other stories where a mate lost their site in their left eye, or a another fan was off work for months and was unable to continue working in their existing profession?

Or was it more like TV fighting, when a highly violent fight results in barely a scratch in the next scene?

I've been on the lash all day in Belper so bear with...not a punch or a kick thrown 😉

Were there innocents hurt...yes there was, Far too many that weren't reported as it was a common occurrence, Heysel, Hillsboro, Bradford saw some horrendous deaths due to Fans, Police and old stadia...who's to blame?

Danny Dyer oh please...a manufactured programme to put him in the limelight of being a "hard case" there were a good few from the Neptune who didn't want the DLF on his programme but some of the more high profile DLF crowd won the day...it was embarrassing...imo. Books were written of embellished journeys through the lives of "football hooligans" the Brimsons from Watford were the 1st to put pen to paper, They looked the part but as they say "the pen is mightier than the sword" both a pair of fantasists. 

Life is not worth losing for a game of football...it's mind boggling that this could happen, But lives are lost every weekend in towns up and down the Country...age teaches you one thing...to learn and listen to others, What happened 30-40-50 years ago through football was something we did as others did, Nothing to be proud or ashamed of it was a life that some chose to follow.

I'll end with this...I loved the 70s-80s made so many friends that you could re float the Titanic with them all, Today...I'm just an old fella that's still has his memories...and I'll share them with anyone who would like to hear them.

Enjoy your weekend of what's left...I will ☺️   

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14 hours ago, Ram-Alf said:

No bravado or handbags fella, This was life for some, Have you ever walked down a street when going to a football match and been thumped by an away fan, Or maybe grabbed by the throat by our police forces for walking in a group of fans, Kettled in train stations, Put on trains not fit for cattle, Put in a cage(Southampton)yes a cage where even the top was fenced, And you wonder why some(including myself)railed against society, 10s of 1000s were at it all over the Country it's how it was for some, But one thing I'll add, If you were sitting with your partner in a pub and you were being bullied for wearing your colours by the home fans and our kind walked in...you'd stop sh!tting your pants.


I was in that cage once at The Dell. Demented locals spitting at us through the bars, police laughing , no wonder we had a bit of a go after the game.

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13 hours ago, angieram said:

I got punched on the side of the head once by an Everton fan on the Popside (back when it was mixed).

No other injuries but being put in a cage away at Norwich and witnessing a Norwich fan do a running dropkick into the back of an older female Derby supporter as we were being "escorted" back to the station, were what stopped me attending matches for about 25 years.

Tha'ts shocking Angie. I never witnessed a woman being hit, the lads i knew would never have done that.

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We had an away game at Bolton, postponed just as we arrived at Derby Bus Station.
Rather than lose the money for the privately hired coach, we took a look at the fixtures, and had a vote.  Some chose to give up, and amble home.
Some of us chose to jump on the bus, and divert the driver to Chesterfield v... Orient, I think? 🤷‍♂️
(This was back in the day of "Pay at the gate".  Probably 80/81? 🤷‍♂️).

We were in the pub before noon!  And just a 15 min walk to the turnstiles.  Best part of 3 hours in the pub before kick off.  It got heavy!

So I guess we may have been merry by the time we headed for Saltergate!   Loud, proud, and very obviously from the city of the county!

We even found a flat-capped higher-ranking police gentleman, to discuss the sensible option of heading for the away end, but he was adamant we were local, and therefore had no option but to be corralled into the home end.  We quietened down from that point.

We ended up being a couple of dozen or so of us, right in the centre of their home fans singing section behind the goal.
We spent the 10 mins before kick off either keeping quiet, or just joining in with the "Derbyshire, La, la, La"!... But as soon as the game kicked off, one of us got bored, and out came the Derby songs!
A quick dispersal by those around us, just for them to gather their thoughts I guess, and then a good 5 or 6 mins of mayhem.  Fists flying at close quarters.  The occasional kick out, when space allowed.  Lots of testosterone trickling down the concrete steps.  For my own sins, I received a mildly blackened eye, and a short sharp scratch to the nose.  I didn't check the medical records of those around me, and don't recall any ambulances being requested. 
I'm pretty sure I landed a swinging fist, but as my eyes were closed, I cannot confirm (I also used to close my eyes when heading a football.  This may explain why I never became a pro footballer nor a "top lad"! 🤣)
Plod finally came to their senses, dragged/guided us out at the front, and escorted/marched us around the perimeter of the pitch, past the dug-outs, to the opposite end of the ground, and in with the away fans.  Seems our original idea was a good one afterall, but I imagine that aforementioned flat-capped higher-ranking police gentleman had a smug grin on his face, as he counted our minor cuts, bruises, and the odd limp!  

I hasten to add, we didn't have a recognised hooligan amongst us (as per every away game on The Mafaway), and at no point was "The taking of their end" discussed prior to our arrival (or at any time since!), so nor do I claim that we ended up doing so!  At a push, maybe we "Held our own"!  

For the record, our welcome into the away end was most welcoming and convivial.  Ended up being a good crack of a day.


*I probably slept through the second half, but that's lunchtime drinking for yer!  🍻

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1 hour ago, Mucker1884 said:

We had an away game at Bolton, postponed just as we arrived at Derby Bus Station.
Rather than lose the money for the privately hired coach, we took a look at the fixtures, and had a vote.  Some chose to give up, and amble home.
Some of us chose to jump on the bus, and divert the driver to Chesterfield 

The cheeky Chesterfield lads named their "firm" the CLF Chesterfield Lunatic Fringe, Now I wonder where they got that idea from 🤷‍♂️

This is a tale from one who was there...not me, A Derby group headed for Chelsea...game postponed so they headed for Barnet Vs Ilkeston, Unfortunately the day was over before it started, Some Derby lads decided to have a go at some Barnet fans, Unfortunately either close by or with the fans were some professional wrestlers...Barnet 1 Derby 0 😁


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10 hours ago, uttoxram75 said:

I was in that cage once at The Dell. Demented locals spitting at us through the bars, police laughing , no wonder we had a bit of a go after the game.

It's this that wound us up uttox...including those that wouldn't upset a Goose(Boo)I guess in some ways we had to accept this kind of treatment, But if you cage people then don't expect angels to leave the ground, We too had a pop at those who were doing the monkey impressions, You remembered their faces and looked for them after the game...no fences protecting them then, Unfortunately in the dark they all looked the same😉


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52 minutes ago, Ram-Alf said:

It's this that wound us up uttox...including those that wouldn't upset a Goose(Boo)I guess in some ways we had to accept this kind of treatment, But if you cage people then don't expect angels to leave the ground, We too had a pop at those who were doing the monkey impressions, You remembered their faces and looked for them after the game...no fences protecting them then, Unfortunately in the dark they all looked the same😉


🤣🤣I must have been with you at the chesterfield game 6 or 7 of us went up to Bolton on train got half way & found out was postponed . Headed to chesterfield must have seen your lads in pub or something but we went game in their end behind goal few  schuffles etc marched round to away end etc I’m sure it was charlton though not orient 😃 . Ilson lads were always going Barnet as was really big game for them derby did play Chelsea same day but not many travelled . I wasn’t at Barnet but did attend the ilson v Enfield game famous for the green berets 🤣🤣🍺🐏 cheers 

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6 minutes ago, Daly duncan emery duncan said:

🤣🤣I must have been with you at the chesterfield game 6 or 7 of us went up to Bolton on train got half way & found out was postponed . Headed to chesterfield must have seen your lads in pub or something but we went game in their end behind goal few  schuffles etc marched round to away end etc I’m sure it was charlton though not orient 😃 . Ilson lads were always going Barnet as was really big game for them derby did play Chelsea same day but not many travelled .

I wasn’t at Barnet but did attend the ilson v Enfield game famous for the green berets 🤣🤣🍺🐏 cheers 

A couple of things, I wasn't at the Chesterfield game...that was Mucker, Around 10/12 went to Barnet from the Chelsea game being postponed.

Here you go...you might see yourself 


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4 minutes ago, Daly duncan emery duncan said:

🤣🤣I must have been with you at the chesterfield game 6 or 7 of us went up to Bolton on train got half way & found out was postponed . Headed to chesterfield must have seen your lads in pub or something but we went game in their end behind goal few  schuffles etc marched round to away end etc I’m sure it was charlton though not orient 😃 . Ilson lads were always going Barnet as was really big game for them derby did play Chelsea same day but not many travelled . I wasn’t at Barnet but did attend the ilson v Enfield game famous for the green berets 🤣🤣🍺🐏 cheers 

Think you've mixed up your quotes, as that's the Chesterfield game I referred to.
Wouldn't argue with your reference to "Charlton not Orient".  I'm defo hazy on that one!  I can't even recall the score!  🙄


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21 minutes ago, Mucker1884 said:

Think you've mixed up your quotes, as that's the Chesterfield game I referred to.
Wouldn't argue with your reference to "Charlton not Orient".  I'm defo hazy on that one!  I can't even recall the score!  🙄



Found it!

17th Jan 1981...
(3 days short of my 18th!  What an horrendous thought! 😲)


Reference to Bolton v Derby match postponed...


Same date... Chesterfield 0 v Charlton 1


Brownie points to @Daly duncan emery duncan for remembering the away team.  (Wise of me not to argue that one! 🤣)
The result probably explains why we were welcomed in the away end throughout.  I'm almost certain we would have joined in the celebrations when they scored!  🤣

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18 minutes ago, Mucker1884 said:


Found it!

17th Jan 1981...
(3 days short of my 18th!  What an horrendous thought! 😲)


Reference to Bolton v Derby match postponed...


Same date... Chesterfield 0 v Charlton 1


Brownie points to @Daly duncan emery duncan for remembering the away team.  (Wise of me not to argue that one! 🤣)
The result probably explains why we were welcomed in the away end throughout.  I'm almost certain we would have joined in the celebrations when they scored!  🤣

I was at Chesterfield on that day after the Mafaway bus was redirected. I stayed in the home end whilst others escaped to the away end. I remember the home fans trying to suss us by asking where we were from. A local tipped me off that "Staveley" was the safest answer. As an aside Charlton won 1-0 with a cracking goal from some chap named Derek Hales !! (You can still see the goal on YouTube)

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