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Freedom of Speech


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3 hours ago, DerbysLane said:

This piece of excrement didn't deserve his own thread, so I'll add it on here.  During his trial YouTube were still pushing his videos at me, despite me clicking the not interested/don't recommend buttons.  Jailed for 5 and a half years.


I hadn't seen this.  His earlier comments on the trial now make interesting reading in respect to the topic


Mr Belfield told the jury: "I'm a Nottingham lad with a potty mouth and I speak as I find it, and I appreciate that's not to everyone's taste.

"People who claim I was stalking them were actively seeking out my content.

"Human rights allows me to have free speech in this country, until you are given bail conditions where you cannot speak."

Banged to rights pal

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Thought watching Owen Jones and James O Brien videos was bad enough but Alex took narcissism to another level but I could not help but watch.

It was the forthcoming court date that kept me watching how on earth he thought he was good enough to defend himself in a court of law with no lawyer was unbelievable. 

This meant he could cross examine the victims for several days but really it meant he could keep on harassing them in front of a jury, then he refused to give evidence in his defence. !!

Hard to believe people donated money to his cause of being a whistle blower then never employed a lawyer.


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5 hours ago, DerbysLane said:

This piece of excrement didn't deserve his own thread, so I'll add it on here.  During his trial YouTube were still pushing his videos at me, despite me clicking the not interested/don't recommend buttons.  Jailed for 5 and a half years.


He got done for stalking though.

Not sure what this has got to do with freedom of speech.

Or whether he's from Nottingham or not. 

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He didn't physically stalk anyone.  It was through his YouTube channel and an avalanche of emails.  He has Vardy levels of delusion, appears to thinks he can say anything through freedom of speech.  Well he can but it's going to cost him at least 2 and a half years in jail and Jeremy Vine is also going the libel route so it'll probably cost him all his money too.

As David said in his first post "Freedom of speech does not give you freedom of consequences".  I can't think of a better example.

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14 hours ago, Tyler Durden said:

He got done for stalking though.

Not sure what this has got to do with freedom of speech.

Or whether he's from Nottingham or not. 

Well he kinda used the fact he was a "potty mouthed lad from Nottingham" to explain/excuse some of his behaviour, so I don't think it's totally irrelevant. 

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14 hours ago, Tyler Durden said:

He got done for stalking though.

Not sure what this has got to do with freedom of speech.

Or whether he's from Nottingham or not. 

I do not see that much difference between this Belfield character's sort of behaviour and those who go out of their way to hurl abuse at a family grieving the loss of their mother. The defence of free speech just doesn't apply , it's not your right to try and deliberately cause distress. 

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2 minutes ago, uttoxram75 said:

What was his problem with these people he was cyber stalking. Ive not seen any reason in the media, was it personal, BBC work related? I must admit I'd not really heard of him until a few weeks ago and never seen any of his stuff.

I don't really know , for seem reason Belfield had 300k followers on youtube. I think he had some beef with the BBC (maybe because they didn't keep him on).

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1 hour ago, PistoldPete said:

I do not see that much difference between this Belfield character's sort of behaviour and those who go out of their way to hurl abuse at a family grieving the loss of their mother. The defence of free speech just doesn't apply , it's not your right to try and deliberately cause distress. 

Would the guy who hurled abuse at Randy Andy at the procession and arrested, Been treated the same if it were...say...in a Pizza Express.

I guess it's the occasion and not the person that's the issue.


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22 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

I guess it's the occasion and not the person that's the issue.

Yup - pretty much the same conclusion of the "death of comedy" thread

I don't care if Chubby Brown and Jim Davidson want to tell bigoted jokes to an audience who find it funny. I just wouldn't want to have it foisted on me against my will. It's my choice to NOT go to listen to that material. Same as anyone else who likes Jimmy Carr, Ricky Gervais, Jerry Sadowitz, Frankie Boyle and any other comedian that has made headlines through their material

The problem comes when the press report it, as then people react as if they have been forced to hear jokes they don't like or don't find funny

Same with Prince Andrew - he's clearly not a very nice human being, and I can say that on here and face no sanctions. But I wouldn't go shouting it in a crowd of royalists mourning the death of his mother!



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26 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:


Same with Prince Andrew - he's clearly not a very nice human being, and I can say that on here and face no sanctions. But I wouldn't go shouting it in a crowd of royalists mourning the death of his mother!



There's a time and a place to go mouthing off, Bad planning, I'm no Royalist, January 30th 1649 

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1 hour ago, Unlucky Alf said:

Would the guy who hurled abuse at Randy Andy at the procession and arrested, Been treated the same if it were...say...in a Pizza Express.

I guess it's the occasion and not the person that's the issue.


I would say everyone has the right to free speech. But not to go out of your way to cause distress… bombarding someone with thousands of emails or gatecrashing “Randy Andy ‘s “ mothers procession is not on whatever grievance you may have. 


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59 minutes ago, cstand said:

Can't read the Telegraph one, but the "Christian" group sounds pretty unsavoury.

Whilst your reading of the situation is presumabley aimed at those boring cancel culture stories within universities, this simply seems that a Christian group want to hire a university college building to run their own conference.

The college has looked up what the group is about and decided they don't want to take the business of a group that seems to be anti-homosexual, anti-abortion, anti-Islam etc. More damning than that, the group have worked with Nadine Dorris!

Should organisations have the freedom to refuse the business of groups that hold fundamentalist views? Would GB News run a similar story if the college refused the business of, say, a sect of Muslims who were anti-Christian?

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4 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

Whilst your reading of the situation is presumabley aimed at those boring cancel culture stories within universities

Always a good one. All these loony leftie universities, supposedly indoctrinating the finest minds of the nation with "woke garbage" - leading to us elect a succession of extreme left-wing governments year after year...oh hang on



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7 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

Can't read the Telegraph one, but the "Christian" group sounds pretty unsavoury.

Whilst your reading of the situation is presumabley aimed at those boring cancel culture stories within universities, this simply seems that a Christian group want to hire a university college building to run their own conference.

The college has looked up what the group is about and decided they don't want to take the business of a group that seems to be anti-homosexual, anti-abortion, anti-Islam etc. More damning than that, the group have worked with Nadine Dorris!

Should organisations have the freedom to refuse the business of groups that hold fundamentalist views? Would GB News run a similar story if the college refused the business of, say, a sect of Muslims who were anti-Christian?

I have watched Oxford debates by Tommy Robinson and Jeremy Corbyn not a fan of either but at least I could listen to their views and make my own decision.

Both would be banned now by the divisive cancel culture within our universities it’s about time the government intervened.

Never mentioned looney left or woke garbage it’s about free speech being  denied at Universities which are supposed to be open and inclusive to all views.


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