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41 minutes ago, Gaspode said:

I suspect there's a longer game in play - and very telling that the US yesterday issued a warning to Israel that they counldn't remain as an occupying force after this latest incursion - to which Israel are probably (privately) thinking "who's going to stop us then?" - the West won't kick Israel out and Iran seem happy to be having a proxy war but won't want to get involved in the actual fighting.


I'm guessing we'll go down the "temporary" settlements for Palestinians somewhere out of the way while Israel work on stabilizing the region?

Definitely definitely not occupy. That's where it will go. 

Just need as much carnage so that the Palestinians don't come back. 

But they're now dying to starvation and are fighting each other for food. So the "temporary" camps might not be very big

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1 hour ago, Gaspode said:

Maggie was happy to lose members of the armed forces and the merchant navy in the Falklands to win an election; Blair committed our armed forces to a war with no evidence to support his decision and no plan how to end the ensuing conflict; Matt Hancock wanted to decide who the NHS could kill off during covid - they all have utter contempt for the lives they sacrifce to meet their long-term aims....)

I remember a Lady Questioning Thatcher on the quote below, That the ship was sailing away from the Falklands, Thatcher was caught off guard and was stuck for an answer(this is what happens when it's a caller on the phone)no preparation 😁 

The Belgrano was outside the 200-mile total exclusion zone at the time of the attack and Mr Nott was asked whether the bombing was therefore justified. He replied: "The General Belgrano was a threat to our men and therefore it is quite correct that she was attacked by our submarines."

Also Nott walked out of an interview when questioned on TV saying "erm er blah blah erm waffle spiffle"

Mad days they were for all of us ☺️ 

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13 hours ago, Crewton said:

It seems an odd strategy for a government and a nation's security service to follow: make yourselves look utterly incompetent, negligent and/or mercenary that the public lose all confidence in you to protect them (allegedly) all in the cause of starting a wider conflict so that multi-billionaires can make a few more billions that presumably they'll have to share around (unless the theory is that one of the serial conspiracists' bogey men is pulling all the strings.....).

But I'm supposed to believe this is more plausible than the theory of actual incompetence/negligence??

Which is worse, seeming incompetent or being incompetent?  If you are only seeming incompetent you can quickly pull your proverbial pants up and rectify that situation, as it can be argued is the current case with IDF making good progress in Gaza.  If you are incompetent, it's a lot harder to gain confidence, because uhh, you are incompetent.

Edited by ramit
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11 hours ago, Gaspode said:

I suspect there's a longer game in play - and very telling that the US yesterday issued a warning to Israel that they counldn't remain as an occupying force after this latest incursion - to which Israel are probably (privately) thinking "who's going to stop us then?" - the West won't kick Israel out and Iran seem happy to be having a proxy war but won't want to get involved in the actual fighting.

In 12 months time, there may well be different boundaries in place and very little anyone can do to put them back to their original positions - which from Israel's viewpoint is a huge win for the cost of a few hundred of their civiliians....and those who think the leadership (Hamas or Israel) wouldn't be happy sacrificing lives to help their long term aims is being naive - politicians don't think like you or I (if you want examples nearer home, Maggie was happy to lose members of the armed forces and the merchant navy in the Falklands to win an election; Blair committed our armed forces to a war with no evidence to support his decision and no plan how to end the ensuing conflict; Matt Hancock wanted to decide who the NHS could kill off during covid - they all have utter contempt for the lives they sacrifce to meet their long-term aims....)

Good post.  The warning from USA is likely just for show.

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15 hours ago, Alpha said:

I think Blinken and Biden are absolutely full of s***. They probably didn't expect the world to react as it has thinking everyone would swallow the narrative. But unfortunately for them it comes so close to Ukraine/Russia that there's some blatant hypocrisy. I think it's just lip service. Eventually they'll talk Israel into ceasefire but unfortunately Palestinians will have to go live in Sinai or internment camps while the region undergoes a rebuild. That will be the official line. But the camps will be permanent. Israel will definitely drag their feet. And wait for the next uprising. 

I don't think it matters if it's Republican or Democrat... The foreign policy always seems pretty much the same. Obama at least talked about Palestinians like they were human from what I remember. Trump of course did his best to goad them. 

Is Trump likely to get back in? Jeez. He'll have them levelling Lebanon!


Trump’s base requires him to support Israel unconditionally. It’s why he moved the embassy to Jerusalem, a devastating thing for the Palestinians. Another Trump presidency would be disastrous for any peace process 

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43 minutes ago, cstand said:

When I posted there was a bias against Israel/Jews I never actually thought people going on a pro Palestine march would be just thick as mince. 


It’s really quite scary, people out on the streets protesting and not the slightest clue of events to even base a judgement on 🤷🏻‍♂️

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2 hours ago, Highgate said:

Didn't Bush start a catastrophic war in Iraq? 

Yes the post war planning for the Iraq was terribly incompetent. Some have argued however the 'freedom agenda' laid the groundwork for the Arab Springs which Obama failed to support on any consistent level. 

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1 hour ago, cstand said:

When I posted there was a bias against Israel/Jews I never actually thought people going on a pro Palestine march would be just thick as mince. 


When I posted Israel was a disgusting Apartheid regime I never actually thought all Israelis were evil. 




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15 minutes ago, Leeds Ram said:

Yes the post war planning for the Iraq was terribly incompetent. Some have argued however the 'freedom agenda' laid the groundwork for the Arab Springs which Obama failed to support on any consistent level. 

Also, he asked for Dijon mustard on his hot dog and wore a tan suit.

The man just wasn't fit to be president. Not a long red tie in sight.

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32 minutes ago, Archied said:

It’s really quite scary, people out on the streets protesting and not the slightest clue of events to even base a judgement on 🤷🏻‍♂️

It's fashionable, It's the thing to do, I've got nowt better to do, My mate asked if I'd go with him(not me)an opportunity to be seen, Take pictures, Show them on face book...It's all Bo*****s.


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10 minutes ago, Alpha said:

When I posted Israel was a disgusting Apartheid regime I never actually thought all Israelis were evil. 




No different from us in the UK back in the day taking the piss out of the Nazis from WW2, John Cleese, Freddie Starr just a couple off the top of my head, Even a royal dressing up as one, It gets attention.

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41 minutes ago, Archied said:

It’s really quite scary, people out on the streets protesting and not the slightest clue of events to even base a judgement on 🤷🏻‍♂️

Seeing as the neo-fascist home secretary wants the protests banned and has regaled the police over refusing to ban them, I've half a mind to get my placard paint out.


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15 minutes ago, The Last Post said:

No different from us in the UK back in the day taking the piss out of the Nazis from WW2, John Cleese, Freddie Starr just a couple off the top of my head, Even a royal dressing up as one, It gets attention.

Yeah I know you're going to get idiots all over the place coming out. 

That's why I'm not sure why we're talking about them. 

They're a minority. Feck em

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A European country has slipped it's leash. Belgium deputy PM wants sanctions on Israel and to ban products from occupied territories. 

Nothing about banning them from Eurovision. It's not that bad. 

Will America stand for this? They'll be no chocolate in Washington this Christmas. Tell her how it works John 



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